HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01 CITY OF LAKEVILZ,E PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY CX~MMI'ITEE MIN[TI'ES JUNE 1, 1988 • The meeting was called to order b Chairman Larson at 7:00 PM. Present were Y Larson, Grenz, Lulf, McDonald and Messinger. Lovelace was unable to attend. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.52 Motion was made by Lxzlf, seconded by Grenz, to approve the minutes of the May 18, 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. Motion passed. Mary Liz Holberg, 12195 Upper 167th St. W., was present to discuss the Orchard Lake Hills plat with the Parks and Recreation Committee. She and her neighbors have several concerns with the plat, especially in the areas of providing a park / playground area for the children of the neighborhood and the destruction of much wildlife in the area if the plat is developed. She stated that at the present time the children play in a vacant lot which will be developed, leaving. no play area unless the children cross a busy street. Staff explained that this is mostly a replat, therefore there is not any park dedication involved and the city is not in the position to buy land in the area for parks. Also in accordance with the current Park and Open Space System Plan, there are no parks identified in the area, except far Wayside Park. Larson suggested the possibility of selling Wayside Park and using the funds to purchase some other piece of property that would be more accessible to • this neighborhood. Staff will check on the history of the property to determine whether it could be legally sold. McDonald stated she would like to have some park land in the area, especially if it is .accessible to all citizens of Lakeville. There are regional corridors on two sides of the Orchard Lake Hills plat. Grenz stated there are several areas of similar natural beauty and wildlife in Lakeville and it would be impossible to try to preserve all of them. Tne Natural Resources Committee has not yet made a recommendation on the plat. Messinger feels more small areas of natural wildlife resources need to be included in the park system. Larson also feels the Park and Rec Committee needs to concentrate on wildlife areas that are accessible to .all citizens of Lakeville. It was also brought to the attention of the committee that there is an 8-acre, piece of property which is basically landlocked which could possibly be obtained when and if the surrounding area is developed. This land also has a valuable potential for wildlife preservation. Lulf suggested that since no park has been identified for the area, the. committee wait for the railroad abandonment so a trailway could go through and try to obtain the 8-acre parcel. 88.53- .Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, that in lieu of citizen concerns, the committee would like land in the form of a trail corridor. The Park Director will contact the landowner about donating the land.. If • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes Jude 1, 1988 Page -2- • this roves to be p infeasible, the cotrnnittee will imrestigate purchasing a swath of property for the purpose of providing a scenic easement for all the citizens of Lakeville. The coirnnittee further moved a trail corridor be requested, whether or not there is any land donation from the plat. Motion passed. Staff and conIlnittee reviewed items which will be on the city council agenda for June 6, 1988. These park related items include approval of bids on several projects, the Ritter Farm Park equestrian trail issue, the SYETP worksite agreements and the rental of the cabin at Casperson Park. The city council will also be taking action on the Shady Oak Shores and Orchard Lake .Hills plats. Staff informed the rorrunittee that the hockey association is working on fund raising for an arena. One possible idea is the proceeds of pull tabs, which could be sold in the off-sale liquor stores. The legalities of this will be explored, especially in the area of allocations of profits. to building and real estate. The Park Director informed the committee of a grant which could be available for Casperson Park in 1989. He suggested that instead of spending the funds in 1988, a grant could be written for possible matching funds in 1989. Lakeville also has potential to obtain a grant for development in Ritter Farm Park in 1989. i 88.54 Motion .was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to support the Park and Recreation staff in the writing of grants for the development of Casperson Park and Ritter Farm Park. Motion passed. Staff reported that the maintenance division is every busy getting the beaches ready, fencing projects, development and maintenance projects. Some remodeling. repairs and upgrading is proposed for. the Aronson Park rest rooms. New buoys are needed for the Antlers Park and Orchard Fake beaches which will cost about $4,000. No buoys are needed for Valley Lake at this.. time since there. is not motorized vehicle traffic in that lake, however, the raft at Valley lake will be replaced with a heavy duty unit. 88.55 Motion. was made by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to reco~tnnend to city council the amending of the park improvement budget to include expenditures for the restroom upgrade at Aronson Park, the buoys at Antlers and Orchard Lake beaches, and the raft at Valley Lake. Motion passed. Staff reported that two positions have been added to the Dakota: County SYETP iri addition to the Tree Trust crew. Some projects. that are planned. for the crews this summer include clearing out the wooded area at Dakota Heights Park, trail clearing at Ritter Park and the construction of several retaining walls.. • The paddle boat building is complete at Antlers Park and the business is operating. There is an idea of getting some kind of parental permission Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes June 1, 1988 Page -3- s so those pas under 16 could go out zn the paddleboats. The operator is also looking into the possibility of including a couple aluminum boats in the operation. Staff and conunittee feel that this would be providing a service to the citizens. Staff reported some progress in the dealings with the railroad for the trail crossings. Some trails have been paved in Rolling Oaks. The trails in the Meadows are almost complete. The neighbors have made some requests for ..culvert screens, which will be fabricated and installed. The Recreation division is busy taking registrations for stmnner programs. There has been a very positive response to the summer brochure and much interest is being shown in the programs. The Recreation Supervisor has_just completed a state arts grant for concerts in the park in 1989. The conrnittee discussed the Marion Pines plat. It was felt that a paved shoulder should be planned for 199th Street for a connection to the 199th Street/Italy Ave. trail. It was also suggested that if Jaguar Avenue is upgraded, a paved shoulder should be included for a trail connection with the High School .trail. 88.56 It was. moved by Lulf, seconded by McDonald, to recommexid to city council that because of trail needs in the area and the vital link this area would provide, an additional 8' shoulder should be requested for the street improvement projects. in conjunction with this plat. Any available park dedication requirements would be used for trail credits in the area. Motion passed. Staff and committee discussed the Ipava Avenue trail issue. This ..issue .has. been continuing for months with comments and input from the area residents and the school officials. It is felt that because of the tremendous park, school and residential development in the area the trail is necessary; the 1988 unit price has been approved and delays would mean cost increases; if the school uses the trail route, proper crossings would be provided and this section could be closed in the winter until the driveways along Ipava Ave. are .relocated to the rear of the properties. 88.57 It was moved by Grenz, seconded by Messinger, to continue with the original plans to install a trail on both sides of Ipava Avenue. In addition to-this. recommendation, the committee is also requesting that a four way stop be installed at Ipava Avenue and 165th Street to provide fora safe crossing from the west side of Ipava Avenue to the east side and vice versa. It is further reconmiended that at such time when road accesses become available behind the citizens homes who have steep driveways, that appropriate measures be taken to acconunodate new driveway accesses to the future roads. Ayes: Messinger, Larson, Lulf and Grenz. Nay: McDonald because she feels. the steep driveway situation .should have been corrected and proper access provided during the initial construction of Ipava Avenue and not have been left with the situation we have today, which is potentially dangerous in the wintertime.. • Motion passed. Parks and Recreation Advisory Co~nnittee minutes June 1, 1988 Page -4- • Committee .received a letter from a Cen Realtor co tury 21 ncernulg the sale of the lot on the corner of 208th Street and Holt Avenue. This will be put on the agenda on June 15, 1988 for consideration. Under other business, staff discussed the Memorial Day activity at the boat .launch. Several. cars were ticketed at the launch and the sheriff was on patrol on Lake Marion. The Flauaer Power program will be starting at Antlers and James Jensen Parks. Connnittee members would also like. to have plantings done at The Meadows and Valley Lake Parks. Staff will look into the possibility of expanding the P~'an• Larson reported the Park Watch meeting on May 26th was well supported. The signs. will be installed. this week. The cannnittee showed an interest in receiving an occasional sunmtiary of park ranger activity. Staff suggested that some type of report could be done or perhaps the ranger could attend one monthly meeting.. 88.58 Since there was no further business, it was moved by McDonald, seconded by Messinger,: to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 PM. • R fully submitted Jef Larson, Chairman ATTEST' Larry Lulf, Secretary Jr •