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APRIL 20, 1988
• The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM b barman Larson. Members
present were Larson, Grenz, Lovelace, Lulf, McDonald and Messinger. Also
present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recorrli.ng secretary Judi
88.38 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Nk:Donald, to approve the minutes of
the April 6, 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory C~oirnnittee meeting.
Motion passed.
Norm Shold was in attendance to present a proposal to the Park and Recreation
Advisory Committee for the leasing of space at Antlers Park for the purpose
of a paddleboat rental concession. The cxmmiittee had several questions and
concerns about the operation including the city's liabilities and insurance,
safety factors, rescue in the event of an accident, proposed restricted
area/age of users, security of the paddleboats and other equipment and the
use of city lifeguards and other personnel to sell tickets. Mr. Shold
discussed possible solutions to the various concerns.
It was decided that the area near the old boat launch would be the most
appropriate location for the operation. There would probably need to be some
minor dredging, which would be paid for by the proponent.
88.39 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to recorrnnend to city .council
approval of a paddleboat rental concession on Lake Marion, contingent on
• approval by the city attorneys and as per rules and regulations to be drawn
up to the satisfaction of the city.
Motion passed.
The annual Park and. Recreation Committee bus tour of .the parks was discussed.
It was decided that the coammittee would meet at the Public Works Building at
5:00 PM on May 18, 1988 for the tour. The cotrnnittee would like to make the
main point of their tour the twelve projects which were recently put uP for
bids. A second tour will be held later in the sutrnner or early fall to see
the finished projects.
Staff discussed the Park Watch project and informed the conm~ittee that flyers
will be distributed to the Parkview Elementary students on April 22nd in
order to inform residents of the Park Watch meeting to beheld on April 26th
in the Valley Park area. The Park Watch brochures have been mailed to all
homeowners whose property abuts a park and the Park Watch signs have been
A memo from the City Administrator's Assistant was. distributed to the
ccm~nttittee concerning the Arbor Day concept plan. The memo outlined. the
schedule of events for May 5-7, 1988, and the program for Aronson Park at
1.00 PM on May 7, 1988.
Staff discussed the proposed soccer fields at Parkview Park aryl the different
options for their layout. Committee member McDonald asked if one of the
• fields could be kept unscheduled in order to be open for neighborhood play.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Corcmiittee minutes
April 20, 1988
Page -2-
• Staff discussed his ideas for Flower Power in the The
parks. targets for
this program will. be Antlers, Aronson and Valley Lake parks, especially along
the trails and at the entranr~ to the parks. Staff would also like to work
on a memorial rose garden with soars volunteers.
.Staff showed the coarnnittee the concept plan of Orchard Lake Hi11s. This is a
replat of an area that was developed in the early 1900's and includes the
former Sea Girt Inn property.
88.40 It was moved by Grenz, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city council
that a cash contribution be required of the Orchard Lake Hills plat to satis-
fy the park dedication requirements..
Nation passed.
Staff level discussions are still .being held concerning the Sienna Corpora-
tion's development and the lake which is included in the plat. Staff .will
keep the coatnnittee updated as to the progress of this plat.
Staff updated the coimnittee on the golf course proposal near North Park, The
developer is still in the process of purchasing more land for his venture and
no construction will likely take place until 1989.
There will be a special city council meeting on April 25th for the purpose of
making a decision of Lakeview Manor.
• The contract for Schwarz Weber is being prepared. for the building of the
shelter buildings at Foxborough and North Park. The shelters are also being
.designed to be installed at Valley Lake, Orchan3 Lake, Bunker .Hill and two at
Antlers Park.
The city council tabled approval of the contract with Barton-Ascxunan for the
Park and Open Space System Plan update. The council had some questions and.
concerns about the cost and feasibility of updating the plan.. Staff has
since discussed the issue with the council memk~ers and further explained the
importance of the plan in this fast growing community. Staff .will look into.
possible ways to cut costs on the plan, possibly doing it in phases, and
request approval at a later date.
At their April 18th meeting the city council authorized the purchase of a
park master mower for the Park Maintenance Dept. This piece of equipment
will be purchased with a fund balances carryover from the. previous year.
Specs will be written for the purchase of the park master as soon as possi-
ble. Staff informed the connnittee that the remaining park ~ are sharp-
ened and ready for heavy stmnner use.
Staff updated the coi~nnittee on the park development projects. The equipment
has moved into Oak Shores Park to begin the trail work there. From there
they will be moving to Rolling Oaks and Valley Lake. Staff had met with the
engineers about the projects in order to prioritize them. These meeting will
• be held on a regular basis during the construction season in an effort to
keep c~tmnuiications open.
Park and Recreation Advisory Ccrmnittee minutes
April 20, 1988
Page -3-
Staff has rted that no has been made with the railroad oti.a-
repo Progress neg
tions for the. trail crossing at 207th Street into downtown Lakeville.
The maintenance crews are busy with spring Preparation chores. The infields.
are cut, the backstops are being installed and the general clean up of the
parks has begun. Fencing specs for North Park are being written; this job
will be bid with sealed quotes because of its size.
Co~rnnittQe received a letter from the Dakota County Sheriff's Office stating
the opinion of the county attorney concerning watercraft use and the slalom
ski course on Kingsley Lake. In his opinion he states that the city or coon-
ty cannot justifiably deny a permit for this use unless an ordinance exists
which specifically prohibits it.
Staff informed the cxmmiittee that he had discussed with Alan Nye from Dakota
County the improvements along Cedar Ave. grid the potential trai_is. The
conmtittee stated the opinion that on the 160th St. trail they would like the
trail to be placed on both sides of .the roadway, and if not on both sides,
they would prefer the trail to be on the south side. Staff will continue..
his negotiations with the county and make the c:~rnnittee's requests lawn to
A memo was received from Randy Oppelt concerning Burnsville's water use ordi-
Hance as it relates to Crystal Lake. Coa[nmittee felt that even though some of
• the regulations are slightly different than those governir7g Lake Marion; they
would be cxanrpatible.
Staff informed the cx~miittee that some work is being done on the feasibility
of renovating the Lsquor Store and surrounding property into a possible site
for the .City Hall. The study is quite favorable in several areas.
Committee member Larson asked if staff had arty information concerning a park
coamnittee convention to be held this simmier. Staff had no knowledge of it
but will try to get information on it for the comm~ittee.
88.41 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Iulf seconded by L,ave-
lace, to adjourn.
Motion passed.
Jfully 'teed,
of Larson, C7~airman
tarry ecre