HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COrM~II'I'I'EE MINU'T'ES MAY 4, 1988 • The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM b Chairman Iarson. Members Y present were .Larson, Lovelace, Ixzlf, McDonald, Messinger and Grenz. Also present .were Bud Alich, Park Maintenance Superintendent and recording secretary, Judi Ringeisen. 88.42 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Lulf, to approve the Parks and Recreation Advisory Corrnmittee minutes of April 20,:1988. Larson wanted added to the minutes his concerns about setting a precedent for jet skiers and paddleboats at Lake Marion. Motion passed. Bud Alich was in attendance to update the ce~mauittee on the maintenance. and development in which the park dept. is involved. He stated his nutmber one priority at the present time is ball field development and maintenance. McDonald asked about North Park and was told fencing specs are ready for distribution with the bid opening scheduled for May 19th. Messinger asked about Parkview soccer. fields and when they are expected to be ready for play. Staff said this project .would require same planning and probably would not be finished until midsummer or fall. The possible layouts of the fields were discussed. Messinger asked about the construction at Oak Shores Parka Now that the road restrictions are. off, the crews should be able to begin work very soon, • if they have not already. McDonald asked about the tree watering .program and was informed that there has been continuous watering of the new trees since Monday. and this will continue as long as is necessary. Also wood chips are planned to be installed around the trees, which helps to hold the moisture. Larson would also like the seedlings at Ritter watered and marked Bud will have his. crew do this. Staff stated a gate will be installed at the entrance to Valley Take Park which will be a deterrent to people driving on the grass. People are also driving on the trail at North Park. Grenz suggested that a 36" opening to the trail be made, rather than 4 feet. This would make it wheelchair accessible but not accessible to RV's. North Park should be ready for soccer by fall.. and possibly softball by late summer. The baseball field will not be ready this sLmmier, as the .turf is not established well enough. to withstand baseball shoes. A backhoe was hired by the Park Dept. to clean out and haul sand out of the Casperson Boat Launch, as people were damaging their boat props due to the shallow water. The "point" area will be fenced and signed to prevent .people from parking there illegally. Messinger stated she had seen broken glass at Bunker Hill park last weekend. Staff has had this cleaned up and left more trash barrels at the park. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee May 4, 1988 Page -2- • Several horse. owners from the area sumo Ritter Farm Park were in attendance to discuss equestrian trails in the park. The coirnnittee received a petition containing fourteen names of area residents and another petition with. five names of .people who board their horses in the area. The people wish. to be able to legally ride their horses in Ritter Farm Park. Char Dennhardt-Schabinger, 19176 Judicial Road, Prior Lake, addressed some concerns which she and the park director had discussed previously: 1. Tom Leonhart, 12114 197th St., was willing to allow the horse owners to use his land as an official access to the park. 2. She felt the horse owners would voluntarily help to clean up the manure or pay the city for extra maintenance cysts. Those in attendance concurred. 3. It is her contention that the rutting and pitting of the trails is mostly from rain, and not from the horse hooves. Grenz stated that the horses break down .the vegetation. on either side of the trail, causing erosion to the trail base. Karen and Dick Watland, 19910 Judicial Road, said with the mosquitoes in the. woods, there is not much trail riding through that section of trail. It was felt that if the horses were to be allowed in the park, their use of the.. snowmobile trails would be a more compatible use than if they were to ride on the cross country ski trails. It was felt. that the perimeter trails was • the most popular because of its length and the amount of time. it takes to ride it. The citizens felt the trails are not long enough for people to bother to trailer their horses there for a short ride and therefore did not anticipate any increase in usage from what it is now. Also, nearby Murphy- Hanrihan Park is open to horses and has 3,000 acres. Lovelace stated that when the master plan is finished and the entire park is usable the amount of .park users will increase. There have also been problems with horses in North Park and Aronson Park. C7iairman Larson told the group to put together a formal proposal for the next meeting, including proposed rules and regulations aril a liability waiver from the Leonhart's who are providing the park access. The committee received information on the Jet Ski race proposed for June 25, 1988 at Lake Marion. Discussion was held on what ensued at last year's race and the general lack of problems which were encountered. 88.43 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Lovelace, to recomrnex~d to the city council that they approve the Jet Ski race proposed for June 25, 1988 at Lake Marion, contingent upon rules and regulations similar to last years and to be established by the Park Director. Motion passed. The plat of Shady Gak Shores, formerly known as Bridle Wilde, was. shown to the committee. The main. change in this plat is the removal of a strip of Park and Recreation Advisory Comm~ittee May 4, 1988 .Page -3- • commercial property There will be approx~.mately one dozen lots which will be developed. as the .first phase. 88.44 It was moved by Grenz, seconded by Lulf, to recotrnnend to city council that a cash contribution be required to satisfy the park dedication requirements for. Shady Oak Shores. Ayes.: Lulf, Lovelace, Grenz, Messinger. and Larson. Nay: McDonald; because she felt she did not have adequate information. Motion passed. The recording secretary updated the co~miittee on other agenda items. The co~rnnittee saw an updated drawing of the Park Plaza, scheduled for construction in the downtown area this sunmier. The recreation suYrnner brochure has gone to the printer for a second draft. The brochure will be distributed to the general public in about two weeks. Larry O]msted's letter of resignation from the Park and Rec. Conmii.ttee was. received. 88.45 It was .moved by Messinger, seconded by Larson, to accept Larry Olmsted's resignation and send a letter thanking him for his many years of volunteer work as a coTmnittee member. • Motion passed. The Orchard Lake Hills plat was.. discussed. Since the last .meeting the conntiittee members had received letters from Mr. McMichaels stating same concerns about the development of this piece of property. McDonald and Messinger have taken a look at the property and have seen the wildlife which is present. McDonald also stated that there are regional trails designated on two sides of the property and would like to see this area developed as a resting point along the trails. Messinger felt the cormnittee should have received a planner's report on the plat before a decision was .made and that the co7rnnittee acted too hastily. McDonald does not feel that simply voicing their concerns over the plat would be enough to get the Planning Commission's attention as to their strong disapproval of the plat. 88.46 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to rescind motion #88.40 of April 20, 1988. because of the fact that she and other coirnni:ttee members are uncomfortable with the decision which was made. She feels the conm?i:ttee needs .more time to obtain adequate information and to pursue alternatives to a cash contribution requirement of the Orchard Lake Hills plat. Ayes: Larson, Lulf, Lovelace, Grenz, Messinger, McDonald. Motion passed. Lulf mentioned the proposed expansion of Queen Anne Mobile Home Park and • would like more information on how this will affect. West Park. .Item ntunber five was the Park and Open Space System update. Staff has contacted the architects for the purpose of receiving revised proposals and cost estimates and will keep the committee updated as to the progress. i Under item number six it was reported that progress has been made in Rolling Oaks Park. and Oak Shores Park. The maintenance dept. has also been working at Casperson and other parks, gearing up for the summer season. The ..arrangements for the annual park bus tour have been made. Members are asked to be at the Public Works building on May 18th. at 5:00 PM. The tour will include a dinner stop. The contract for the shelter buildings at Foxborough and North Parks has been signed by the contractor and is ready for the council's approval. Under old business the proposed neighborhood play area at Cherry View was shown. This area is being proposed to be purchased on a 60/40 split by the storm drainage fund and the park fund, respectively. Included within the eight acres would be a small area for a tot lot/play area and trails throughout the area. More information will be forthcoming. Also under old business, Larson mentioned surface water zoning on Kingsley Lake which has been discussed in the past. A slalom ski course has-been set up by a resident and the conunittee is concerned about this type of activity disturbing nesting waterf~al on the lake. 88.47 Motion. was made. by Larson, seconded by Messinger, to request a city ordinance be drafted limiting the size of boat engines allowed on Kingsley Lake to 25 Horse Power. • Ayes; Larson, Lovelace, Grenz, Messinger, McDonald. Iaalf abstained. Motion passed. Some other park related items the committee mentioned were the need for sweeping. the trails. in Valley Park, broken glass by Fairfield Park along Galena and a rough edge on a piece of playground equipment at Bunker Hill. The corrnnittee members are also concerned about the garbage and litter around the Tom Thumb on Cedar and are wondering if a letter can be written to the owners asking them to clean up and maintain their property. 88.48 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by Larson, to adjourn. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, a`° eff Larson, Chairman ATI~ST: Larry f, Secre • Jr