HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-27 CITY OF LAKE'~7IT T F'
JULY 27, 1988
• The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM b Chairman Larson. Members
present were Larson,Lwelace, Messinger, Illa, 7azlf and McDonald. Grenz
was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording
secretary Judi Ringeisen.
Staff discussed council's tabling of the equestrian trail reco~¢nendation.
Staff has since checked with the city attorney on the city's physical
liability limits and found them to be the park boundaries. The park dept.
is also planning to post trail marker and reassurance signs within the
park.. Staff has some ideas for some seasonal trail head signs for
equestrian and ski and snowmobile trails. Another packet of information
will go the council for their August 1st meeting and committee will be
kept informed on the progress of this issue.
Mr. Neil Weber from Schwarz/Weber Architects was present: with plans for
the Foxborough and North Parks shelter buildings. Changes were suggested
by staff and corrnnittee and were critiqued. The basic structure of
Foxborough has been increased by two feet to accoirnnodate some expansions
to the restrooms and storage areas. The architect advised staff that the
best bids would be received if the two buildings were bid as one package.
The North Park building plan has been expanded for lamer restroom
facilities also. The architect pointed out several unique features of the
buildings and how he perceives the buildings functioning.
• The architect advises meeting with the State Health Dept. concerning the
concession area at North Park in order to address all the requirements.
The access to the dead storage space is being looked into; whether a
permanent stairway needs to be built or if a ship's ladder is adequate -
depending upon the use. No carpeting or flooring has been budget for the
main room. Both buildings are mostly brick with cedar trim. .The
co~nittee suggested eliminating the porch area from the Foxborough plan in
lieu of a separate open air picnic shelter which would be more in sight
with the playground.
Staff asked about the durability of a metal roof. Mr. Weber said he
hadn't heard of any problems with them but will also check with the
manufacturer to see what kinds of problems, if any, are being encountered.
The vandalism potential cost difference was also discussed between a metal
roof and wood shingles. Staff would like the conmiittee to form a
subcommittee to meet on a regular basis with staff and the architect on
the plans in order to expedite the process. It was felt that bidding
should be done soon since contractors are experiencing good working
weather and do not seem to be behind in their projects as often happens
this time of the year.
Final building plans will go to council for their approval before bid,
hopefully in early September.
Planning Commission member Whitey Whitehouse was in attendance with
• concerns about the letter which was received by connnittee and staff in
reference to the surface water regulations on Kingsley Lake. The DNR has
issued permits for a water ski course to be set up on the lake, which was
in conflict with the intensions of the City of Lakeville. Whitehouse also
. stated he has experienced problems with p~aer boat speed on Orchard Lake..
McDonald suggested the lake residents be called together for a meeting to
get their input on the situation. Whitehouse would also like to see some
restraints put on water skiing similar to the Lake Marion ordinance.
Committee concurred with having some semblance to the surface water
ordinance for the various Lakeville lakes. Also,. Whitehouse would like
the problem of ice fishermen leaving trash on the lakes to be addressed.
Staff informed the co~rnnittee he had been approached by Pat Goff inviting
the Park Dept. to purchase five acres of his property adjoining Valley
Lake Park for the cost of $20,000 per acre. Staff will request a written
proposal from the landowner. Canunittee urged staff to continue
Steve Michaud has been invited by the DNR to be a speaker at the National
Trails Symposium to be held in Atlanta in September. The I~iR feels the
trail dedication orcinance and trail system are unique and should be
shared with other interested officials. Connnittee felt it was an honor to
be asked to speak in reference to Lakeville's trails. Staff will check to
see .what is in the budget for this symposium.
:88.67 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to support staff's
attendance at the National Trails Symposium.
Motion passed.
Staff discussed the trail crossing the railroad property at 208th Street.
• A meeting was held with a real estate agent who expressed a desire to sell
the property to the city rather than give them an easement. Staff
suggested the. land be donated by the holding company; they will study that
and come up with a proposal.
The Lakeway PUD trail was discussed. Joplin will have five-foot sidewalks
on both sides. The traffic will be diverted from the north, but there
will be two-way bike traffic on Joplin.
Staff and committee reviewed the playground proposals. .Messinger had
taken the plans home to study since she was not in attendance at-the
meeting. .She feels more emphasis needs to be placed on equipment which
develops upper body strength. This and other suggestions were noted by
the rest of the committee. Staff feels Big Toys has proven in the past
that they are flexible and their equipment is of good quality. Their
representative will be invited to attend the next meeting and suggestions
will be offered for substitutions on the proposals. Committee members
felt the separation of the two structures was a good idea. Illa stated
there are many children in both areas and it would be a good plan.
McDonald stated she had talked to Dakota County about the Dodd/Pilot Knob
intersection and they stated they would not make plans at this time to
straighten the intersection. She feels another trail into Valley Lake
Park would ease the bun~ien on the trail along 160th Street. Staff stated
a trail will be included in the state aid development of Flagstaff, on the
• west side only.
Parks and Recreation Committee minutes
July 27, 1988
Page -3-
Staff informed the conmiittee of some maintenance projects which are
getting completed by city staff and the Tree Trust crews rebuilding the
boat launches, tree clearing at Dakota Heights, Orchard lake Park
retaining wall restoration, parking lot fencing, fencing at Ritter Park
and hockey rink painting. Planting beds are to be prepared for next
stmmter and identification of these areas is being done. McDonald
suggested flowers or small shrubs on the banking at Valley Lake Park.
Larson suggested that neighborhood parks be taken care of by the people in
the individual neighborhoods after the initial planting is done.
The recreation and senior citizen programs are all going well. Staff .has
had a request for a trail in Independence Park, which is part of the
master plan.
The installation of the shelters will begin soon, with the first set to go
in at Orchard Lake Park. Requests for bids have gone out for the cement
A new maintenance worker who has considerable knc.~aledge in landscaping has
been hired to replace Clint Zweber. Dan. Bale is preparing an Urban
Forestry program for Lakeville since the forestry division is now under
the control of the park department. The purpose of this program is to
protect the natural environment and to keep oak wilt and Dutch Elm from
spreading. Many developers cause stress to the trees in their plats and
• with the new program they will be required to work within an individual
forestry program for each piece of property in their plat. Presently no
new trees are being planted on the boulevards because there are not enough
maintenance .people to care for them. It is hoped this can be corrected.
88.68 Since there was no new business, it was moved by Lovelace, seconded by
Illa, to adjourn.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.
Res fully submi ,
of Larson, Chairman
Larry Seer