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MARC[i 16, 1988
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 6:30 PM. Members present
were Iulf, Lavelace, Grenz, Larson, McDonald and Messinger.. Ccmnnittee
.member Olmsted was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud
and recording secretary, Judi Ringeisen.
Item two on the agenda was .interviews of three architectural planning firms
for the p~zrpose of selecting one firm to design the park shelter buildings
at North Park and Foxborough Park.
'The first firm to be interviewed by the coarunittee was Schwarz/Weber. They
shaved a slide presentation of other mauiicipal shelters which were designed
by their firma They stated they would be ccnanitted to working within the
budget of the estimated cost of the building.
Suns~arce Architects were the second firm to be interviewed. Mr. John
Oehlke told the. cnittee of his credentials acid related. bacJ~gro~and work
with Hennepin Ccnanty Park Reserve. He stated scene important factors: in
designing the building would be making it vandal proof and maintenance free.
They pledged to work within the stated budget by designing the building
• Mr. Wayne Hilbert frarn C[~i Architects spoke to the carranittee and showed
slides of soame of their projects, especially in the Apple Valley area. He
stated they would like to make a c~~rnnitment in this area as well..
The conmiittee thanked each of the architectural planners for their time and
88.28 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by N~cDonald, to agave the minutes of
the March 2 , 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory Conanittee meeting.
Messinger asked about the statement on page 2 that the drairiway in Marion
Village By-the-Lake would be put on the plat as a trail corridor. Staff
stated that .was correct, however it was understood by the developer that no
credits would be given for this.
Motion passed.
The next item on the agenda was staff reports. C~muttee had received a
memo frarn Steve Michaud. concerning the Ipava Ave. trail and a copy of the
memo had been sent to Lprraine Halli who was in the audience with a letter
of rebuttal. Staff had learned that the students in the area would walk to
school if .they live north of 173rd Street, both on the east and west side of
Ipava Avenue. Mrs. Halli read a prepared letter objecting to the trail on
the west side of Ipava for reasons previously stated. A copyof Mrs.
Halli's letter is attached to these minutes.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
March 16, 1988
Page -2-
Staff will ask ISD #194 to
put their walking policy for the area in
writing. McDonald asked Mrs. Halli about the possibility of an access to
the rear of their property. Mrs. Halli stated that would not be possible
for soame time and not acceptable. The ccarnnittee thanked Mrs. Halli fore
attending the meeting.
Mr. Bob Lirxoln fr~n Heritage Development presented the plat. of Highview
Hei is to the cxm¢nittee. The plat is zoned R-2 and consists of 251 single
family homes to be canq~leted in faun phases. Mr. Lincoln pointed out the
three trail acc~.sses which will be installed by the developer. The
developer is also being required to install a holding pond on the south end
of the plat. The area abutting this plat is still being considered for the
wildlife preserve and staff mentioned he had discussed the mitigation
letters with Rep. Jensen.
88-29 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to recormmerid to City
Council that the developer of Hiahview Heights be required to make a cash
contribution as outlined in the park dedication ordinance, in addition to
the trail easements which are required as part of this plat.
.Motion passed.
Six residents frcem the Valley Park area were in .attendance to voice their
concerns about the Lakeview Manor plat. Staff spoke about the legalities in
the City making changes on existing plats. Several concepts have been
. suggested at the city staff planning meetings. Joyce Wittman vocalized
concertos with runoff, lake pollution, the park being a gathering area for
youth, Valley Lake being a protected shoreland, park access problems, and
various questions about the buildings meeting the zoning require?m:~nts. Mr.
Vetzel, also frrmn the area, is concerned about the second holding pond being
too close to the Valley Lake playground.
Committee member McDonald feels the city should become involved as the major
landowner abutting the development. She wants the issues resolved"before
any more develogamPnt is done at Valley Lake Park. She is also concerned
about the road improvements that she understood would be cxm~leted before
this property was developed. The extra turn lanes and road improvements are
not yet scheduled and it is her feeling that they should be cotiipleted within
two years after the project is built.
Staff stated he cares about all the citizens who live in the city. The Park
and Recreation Advisory committee has done a good job with repr~esetztatives
for the Valley Park area helping with the planning of the park. Scene
citizens now fear that the park will be a collection point for youth,.
especially if a shelter is built. Park Ranger and Park Watch programs have
been instigated to alleviate problems in the parks and the citizens need to
berme involved with the programs and work together with the police. Staff
wozild like to ultimately light the parking lot and shelter area which is
helpful in curbing vandalism and illegal activities. Citizens stated there
is much pride in the Valley Park eotrnmmity which needs to be continued.
.Park and Recreation Advisory Ccmnnittee minutes
March 16, 1988
Page -3-
The Park and Recreation Cc~nnittee wants the citizens of Valley Park to knee
that they are not particularly interested in the high or law density of a
plat as it relates to the park dedication fees which would. be paid, nor do
they have any decision making process they go through to decide what kind or
has many houses are built in a .plat.
In lieu of the EAW aril the postponement of the upgrading of 160th Street,
scene ecarnnittee members have seriaas concern. about the plat. N~cDonald wants
Valley Lake designated as a lake and not a holding pond.
88-30 Motion was made by McDonald that in light of recent new EAW information
available and as a result of tremexidous pressures from the citizens of
Valley Park concerning Lakeview Manor, that city council not agave the
final plat until the Park and. Recreation Coaramittee has a chance to look at
the plan again after March 31, 1988 when the EAW review period is past.
Motion was seconded by Messinger.
Motion passed unanimously.
Under item number. five, Mr. Ron Cin'was in attendance representing the
residents in the area of Bassett Park. Zhere is renewed interest in the
park due to The Cove plat. The park land also includes some wetlands
between the park and Lake Marion. Staff and comm~ittee would like to take a
look at the park before things 'green up" to get a better perspective of
• size. The neighbors have been meeting and .have .made suggestions for what
they would like to have developed in the park.
As part of this discussion, staff mentioned the Great oaks plat and the
conceptual trail plan which. was tentatively agreed upon by the developer.
The trailway may have to go nearer to the lake, .which will require fill and
permits frcxn the I7N12. Staff does not feel this would be a problem.
The next agenda item was plat reviews.
88.31 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city council
that Marion Village By-the-Lake be required to pay a cash contribution as
outlined in the park dedication ordinance and in addition to provide the two
pedestrian accesses to traverse the east and west areas of the plats across
the drainway. If the EAW is found to impact the pondi.ng requirements of the
plat, the ooaranittee would like to have a chance to reconsider the plat.
Motion passed unanimously.
The cxxrnnittee received a report from staff concerning the Sienna .Corporation
plat. Staff stated that tests are still being done concerning the possible
maim~ade lake in the plat and he will keep the ittee updated on the
status of this plat.
Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
March 16, 1988
Page -4-
• The site location of the Bridlewilde lat was in
p po ted out. The cxemb.~.nation
residential and coamiercial plat on Cedar and Dockl is zoned R
A but is in the
MUSA, which should make rezoning easier. Staff showed the conunittee a
concept plan, shaving the turn lanes in and out of the plat onto Cedar Ave.
88.32 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Messinger, to recarnmend to City Council
that a cash contribution be required to satisfy the park dedication
requirements for Lee Lake Estates.
Motion passed.
Staff showed the crmmiittee a concept plan of The Meadows 8th Addition, an
.extension to the east of Clays Acres. Staff has reco~anended a trail
easement to 210th Street for the MPZW access and the cxmanittee received a
memo concerning the easement.
Staff showed the connnittee a drawing of the upgrading of Highvew Avenue to
serve the detours while Cedar Ave. is under construction. The Highvi.ew
Heights trail segment will be extended to 168th Street to serve this plat.
Item number 8 was an update of the 1988 construction projects. Larson .asked
about a strip of land which is for sale along Cedar Ave. south of Valley
Park. He suggested. this could be used as trail land. Staff will check into
the asking cost of the land; it would probably be quite expensive as it is
zoned ccarnnexcial.
• The Park Watch program brochure is being reworked by the Park Secretary
after the police made their suggested changes. Committee members'suc~est
the Park Watch news releases be repeated regularly in local papers to
continue to generate new interest.
Iarson updated the c~tnnittee on the Crystal Lake surface water zoning public
hearing which he attended on March 8th.. There were several citizens present
frarn the Crystal Lake Homeowners Association which had made requests for the
regulations on the lake. Public hearing will also be held in Lakeville,
sine part of the lake is in Lakeville.
Coarnnittee received copies of letters written to the Park Director concerning
funding for extra patrols on area lakes this sunnier.
Canmuttee member Larson reported he had been contacted by Betty Sindt about
some possible training which would take place in April.
Larson also reported he had been to Ritter Farm Park and marked the walk
through archery c5ourse which needs to be brushed out. The course must be
approved by the Minnesota Archery Club before anything else is alished.
Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
.March 16, 1988
Page -5-
Coanamittee membex Messinger commented on the Dodd Pointe developmeaZt which
has been discussed by the c~rnnittee previously. She wishes to make a
correction in the memo which was written to Jim Robinette asking for
pedestrian accesses to Fairgreen Avenue, not just to the first residential
88.32 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to reccarnnend to city
council that ~ further development or action be taken on this plat until
the bike trail issue is addresses and resolved. The cc~amittee wishes to go
on record as staunch supporters of the memo dated March 9, 1988 frcan the
Park Director to the Ccm~znity Development Director. They would also like
the council to realize that this is the second motion the committee has made
concerning the situation.
Motion passed.
88.33 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by
McDonald, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM.
fully submitted,
• eff Larson, Chairman
Larry Lulf, Secretary
March 16, 1988
TO ALL CONCEITED PARTIES, i.e., parks and Recreation Advisory Committee,
Mayor Zaun
Steve Michaud
City Council, etc, et co
I am here in regard to the. proposed Bike path on/~pavae~venue; of
.starting north of 173rd Street and continuing to 160th Streeto
Most of you here will know that my husband and I, along with several
of our neighbors have objected to this idea since it first became
publico 4~Je have no objections to one going in on the east side of
Ipava Avenue as this is very logicalo The park is on the East side;.
and the new school is on the East sided The land is level on that
side and there are no new homes or driveways to be-disrupted by such
a path at this time,.
We havelived in our home at 16723 lpava Avenue ~°Jest for almost 26
yearso Our steep driveway which is quite long also, has been both
a good thing and also difficulto In wintertime, keeping it clear
of ice and snow, is a chore, but the advantages of living far back
from the road have far outweighed the other side of the coin,
We have at least six other fan~.i.lies in our same predicament ~ on/ Z/ ~v~
• of facing the building of a bike path which would cross .our driveway
as we leave our homes. `t'his would, in effect, create six actual
intersections for us dangerous ones which we would have to
actually stop ford No signso Most of us have long, steep driveways
and in inclement weather --fog, wind, rain, sleet, snow, blizzards, ~c
you name it we would HAVE to stop a dead stop-- each and
every time we turn into. our driveway or come down our hill, watching
for children, animals, joggers, etc. et co, in addition to vehicles
using Ipava Avenue. ,
aJ o v2 I,~E'ST s;OE"
You understand we already DO~eome to a viz't~standstill
even without a bike path but if one goes in it would make
it an absolute necessityo Not mentioned yet is the fact some of
us have trees on either side of our drives which makes visibility.
even more difficult as far a ~ app
caching people and/or vehicles,
If any of you have ever tried to stop or slow down while driving
..down an icy road, you will understand our viewpoint, We are very
cautious, but if this proposed bike. path goes in on our side (west)
of Ipava, it will create a nightmare for all of us, 6•Je are in the
real world, trying to see things realistically --w. the bike path is
so far on],y on paper in a .fantasy worlds I wish all of you could
.drive along Ipava, if you haven~t already, and glance up each of
our driveways and see for sure what we mean,o,o
(cont, on page 2)
• Page 2 proposed Bike path on west side of Ipava Avenue,
P~°~G ~L
I am wondering did all of us along Ipava receive~n~ otice that
this was t o be talked about tonight? That it was on the agenda?
I talked to two of my immediate neighbors and they knew nothing
about it and had received NO notice in the mail. Itm surprisedo
Shouldn~t all of us who are affected by this matter be notified in
advance that it is to be discussed? It would be the democratic way.
Concerning the foot traffice or bike traffic on Ipava BETWEEN
schools, I would think that those children closest to each school
should logically go to THAT school, I should think alI parents
would agree to this„ This is, I know, a very unusual situation
where there are two elementary schools so close together, But with.
proper. planning, there need be no problems involved regarding this,
When the N~'4~T Ipava w s built last year, a couple of our driveways,
at least, were mad STEEPER thus compounding our problemo No
fault of ourso
It would seem logical that the bike path be only on the East side;
the children would get used to this; crossing could. be at the park
site, if necessaryo ELE/h~NTA2y CNi c.~E~I G'6v~ p IjE CAuTi~~ A7"
~~/D~~~e drive along 175th a lot between Ipava and. the Tom Tta~nmb on 35W,
and it is amazing to us how many folks DONUT use the bike path and
walk along the roado And there is only a
path on one side thereo
Lots of houseso A parko A pond, Yet a path on one side only,
W ~ s'~
Another point to ponder this wrote and spring, there is an
Electrical Sub-Station being erecte , complete with high chain-
link fence for safety, on our sid (ei~) of Ipava, just .down the
road. I donut think a bike path on this side would be desireable
(desirable) for this reason eithero An attractive nuisance for the kids.
Steve and the Mayor know how we feel, and Ism tired of writing letters
and trying to get our point across over the phone, 1~1e are trying oN~~l
to be realistico Our steep driveways intersecting a bike path would /
create very SERIOUS hazards for all concerned, 6~Je strongly oppose
it at this. time. ~ the ate. sided (Ours) i~a t
N,espectfully, ~~l/C.G~!~~jj~~=~--. .
1 `J
Lorraine M. Halli. (Mrs. Matt) -
16723 Ipava Ave, Wo
43 5--7go7