HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
JUNE 15, 1988
• Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Larson. Members present
were Larson, Lovelace, Messinger and Grenz. McDonald had called and was not
able to attend; Lulf was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve
Michaud and recon-~ing secretary Leslee Gustafson.
88.59 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lovelace, to approve the minutes
of the June 1, 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting.
Motion passed.
Staff reported that the maintenance division is running well. Most of the
CETA workers have started and there is a crew working Wednesday through
Sunday shift. Staff is prioritizing projects for the Tree Trust crews who
will be working on things such as clearing the ponding area in Dakota Height
Park and discing and mulching around the new trees in the parks.
Due to the drought, the watering program is continuing. Two trucks will
soon be doing the watering of all trees which have been planted in the past
five years and also the flower beds.
A brief report on the ranger program was received by the con~nittee. The new
ranger, John Beaumaster, has recently started. Same vandalism was reported
at Orchard Lake Park.
Under development, staff reported that the plans and specs for Oak Shore
tennis courts were. not received for the council agenda and so will be moved
back two weeks. Staff is recommending that a basketball court be added
since there is a lack of facilities in that sector of the city. The project
will probably not be started until September 1st due to the weather. Grenz
suggested the park be signed so people would identify it as a Lakeville
North Park will need some additional grading to correct problems with soccer
fields and drainage problems. Donohue will pay for the repairs since it was
the fault of their inspectors. No seeding will be done at the park until
September 1st.
The coirnnittee discussed the possibility of installing an irrigation system
of some kind at North Park, either hooking up to the City water/sewer system
or having a well dug on the premises. The possibility of having a
quick-link, such as golf courses use was suggested. The need is evident to
water the four main decks and the baseball field. Staff will look into the
economics of each possibility.
88.60 .Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to look into all options
for irrigation for North Park and prepare for installation by September
1st. Messinger would like more discussion before a decision is made.
Motion passed.
Staff reported that letters were submitted to all contractors of Valley
Lake, North Park and Antlers about the seeding. The contractors are
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
June 17, 1988
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• responsible for the growth and must come back to reseed. if it is not
Review is being made by Federal officials on the LAWCON sites. The sidewalk
at Antlers Park is now level; there was a five year guarantee.
Staff has submitted a request to city council for their next meeting to
approve a ongoing consulting contract with Barton-P.,schman or Wehrman, Bendy
for landscape architectural work with the Park Department. This would
eliminate going to Donohue on every project.
Staff is also requesting approval from city council to submit a LAWCON grant
for the development of Caspersen Park in the amount of $200,000 to 300,000.
Possible areas for points would be projects with community donations (20%),
in kind work or cash. Larson suggested the Jaycees may be looking for a
project. Staff will solicit them and the VFW.
Major projects are going well. Aronson Park trail will not be started until
after Pan-O-Frog. Rolling Oaks grading is done; the seeding and mulching
will be done this fall. Larson reported the Meadows trail is completed;
Larson conmtented that the corners are very sharp.
The recreation program registrations are going well. Some programs still
need more registrations so they can proceed. Grenz said .signs should be put
• up for the kids fishing tournament at Valley Lake this Saturday. The
Hershey Track Meet which was held Wednesday and the Walk .Lakeville event
last Saturday both went well. Same problems were encountered with the
computer program which we are evaluating. A power surge in the computer
caused the loss of all the information which had been put in.
Staff has met with the Hockey Boosters who report an increase in the number
of teams in their program. Another rink will be installed at Foxborough.
Staff is looking into the feasibility of pull tabs helping to support park
development, including hockey programs.
Panes-Prcx~ plans are moving ahead. The president of this year's celebration
is Dave Krause. Staff has attended several board meetings in planning.
Coirnni.ttee received a copy of the City Council agenda for June 20, 1988.
Several items pertaining to the park department are on the agenda including
the approval of the jet ski race, the approval of the agreements with
Barton-Aschman and Wehrman, Bengly for park and recreation. services, LAWCON
grant approval, change order adding bike trails to project 87-4, appointment
of a citizen to fill the vacancy on the Parks & Recreation connnittee, and
.the approval of the ordinance allauring equestrian trail in Ritter Farm Park.
Under plat reviews staff discussed the Harstad property with the committee
and asked for their input. A decision does not need to be made at this
point. The final plats of three phases of Highview Heights and their
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
June 15, 1988
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development agreements are in the process of be' completed. Marion Pines
is proceeding through channels. Orchard Lake Hills is on the council agenda
for Monday night. Several options for this plat will be discussed in an
effort to satisfy the concerned citizens in the area.. Staff is researching
the ownership of the adjoining land for possible acquisition; Klotz also has
the option on this land. Larson asked about checking into the sale of
Wayside Park. Staff stated it has not yet been determined. It was also
mentioned that the Goff property near Valley Lake is now for sale.
There has been some movement on The Cove plat. Some of the material which
will be dredged out of the lake in that area will be put on the low-lying
park properties, possibly at Bassett Park. The City is platting 70 acres
near the water tower on I-35 and Co. Rd. 70 to be a commercial park. A firm
from Sweden has shown some interest in the property.
Poquette's golf course is being planned, with four of the 18 holes now
designed for the Gary Player course.
Under old business, the raft quotes of approximately $2,300 were received
for the raft at Valley Lake. It is a hand poly exterior with Styrofoam
enclosed, supposedly vandal proof. Orchard Lake Beach will receive the
repaired raft.
Messinger asked about the PDQ development progress at 160th & Dodd and what
• the plans were for the bike past in this area. Staff meetings will be held
and staff will keep the connnittee informed. Committee is also concerned
about where the road will be going and who will pay for the improvements.
Plans and specs are 95% completed for the playground equipment purchases for
Rolling Oaks and Dakota Heights Parks. Bids will be taken soon.
The plans for the new City Hall are also moving forward. Two site plans are
being look~l at - the possibility of a new building at 202nd St. & Holyoke,
and the possibility of remodeling the Liquor Store for the building.
Funding options are of course different for each project and the city
council will look at the economics of each before any decision is made.
Under new business staff reported the State laws had changed making it
necessary to work on the 1989 and 1990 budgets at once. The Park fund will
be completed in November, 1988.
Messinger requested that trash cans be planed at the Bunker Hill tennis
Larson asked about training plans for the committee. Steve stated that
money is budgeted for conferences and the State conference is coming up.
There will be a six city planning session involving Lakeville, Burnsville,
Eagan, Farmington, Apple Valley and Rosemount.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
June 15, 1988
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• The 6-city park dept. cooperative may purchase four sections of the portable
stage for various events in the cities. Messinger would like to see more
concerts and plays at the parks. Staff told her about the Arts Grant for
1989 which has been submitted.
88.61 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lovelace, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.
Res fully 't ,
f Larson, Chairman
A T:
Larry Secre