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JULY 6, 1988
• Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Larson. Members
present were Lovelace, Grenz, Larson, Illa, McDonald,. Lulf and Messinger.
Also .present. were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi
88.62 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Lovelace, to approve the minutes of
of the June 15, 1988 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting as read.
Motion passed.
Byron Watschke was present to review his Lakeway Park PUD plat with the
co~mtittee. The plat was originally preliminary platted in 1980 and is
located north of 185th Street and south of SouthFork. The developer is
planning to start phased development on the south side, beginning with
twin heaves, moving into the apartment building phase and finally the
office park portion of the plat. The park director addressed the trail
needs in the area. 120' ROW's are planned for the interior streets and it
was felt there would not be a need for an additional off street trail
along those streets. Along Joplin Avenue the Park Director suggested an
8' trail on one side with a 5' sidewalk on the other. Since this is an
area where there would normally be a 5' trail on both sides, the city
would pay for the difference of the 8' trail. Staff will check on whether
concrete will be required, however the trails should be of consistent
• The developer asked about the possible abandonment of the railroad and if
that could be implemented into the tail system. Because of the State I-35
project which will be done ira the near future, it would not be
economically feasible to put in the trail at this time, since it would
have to be torn out.
88.63 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Grenz, to recormnend to city council
that a cash contribution be required in order to satisfy the park
dedication requirements for the Iakeway Park PUD. The reco~miexadation is
contingent on staff meeting with the engineers and planners and have the
trail locations and specifications approved.
Aye: Larson, Lulf, Grenz, Lovelace and Illa
Messinger and McDonald abstained because they were not present for the
entire review by the developer.
The conmtittee discussed the policy on making recommendations on plats.
Several coirnnittee members felt that more time was needed between the
review and the recommPxadation. Larson pointed out that it is the
conmiittee's responsibility to preserve natural beauty and aesthetic values
and the comYnittee would like to have more time to view each property and
make a more calculated decision.
Under staff reports, the Park Director reported that the drought has taken
its toll on the parks. What can be cut is being cut. The maintenance
staff is watering trees, shrubs and flower gardens with the tanker truck.
None of the pine trees which were planted last year have been lost.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
July 6, 1988
Page -2-
• The parks have had a normal frequency of vandalism. Plans are being made
to install a fence at Ritter Farm Park and the person who is living at the
homestead there will assist in the Park Watch program for that area.
The recreation programs are going well with good attendance at the
programs. The beach operations are running smoothly with emergency drills
having been held at each location. The Park Ranger has been out on
various calls and is doing his job well. Staff would like to increase the
budget for 1989 in order to add more patrol time.
The bike trail paving project is moving along and should be complete in
about two weeks. No seeding will be done along the trails until late
August or early September so the landscaping will remain fairly rough
Staff informed the comn?ittee that Donohue has agreed to assume the costs
of repairs and reseeding of North Park. However, there will be no
guarantee of grass growth without some kind of irrigation availability.
The Park Director has been advised that it would be very expensive to
install a system at this point but rather the system should be designed
now, take bids on it this winter and install it in the spring. A decision
needs to be made whether it would be anon-site well or an extension from
the city sewer and water system. It was felt that anon-site well would
be the most feasible, since it would be used during watering bans.
• Staff has also reco~m~er~ded a paved parking lot in North Park to cover a
46-car lot and driveway up to the new building. Staff has met with Neil
Weber who has suggested a metal roof for the building. Staff stated he
would not be opposed to this if it was of good aesthetic value.
Completion of the buildings in North Park and Foxborough are expected
before freeze-up.
Work is also being done at Aronson Park. The restrooms are being painted
and new towel dispensers are being installed in preparation for the
Pan-O-Prog tournament this weekend.
Staff is in the process of writing a grant for Casperson Park, which will
be delivered to the Office of Trade and Economic Development on Friday.
Specs have been prepared by the building inspection dept. for the concrete
work on the picnic shelters. If the maintenance crew is too busy to
construct the shelters, the job will be put up for bids by a carpenter so
the project can be done on a timely basis.
Some work needs to be done at the Valley hake beach but staff does not
want to interrupt the swimn?ing season during this very hot weather. It is
hoped the Tree Trust crew will do this project along with the retaining
wall at Orchard Lake.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
July 6, 1988
Page -3-
• The Ritter Farm Park equestrian trail issue was discussed by council, who
directed staff to return the issue to the Parks and Recreation Committee
for a final reconmlendation.
.88.64 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Grenz, to reconunend approval of
the on~inance designating an equestrian trail in Ritter Farm Park with the
exception of the change in the trail on the south on existing roadway, as
shown on the map.
Motion passed.
The Fairfield Business Park is being platted by the City of Lakeville in
the area of the I-35/Co. Rd. 70 water tamer. Several acres have been set
aside in the plat for park land. Staff suggested to the carrunittee that
they drive out and take a look at the property. Some committee members
asked about the location of the park and if it could be made more central.
Staff will check on the feasibility of that.
Connnittee members were informed that the council had approved the
feasibility study for the intersection improvement at Pilot Knob Road and
160th Street.
88.65 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to recommend to council
that the improvement project incorporate the construction of the bike
trails south on Dodd and west on 160th Street to Faizgreen Avenue.
• Motion passed.
Under new business, staff informed the con4nittee that the budget process
for 1989 and 1990 will begin soon and asked the committee to bring
suggestions to the next meeting.
Request -for proposals have been requested from Wehrntian, Bergly and.Barton-
Aschman for the review of the Raven Lake plan.
Interviews will begin on Friday, July 8th to fill the maintenance position
left vacant due to the retirement of Clint Zweber.
Staff has discussed the pull-tab fund raiser issue with the attorneys.
Staff is formulating a plan to sell pull-tabs through the Liquor Stores for
the purpose of a Park Development Foundation to fund capital improvements
in the future. The foundation could be governed by the Park and Recreation
Committee and include members of civic organizations and sports leagues.
Grenz cautioned staff that the funds need to be specifically earmarked to
prevent the funds from being used for such things as maintenance.
The committee received a letter from Lorraine Halli concerning the trail. on
Ipava Avenue. Council has also received a copy of the letter to keep them
up to date on her attitude concerning the trail.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Connnittee minutes
July 6, 1988
Page -4-
As requested by staff, Donohue will be doing a study on the storm water
drainage and ponding at Independence Park. The study will examine the
effect of storm sewer installation at the park and estimate the cost of
installation. Committee will receive a copy of the report when complete.
Staff informed the committee that the bids for the basketball hoops had.
been received and the materials have been ordered.
88.66 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Illa, seconded by
Lulf, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.
R fully submitted,
f Larson, Chairman
Larry Lulf, Secretary