HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18 CITY OF LAKEVILLF PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMNBTTEE N.QNUTFS MAY 18, 1988 • The annual park tour began at 5:00 PM with twelve ns at Park Perso tending' Director Steve Michaud narrated the tour of park sites emphasizing those sites where construction and development will be taking place this sLntmier. The trail system was particularly highlighted with the tour participants taking a close look at planned trail segments. Refreshments were served at the Public Works Building after the tour. Representatives of the. Valley Park Homeowners Association were present to discuss the future of the Goff property adjoining Valley Lake Park.. There are .several residents in the area who are encouraging the Park Dept. to purchase the. property for an addition to the park. They feel any development of the area for housing would be too stressful on the road system in the area. Their suggestion is for the city to hold a bond referendumm for the purchase of the property. Staff stated that in his opinion the justification for the purchase of the land is not present and a random bond referendtnn for the purchase of park land would not be in the best interest of Lakeville residents. Also, the funds are not available for the outright purchase of the property.. He would like to wait until the property is once again slated for development and at that time make a decision as to whether cash or land would be recommended for the park dedication requirements. Staff reiterated that this was his-opinion and the final decision on • whether to hold a bond referendum would have to be made by the council on the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The Valley Park residents will weigh. the alternatives and get back to the committee at a later date. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 8:10 PM. Members present were Iulf, Lovelace, Grenz, Larson, McDonald and Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.49 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes of the May 4, 1988 Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. Motionpassed. Mrs. Lorraine Halli was in attendance to discuss the Ipava Avenue trail issue. The committee had inspected the .area and discussed it during the park tour. Staff had talked to Dan Mehleis, ISD #194 business administrator, concerning boundary lines and busing of children in the area. Chairman Larson spoke for the committee and stated he didn't feel the situation was as serious as the neighbors had thought. Several cities in the Metro area have similar trail situations and in some cases it cannot be avoided. Staff will ask the school to request a 4 way stop at the intersection of 165th St. and Ipava Ave. to provide a safe crossing for the children on the west side who will be walking to school. A policy also needs to be drawn for the clearing of sna,t from the trails • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes May 18, 1988. Page -2- • in the area. As in the Valley Park area, the roadway system is the priority for snow removal. Messinger addressed the existing and future needs and demands of the citizens in the area .for trails. ,Staff explained the need for the trails to be on both sides of Ipava is due to the two elementary schools, the major athletic ccm~lex, the possible future wildlife preserve in the area and the intense population in the area. Mrs. Halli asked if they could wait a couple of years before putting in the trail. Staff explained the cost would be much higher at that time with inflation and having the trail installed as a separate project. McDonald asked if she would be willing to access her property to the rear when the streets are finished in that neighborhood. She stated if the road .was finished and served by the city, she would be accepting of that idea,. but was concerned about who would pay for the change. McIbnald suggested that the trail not be maintained or used in the winter until the back roads are finished and the driveways can be relocated. Staff will check on the status of the necessary roads. Several citizens who live along Judicial Road by Ritter Farm Park were in attendance to discuss possible equestrian trails in the park. Dick Watlund stated that they have ridden in the park for 14 years (illegally) and doesn't feel that any damage has. been done by that. They would like to continue to be able to ride in the park, but with permission. They would • like a trail which would coordinate with other park activities such as snowmobiles, archery, etc., so everyone can use the park and respect each others' rights. It would also be a type of park watch around the perimeter of the park. Mr. Watlund reviewed a map with the committee and pointed out .different trails they would be interested in using. The trails could remain as they are and no vegetation needs to be removed, nor the trail widened. Staff had contacted the Hennepin County trail supervisor who informed him of the trail rules that are followed where horses are permitted in their. park system.. Staff also .informed the group of the. Recreational Liability Laws which may or may not protect the Ieonharts who are proposing a private access from their property. .Staff will not allow a private access to the park unless a public access is also designated. The public could use the main entrance to the park, even though it is unlikely that people would trailer their horses to the park. Some weather conditions (heavy rains or snow) would also need to enter into the conditions of use. Signage may be available through the State and would need to be in place before use.. The connnittee suggested aone-year trial basis for the trail designation. Char Dennhardt said the group is willing to do clean up, maintenance or sign installation for the privilege of riding the trails. 88.50 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Messinger to reconmtend to city council that equestrian trails be established in Ritter Farm Park on a one year trial basis, subject to rules and regulations to be outlined by the Park Director. • Motion passed. Parks and Recreation Advisory Conunittee minutes May 18, 1988 Page -3- A nature center at Ritter F arm Park 1.s a possible future use and at that time the compatibility of the trails would need to be studied. Staff will draft a proposal for approval by the horse owners and the city council... Under item five, staff reported that the Park Watch signs have been delivered aril will be allocated and installed at various parks. Staff reported that the result of the Queen Anne litigation will dictate the future of West Park, since the park was established through park dedication. The plans and specs for Oak Shores Park tennis courts should be ready for council approval at their June 6, 1988 meeting.. Staff reported he had met with the engineers croncerning the 1987 bills for inspections and other expenses. Some negotiations still need to be accomplished, Reseeding will be done at North Park and Antlers aril also. some grading at North Park needs to be corrected. Bids will be opened on May 19, 1988 for the reel mower, materials for shelter buildings and North Park fencing. Staff reported he is working on a solution to the problem of a portion of the Ritter Park road being discovered to be on private property. Since a land trade is very difficult when federal funds are involved, staff will attempt to negotiate for the purchase of the property, which should be less than one .acre. Staff will keep the connnittee updated. • Staff discussed the community survey results with the committee aril was very pleased with what was perceived by the surveyors to be a very favorable. survey, particularly in the areas of police, fire and park maintenance. Also, of the respondents who were. aware of the recreation programs, a large percentage of their responses were also very favorable. The city learned that an extra effort is needed to reach those residents of Lakeville in the Valley Park area who do not always receive brochures, city newsletters, etc. Staff showed the connnittee a replat drawing of the area between Highway 50, 199th Street and Jaguar Avenue which will be called Marion Pines. No action was needed on this plat at this time. Staff discussed the county trail and the letter which was received from Alan Moe. The committee wants 160th Street included on the comp. trail plan from the county .and requested the trail be put on the south side of 160th Street and continue all the way to Dodd Blvd. Staff will inform the county of the connnittee's requests. Committee was informed that the .Natural Resources Committee had tabled the Glen Klotz subdivision, Orchard Lake Hills. Changes needs to be looked at for road easements and drainage and to cut cysts to adjoining landowners to an acceptable level. 'Ihe Planning Connnissi.on has minimal changes to be done to the plat before approval. No motion is called for from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Colrmtittee at this time. .Parks and Recreation Advisory Connnittee minutes May 18, 1988 Page -4- • 88.51 Since there was no further business it was moved b Iazl.f seconded Y ~ by McDonald, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. R fully submi F Je Larson, Chairman ATTEST: ~ f, ~ jr • •