HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
AUGUST 17, 1988
• The meet' was called to order at 7:00 PM b Chairman Larson. Present were
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Larson, Lulf, Illa, McDonald, Messinger and Grenz. Ir~velace was absent.
Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud, parks and recreation intern
Rick Muller, and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen.
88..73 Motion was made by I~.tlf, seconded by Messinger, to approve the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of August 3, 1988 as read.
Motion passed.
Johnnie Johnsen of St. Croix Recreation was in attendance to present his
revised playground proposal to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Connnittee.
The revised proposal includes adding a climbing arch and a cable ride, two
spring animals and two diggers, and replacing the tube slide with a poly
.slide. The sites have been inspec-~ted to insure the structures can be
appropriately oriented to .the sun and the other park facilities. The cost
of the final proposal will be $14,950 for each park site.
88.74 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Illa, to reconunend that the Park
Dept. purchase the playground equipment for Rolling Oaks and Dakota Heights
Parks from St. Croix Recreation Co. with the changes as proposed..
Motion passed.
Staff reported that Barber Construction will be starting more trail work in
the near future. Installation of the five cement picnic shelter slabs has
begun, with slabs complete at Bunker Hill and Orchard Lake Parks. .Ground
has been broken for construction of the 185th Street link to I-35.
The trail along Ipava to 165th Street is finished. Staff witnessed the
construction company piling dirt and driving on the finished trail during
the recent hot temperatures. The contractor will be responsible for any
damage that was done. Iulf asked about surface maintenance on the trails.
Staff stated they would be seal coated by same method probably in about five
The Marion Pines MPTW will be an 8-foot off street trail on the north side.
of 199th Street. The trail will connect to the section from 199th and Italy
into Antlers Park.
In the Bluebill Estates plat, two pedestrian accesses to Oak Shores Park
were to be given as park dedication, along with cash, however they were not
recorded on the hardshell. It is still required that the developer fit the
accesses into the plat somehow as it is stated in the development agreement.
The railroad crossing at 208th Street is still being delayed by the
railroad. A letter was received from the landholder offering the piece of
property to the city at the price of $10,500. The property is 100' X 150'
and is zoned commercial. Staff will consider a counter offer and negotiate
for the best price. Staff and corrnnittee both felt this was a very important
piece of property for the trail link.
..Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
August 17, 1988
Page -2-
Staff re rted tha ~ ~
po t the Tree 'T'rust crew has completed about 500 of the 700
retaining wall at Orchard Lake Park. This is the last week for the Tree
Trust crews to be working, however the supervisors will return to finish the
Plans and specs have been ordered for storm water drainage for .Independence
Park. Staff will meet with Joe Miller, the original developer, to see what
assistance he is willing to offer in the matter.
Committee discussed the offer presented to the city for the purchase of the
Goff property. The proposal is for the city to purchase five acres of land
.abutting Valley Lake Park for the cost of .$20,000 per acre. The addition of
five acres to the park would change the entire concept and configuration of
the park, which could be addressed at a later date, should the property be
added. Messinger reminded staff and conunittee of the citizen interest in
the are to keep the land from being developed high density. .She stated the
park system needs more quiet walking areas, however staff did not agree that
.there is a shortage of such areas. Grenz stat~l there is a lot more land
surrounding the area and. it would not be sensible to think development could
be stopped. Staff also stated that we must keep acquisitions and
development in perspective of the entire park dept. Illa agreed with Grenz
that it is too much money and there is enough park land in that area.
88.75 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to authorize staff to
enter into negotiations with Mr. Goff and assess the park dedication fund
for the appropriateness of this purchase.
.Ayes: Messinger, McDonald, Lulf, Larson, Illa.
Nay: Grenz, for reasons stated.
Motion passed.
Staff also discussed with the connnittee the purchase of approximately a
35-acre site in the northeast corner of Lakeville for a future comm~uzity
park/playfield. This area is not in the Urban Service Area and is therefore
not as costly per acre. Staff feels this would be a good long-range
investment and some contact has been made with the landowners.
Staff and committee discussed the potential. development of Ritter Farm Park.
This will be put on the next Park and Recreation agenda for the purpose of
initiating a new master plan for the park.
Grenz asked about the island of land in the former Barrett property. Staff
stated Good Value Homes is working in the area and will keep the committee
informed of any progress..
The engineers have agreed to pay for another seeding of North Park.
Friedges will be doing the work. Irrigation systems are being explored,
especially for North Park. The units which staff is looking at are capable
of being brought from park to park and used where needed. Staff feels two
units working in unison would be ideal. The cost of two units would be
under $15,000 plus the cost of putting the hydrant into the park, compared
.Parks .and Recreation Advisory Connnittee
August 17, 1988
Page -3-
• with the cost of a roximatel 65 000 for an in rinkl' stem.
PP Y $ -ground sp uzg sy
Staff will keep the cannnittee updated on the progress of this project.
The. North Park and Foxborough Park shelter buildings were discussed. The
vertical ladder which had been proposed on the interior of the building was
disallowed but a solution for a short stairway was found. Kitchen
appliances and facilities and restroom facilities were discussed. Plans and
specs will hopefully be ready for council by the first meeting in
:September. This will call for a special meeting of the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Corrnnittee to approve the plans previous to that. Staff will check
with the architect on the status of the plans and contact the ccamnittee.
Staff was pleased with the engineer's estimate of $2,250 for The Cove trail
project, which will be bid with the street project in that area.
Seven children volunteers has been qualified to receive Valleyfair tickets
for successfully completing 8 hours of park volunteer service picking up
trash, sweeping trails, etc. Pat Messinger and Mary McDonald each
supervised a crew.
It was brought to the attention of the Park Director that on page 5 of the
city council minutes of August 1st it is mentioned that the County Road 46
trail will be paved to Excel .Avenue, when it should. state the trail is to be
paved to Fairgreen Avenue. Staff will check on this.
• Contact has been made with Dakota County in reference to the trail crossing
on County Road 64 by Antlers Park. It was requested that the crossing be
better marked and the speed limit reduced. The county stated speed limits
are very difficult to change once set but will do some striping as
requested. Some striping could also be done by the city to meet the needs.
88.710 Since there was no further business, motion was made by McDonald, seconded
by Lulf, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.
fully 'tted,
Je f Larson, Chairman
Larry Secre