HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND REQZEATION OONIl~IITI~E N[ APRIL 6, 1988 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Larson. Members present were Messinger, McDonald, Larson and Grenz. .Lovelace and Lulf were absent. Olmsted had a work conflict. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.34 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Larson to approve the minutes of the March 16, 1988, Park and Recreation Coaranittee meeting. McDonald stated that on page 2, 1st paragraph, sne didn't get the impression frc~n Mrs. Halli that the option of a rear access to their propexty was absolutely not acceptable and perhaps in the future this would be a possibility On page 2, 4th paragraph, Grenz noted that the speaker's name is Mr. Ruhmann, not Mr. Vetzel. In the .5th paragraph, McDonald clarified that she would like the road improvements ooampleted before the Lakeview Manor project begins. Larson noted that the training program discussed on page 4 would be in May, .not April. ..Motion passed to approve the minutes as amended. The Meadows 8th plat was discussed as it pertains to trail easements.. 88.35 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by McDonald, to reccarnnend to council that the Meadows 8th Addn. be required to pay a cash contribution as stated in the park dedication off, plus donate a trail access between lots 4 and 5 or 5 and 6, whichever is most conducive to the plat. Motion .gassed. • Staff reported the maintenance dept. is trying to hire available people to work on a .snort term basis for spring park maintenance tasks.. The maintenance .dept. is working on soccer goals, park gates, signs, etc.. They are also preparing for installation of the backstops. at several parks. Staff is getting prices for bridge overlays at several locations to help beautify .the older bridges in the parks. Fencing quotes are being taken for North Park. The Dakota Heights fencing project will be done i.nhouse. There are some pr~lems with springs and .drainage in the newly developed area of Aronson Park and bids will be taken to drain the the area. The recreation division has contracted with a Park:and Recreation intern from Mankato State University to work this summer. The intern will receive a $100/week stipend. Interviews are underway for surtnner .staff and lifeguards. The LAA baseball and softball registrations are carnplete and the Park Director. distributed a letter from the LAA Baseball/Softball Ccernnissioner commending the park staff for their help and cooperation. The. scoreboard project at Aronson Park is moving along with installation cost responsibilities being. negotiated with the Men's Softball Association. Staff reported that Schwarz/Weber had received a draft contract and had responded to it with a few minor changes. The fees are still being negotiated. The fees for Barton-Aschman are also being negotiated for the update of the Park and Open Space System Plan.. Contract negotiations will begin next • Park .and Recreation Coa[nnittee miriutes April 6, 1988 Page -2- • Staff informed the c~nnnittee that the Park t. is a 1 for the 1988 ~ I~ Y~J Gold Medal Award from The Sports Foundation, Inc., .for excellence in the field of park aryd recreation management. Park shelters were discussed. Staff feels the location for the North Park shelter is excellent and will have a spectacular view. Staff also brought an idea to the cc~amittee about remodeling the shelter at Aronson Park and possibly adding a second story as an observation deck. The co~¢nittee felt this would be a good way to update the building. Staff reported that Raven Lake has been staked and would like the committee to take a look at it. It was decided that the cxrrnttittee would meet on site at 9:00 AM on Monday, April 11. Staff updated the ccmamittee on the Park Watch program and showed the. corrmiittee a draft of the brochure which is being printed.. The brochures will be mailed, along with a letter, to all owners of property abutting parks. The police will give the presentation at the meeting which is scheduled for April 26, 7:OO PM, at Parkview Elementary. Coamtittee feels the publicity will be a very important part of this program and suggested,. that flyers be sent home with Parkview students on April 22nd. Park Dept. staff will prepare a flyer for distribution. A resolution has been drafted officially declaring Saturday, May 7th as • Arbor Day in Lakeville.. It is planned that the State forester will go into three local elementary schools to give presentations and that 100. trees will be given away at Aronson Park, the main site of the celebration. Posters and flyers will be distributed. The cx~nunittee reviewed the Park Dedication Ordinance as approved by the city council. Council has approved the raise in cash requirements on both residential acid trails, however they asked the cxemnittee to further study the increase to 10% on c~numercial/industrial property. The ccmm~ittee discussed the fact that these fees supplement the capital improvement budget in lieu of general fund monies. McDonald stated that the park fees are probably not a deterrent to commercial developers and Lakeville still has. many acres to be .developed. The czarmiittee felt that they would like to have the park dept. benefit as much a feasible fxrxn the upcx~ming development.. It was also stated that it i.s difficult to ocnrpare land values with those of Burnsville or Apple Valley, as they are not necessarily comparable. 88.36 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to reco~mierid to city council an adjustment in the coxamercial/industrial park. dedication requirement to be $2,500 per acre cash, or 5% of fair market land value, whichever is greater. Nation passed. Under old business, there was an item on the agenda concexni.rig equestrian trails at Ritter Farm Park. The horse owner who had requested this item be placed on the agenda was not present to discuss it with the coatnnittee. • Park and Recreation Coxanittee minutes April 6, 1988 Page -3- Staff showed the caYmnittee a redesi of the Lakeview Manor lat .show' a gn P ~ strip of single .family houses around the park. Ccnunittee still feels at least two small shelters should be placed in Valley Lake Park for family type picnics. At this time., co~rmiittee member Grenz was called to a fire and therefore a quorum was not. present. Staff reported he is getting bids on the finish materials for the several small shelters which will be installed at various locations this stormier. The shelters will be ordered soon, as it will probably take a few weeks for them to be delivered. Carrnmttee had received a copy of an adderxhnn to the trail plan. Staff and cannnittee felt they needed more time to review this doctnnent for total accuracy before it is officially accepted. The bid opening was. held on the contracting of the mass project and the bid came in at $250,693. The city council approved and awarded the bid at their meeting on April 4th. Staff will be working out a priority schedule. for trail construction. Staff informed the cz~rumittee he is still negotiating for easements into Aronson Park around the cemetery. He will keep the c.~t~nittee apprised. • Zhe 185th Street railroad crossing has been .approved and the street improvement project in that area will c~nnence. Other items the committee was updated on: Oak Shores tennis court project is ready to begin; the 1987 Park Dept. annual report is finished and will be distributed; the 1988 maintenance schedule is complete and coirmiittee will receive a copy when it is typed. Staff had met with Norm Poquette again about the golf course. Present plans are to expand the original plan to 36 holes and he is working on some land options and course designs. The city received a draft contract from Dakota. County concerning the improvement project on County Road 46 and Cedar Avenue. Staff was disappointed that there was no mention of trails in the contract and will contact Alan Moe to discuss it. The contract language needs to be gone aver and trail cost responsibilities need to be determined and put in writing Under old business, Messinger asked if the ruts along the trail in Parkview Park cx~uld be filled in and seeded. She is also concerned about cars driving in the park. Staff stated once this i.s fenced, it should alleviate the problem. Hopefully the fencing will be done, along with Dodd Trail Park and Wayside Park, this summer as these parks are very vulnerable. • Park and Recreation Co~miittee mirnztes April 6, 1988 Page -4- • Larson asked if any progress had been made on the le I~oosestri.fe rob- Pure p lem. Staff stated it will probably be contracted out for destruction. Larson wondered if a memo could be written to cannnittee members from Jim Robinette, updating them on what has been done. The surface water zoning on Lake Kingsley is being investigated by the Sher- iff's dept. for the legalities of motor boat regulations. Staff will keep the cxmgnittee updated as decisions are made. Larson reported that a few donations had been received for the Rendezvous this. summer, inclwding $200 frcem Performance C~Zter Forms. The eo~mnittee discussed the 172nd St. reconstruction project. Larson had been at the council meeting when this was discussed and was very disturbed that Pat 1~IoGarvey had suggested taking $13,000 frost the trail fund for the reconstruction of the sidewalks. It was the general cans~ensus of the cxmanit- tee that they are opposed to the use of trail funds for this purpose for the following reasons: it is not a budgeted item, they feel it is an inappropri- ate use of funds; it was not brought before the cxntmLittee for discussion; this is designated as anon-street trail, therefore no furxls were planned for the area; this is not a trail, it is a sidewalk and trail funds should not be used.. Larson had drafted a letter to council which he will distrib- ute. There was .discussion of absenteeism of .the coata~tittee members at the sched- uled meetings. The importance of active participants was discussed, espe- dally at a time when so many decisions are being made. Larson will make calls to those who have missed more than a couple meetings lately and ask for their ti.~ commitxttexits. Staff mentioned that another group had been into City Hall to discuss the building of an ice arena. He will keep the committee informed of progress. 88.37 Since there was no further business, it was moved by McDonald, .seconded. by Messinger, to adjourn. Motion passed. .Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. fully sukxnitted, eff Larson, Chairman jr