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• JULY 20, 1988
The meting was called to order by Vice Chairperson McDonald at 7:00 PM.
Members present were McDonald, Lulf, Grenz and Illa. Absent: Lovelace.
Larson, and Messinger had conflicts. Also present: reco~ing secretary
Judi Ringeisen.
88.67 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Illa, to approve the minutes of
the July 6, 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory Corrnmittee meeting.
Motion passed.
McDonald informed the secretary that her packet had not been delivered.
Another packet will be prepared.
The committee reviewed. the proposed Crystal Lake Surface Water Zoning
Ordinance. One area questioned was 8-8-7(B) where it refers to 8-8-7(D).
It was presumed this should read 8-8-6. The car~miittee also asked about
the differences between this ordinance and the one in force for Lake
Marion. A copy of .the city code was distributed. Grenz also suggested
that other area lakes. be classified and ordinances written for Orchard,
Kingsley, Valley and Lee Lakes. Grenz questioned the possible need for
..stricter water skiing times.
88.68 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Lul.f, to approve the Crystal Lake
Surface Water Zoning Ondinance as written with the exception of the
• correction in paragraph 8-8-7(B).
Motion passed.
The committee reviewed the playground proposals and bids for Rolling Oaks
and Dakota Heights Parks. Grenz conunented on the sometimes wide gaps
between the rungs on the ladders on the Big Toysequipment. The conanittee
favored the idea of two separate structures at each park, thus separating
the age groups. It was suggested that the general age of the children at
Dakota Heights is probably older than at Rolling Oaks. It mic~t be a good
idea to put one large structure at Dakota Heights and two at Rolling
Oaks. The connnittee would like to see more track rides and cargo nets on
the equipment.
The committee will continue this discussion. at the July 27, 1988 special
88.69 Motion was made by Illa, seconded by Grenz, to set a special meeting of
the Parks and Recreation Advisory Comanittee for the purpose of reviewing
the building designs for Foxborough Park and North Park and also to
further review and made a recon~nendation on the playground proposals.. The
special meeting will be held on July 27, 1988 at 6:30 PM.
Motion passed.
.Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
July 20, 1988
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The coirnnittee discussed the plans for the buildings at Foxborough and
North Parks. It was suggested. that the restrooms be enlarged with a
changing table and additional stall added in both restrooms at Foxborough.
Other changes could be made with with storage space.
Illa asked who is responsible for the ballfields at the schools and said
they are not maintained to the level of the city parks. Larry Lulf is on
the LAA board and is the liaison to the school. He will mention it to the
appropriate people and see what can be done to improve the field
88.70 Since there was no further business, motion was made by Lulf, seconded by
McDonald, to adjourn.
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
ald, Vice Chairperson
Larry Secre