HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
AUGUST 3, 1988
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Larson. Present were
Larson, Lovelace, Messinger, Illa, Grenz and Lulf. McDonald called and
was unable to attend. Also present was Park Director Steve Michaud.
88.69 Motion was made by Illa, seconded by Lovelace, to approve the minutes of
the July 20, 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory Connnittee meeting.
Motion passed.
88.70 Motion was made by Lovelace, seconded by Messinger, to approve the
minutes of the July 27, 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Motion passed.
Johnnie Johnsen of St. Croix Recreation Company, distributor of Big Toys
playground equipment, was in attendance to discuss the models he had
prepared for Rolling Oaks and Dakota Heights playgrounds. The commmittee
discussed the specific needs for two-five year olds and what is really
desired for this age group. The committee suggestions were to replace
tire swing with three to/fro swings, arch climber instead of chain
climber, add steering wheel, remove plexiglass window, add-two animal
springs and two shovel toys.
In the older lot the committee decided to .delete the chain climber and
• exchange tine climber for cargo net; exchange track slide for cable
slide; take out log climb; and exchange climbing tube for poly tube
It was decided that the same models will be used for both parks. Johnnie
Johnsen will resubmit his price after all the changes are made.
Staff reports were given. Some current projects being worked on in the
park department include Dakota Heights parking lot; fencing for fields 5,
6, 7 and 8 at Aronson Park; designing of a memorial garden at James
Jensen Park, designing and building lifeguard storage shack at Antlers
Park. Some upcoming projects were discussed including a trail at Bassett
Park and Oak Shores Park, paving of parking lot and capping a well at
Orchard Lake Park, stacking dock at Casperson Park, a bridge at Lakeridae
Park. Areas that need some equipment and designing are Wayside Park,
Lone Oak Park and Kenreel Park. It was mentioned by committee members
that Oak Shores pond and shore area need some clean up.
The bridge has been installed at Ritter Farm Park and the ski trail is
being widened there. The school will be sharing the cyst of the trail at
High School. The Tree Trust crew is working on the retaining wall at
Orchard Lake Park. The Aquatics Director. is planning a recognition
banquet for this year's lifeguards because of the fine job they have
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
August 3,.1988
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The con4nittee looked at the Wehrman, Bergly Associates's schematic plan
for Raven Lake Park. Concept A was chosen by the conmtittee.
88.71 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Illa, to send a letter to Tom
Cxouch, Raven Lake developer, along with a concept plan for his romunents.
Motion passed.
The conmiittee looked at the plan for a solution to the Independence Park
drainage problem. Plans are to install some drainage pipes underground
which will make room for a standard size ball field. The cost for the
drainage pipes. will be approximately $36,000.00.
Staff reported progress is being made at North Park. The soccer fields
will be reseeded and posts are being installed for the ballfield fencing.
The conmiittee discussed the park shelters at Foxborough and North Park
and their corresponding budgets.
Staff is working on a forestry program and will keep the connnittee
informed of the progress on this program.
Comm~ittee mentioned there is a light out at Valley Lake Park.
• 88.72. Motion was made by I~ul.f, seconded by Lovelace, to adjourn.
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
e n, Chairman
Larry f, Secr