HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02 CITY OF IAKE'tTIT
MARCZi 2 , 1988
Meet' was called to order at 7:00 PM b Chairman Larson. Present were
~J Y
Larson, Grenz, McDonald, Messinger, Olmsted, Lovelace and Lulf. Also .present
were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen.
88.22 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes of
of the February 17, 1988 meeting.
On page 2, 4th paragraph frean the bottcan, cx~miittee members McDonald and
Larson would like their names included in the consensus that easements should
be used for trailways.
Motion passed.
Committee member Messinger mentioned a memo concerning weep.end rink hours at
Bunker Hill and Parkview. She feels it was not publicized enouc~ that the
rinks would be .open later and that it should be given another try at the
beginning of the next skating season. Staff said they would cogt~ly.
Item three was the Park Director's report. Plans and specs for shelter
buildings at various parks are. being written. Sizes will vary by park by
virtue of park size. A basic design will be chosen with options to be
decided on. The usage of these shelters is expected to be high.
Staff discussed his request for funding of a Parkmaster with the Finance
Director. At the present time there is $15,000 which was put into the
maintenance fund. This Parkmaster is badly needed as there are many more
• acres that will be ready to be added to the regular mowing schedule this
Bud Alch is in the process of preparing the 1988 maintenance schedule which
will prioritize this season's work. The 1987 Park Dept. Annual Report is
also being prepared and should be ready for the next meeting.
The Park Director and the Colturn~nity Developmment Director met with two
gentlemen concerning the develo~nent of the golf course near North Park.
These developers are not related to Norm Poquette who is also looking: at the
area for a potential golf course. The two gentlemen are asking for financial
help from the City. Staff feels the City should work with the developers as
much as possible, encouraging the project to become a reality, since it would
be a great asset both economically and as green space in the City.
The engineers and staff have met. and are going through the development
projects which will be bid as a package this spring.
A draft of the Park Watch brochure has gone to the police liaisons for their:
coar~uents and suggestions. The brochure is designed similar to Neighborhood
Crime Watch. A mailing list of persons living around all the parks is being
compiled to receive a letter which should stimulate interest in the program.
N~cDonald asked about the correlation of the project with Crime Watch. She
felt that the correlation of the two projects in the Valley Park area would
be beneficial. Staff does not want the Park Watch program to get buried
• urger the Crime Watch heading but feels that if that is what the citizens in
.Park and Recreation Connnittee minutes
Mash 2, 1988
Page 2-
that area want, it could bec;cane a joint project. Messinger :suggested
bringing it up to the Parkview PTO and patting it in their monthly newsletter
with dates and locations of neighborhood meetings. News releases will also
be used to inform the public of the meetings.
Staff reported that Eileen Fondell, Assistant Senior Citizen Coordinator, had
been to a senior citizen actninistrative planning conference. Lakeville seems
to be further ahead in the area than most ooammznities in the State.
Item four on the agenda was plat review. Staff reminded the cx~mnitt~ that
Marion Villacxe By~he-Lake will be on their agenda fora rece~rnnendation on
March 16th. The Stewarts were at the City staff meeting on March 1st .where
it was decided to put the property in question on the plan as a trail
corridor. The cxmnmittee will be getting an update of the plan shaving
ackl:itions and changes which have been done. The EAW has been finished with
results showing pondirig needs; a feasibility study will be done.
The Great Oaks plat, north of The Cave, was discussed. Ccnmiittee discussed
alternatives with cash, land and trail easements.
.88.23 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to recommend to City Council
a cash contribution as specified in the park dedication ordinance, plus trail
eavem~nts somewhere between lots 8, 9 or 10 -Block 2 to connect with the
utility drainage easement plus an easement somewhere between lots 2, 3 or 4
• -Block 2 for more direct access for the future high density area. The
conunittee further reconunends the developer be required to assume the costs of
the easement through the private property which must be crossed by utility
easement and this easement would become a public walkway. If this easement
needs to be ~rchased for this purpose, the cxmmnittee recommends credits be
given to the developer.
Notion passed unanimously.
The committee discussed the Sienna Corporation plat on Dodd and Flagstaff in
the northeast section of the City. Only 1/3 of the plat is within the MUSA
line. The developers are investigating other property within. the city which
is in the NHJSA line and not planned for developanent in the near future, in
hopes of buying the MUSA rights and making a trade. If this venture is not
successful they plan to go to the Metro Council with the plea that it is
contiguous with other development in the area. The developers are proposing
a 60 acre lake be excavated into the center of the plat, however several
questions remain concerning ownership and future responsibilities of the
Proposed lake.
City staff is looking at the area as a potential site for the third major
athletic complex in Lakeville. The land would be conducive for both active
and passive recreational activities. The cx~nmtittee will be kept updated.
Highview Heights, the plat north of Woodbury, is scheduled for Park and
Recreation Committee recomm~endation on March 16. The committee discussed the
• three strategically located aacesseS into the wildlife preserve fro3n the plat
along with a probable cash contribution.
.Park and Recreation Committee minutes
2, 1988
Page -3-
• Lee Lake Estates will also be on the a ends at the next meet' for a
g ~J
recommendation on park dedication. This was formerly Down as the Render
Developament. Road improvements will be made on County Roads 5 and 46 to
aecnodate this plat in the future. Trail possibilities were discussed and
will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Dodd Terrace, an extension of Clay's Acres to the east, is slated for
development and has previously been preliminary platted.
Staff discussed the audit which has been completed on the park bond
referendum budget. 'The budget which was presented to the ec~runittee was. very
accurate. Grenz asked if designation was to be started for park dedication
fees to be used for a specific purpose. Staff would also like to see this
practice started.
Co~rmuttee atxl staff discussed the proposed park dedication fee increases.
Staff went through his reccanmiendations and change of formula for figuring
cxcial/industrial property which will bring Lakeville's fees in line with
cxa~arative c:dnurnznites. The cxm¢nittee feels that all plats which have not
received preliminary approval by a specified date would be subject to new
rates. Grenz stated he is not cx~nfortable with the trail fee increase since
it is so new. Staff pointed out that all the trails which are. desired will
require a large budget and the proposed increase was necessary to maintain
current construction costs. The total recannnended increase only totals
• $65.00 which includes park: and trail fees.
88.24 Nation was made by Messinger, seconded by Iulf, to reconnnend to City Council
that the Park Dedication Ordinance be amended to reflect the increase in fees
as propo.~ed by the Park Director in his memo dated February 25, 1988, a copy
of which is attached.
Staff reminded the conunittee that a decision needs to be made whether the
trail should be installed on both sides of Ipava Avenue. Staff will talk to
the school officials now that the boundary lines are set concerning the
busing policy in the neighborhood..
Park and Open Space System update proposals were distributed to the...
coarnnittee. Staff feels that most companies who have submitted proposals are
very capable, however they will probably vary somewhat in cost. Staff would
like to interview three of the five which have been submitted. Co~nnittee
would prioritize the firms and begin negotiations with their top choice. If
not successful, negotiations will begin with the second choice and so on
until a firm is chosen. .The cc~amznity needs survey which was proposed as
part of the system plan update will haw be part of an overall survey to be
conducted by the City.
-Staff also told the cxmnnittee he had received proposals for the park shelter
buildings at North and Foxborazgh Parks. The fees vary: by firm; and most
• have very high credentials. Staff will ask the firms to be prepared with a
ballpark figure for their proposal at the time of their interview.
Park and Recreation Co~mnittee minutes
March 2, 1988
Page -4-
It was decided that the ec~unittee would meet with the architectural firms .for
the shelter buildings on March 16th at 6:30 PM and a special meeting will be
held on March 23, at 6:30 PM, to intervi~a the planning firms for the Park
and .Open Space System update.
The first Saturday in May has been set for Arbor Day in Lakeville, later than.
the April 22nd State Arbor Day due to conflicts that weel~erid. Three
locations have been chosen for ceremonial plantings. The I~JR has been asked
to do a presentation at the elementary schools and flyers will be distributed
to inform the public. The City is looking into setting up a matching tree
program for Adopt a Tree or memorial plantings in the parks.
Under item nwnber ten, a state aid roadway map was shoran to the ecaranittee per
their request. Staff discussed previous and proposed road improvement
projects through 1992. If development Domes in sooner than projected, the
road improvement projects will also be moved ahead.
Staff showed the ccarnnittee the engineers' concepts of the trail segments,
Aronson Park, Highway 50/185th Street project, Oak Shores Park, Bunker Hill
Park, and other projects which will be bid in one unit. Staff hopes that
many bidders will be attracted to this multiple site project, producing
favorable bids for the City.
Committee discussed the Lakeview Manor plat in the area around Valley Lake
which is being developed by Goff. Discussions centered around the R-7 zoning
and permissible use and the value of the conddmin;ums that are proposed..
Committee members Grenz and N~Donald have both heard negative comments from
the neighbors in the area concerning the develo~xxnent, in particular drainage,
the use of Valley Lake parking lot by residents,. the loitering of juveniles
and the law cost of the houses. 1~Donald e~ressed concern that the Park and
Recreation Committee should have requested land instead of cash to satisfy
the Park Dedication requirements. Staff feels that the decisions that were
made were sound and well though out and has no regrets about them. Staff
also reminded the earrnnittee that the density is not as high as what could be
permitted legally in the plat and the R-7 zoning is already a reality.
McDonald has discussed the designation of Valley Lake with the I~IFt as it
relates to runoff from the plat.. Staff suggested additional screenings and
buffer zone in order to control waters entering the lake. There is also a
.sedimentation area in the plat.
88.25 Nkytion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, that the Park and
Recreation Committee recommend to City Council and Planning Commissionthat
additional berms and plantings be incorporated into the plat fora buffer.
between the development and the park. Planting would be permitted along park
prc~erty botux3aries .
Nation passed.
Staff and committee discussed the letter frarn the attorney representing the
• Raven Lake plat concerning the park dedication requirements. The committee
was mast interested in Option A as shown as an attad~rnent to the letter, aryl
Park and motion Coaranittee minutes
March 2, 1988
Page -5-
would like to have the propo~.,ed park site staked. The co~nnittee will then
look at the property again.
'Ihe City of Burnsville will be holding public hearings concerning the surface
water zoning of Crystal Lake. Since part of the lake is in Lakeville, they
would like the Lakeville Park and Recreation Advisory Cwtnnittee's input.
Staff will inform the cxmnnittee of the time and location of the public
.Jeff Larson asked what was ever decided about surface water zoning on Lake
88.26 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Messinger, that in order to preserve
the natural amenities of Kingsley Lake and keep power boats in check, they
rem to city council that a study be done on the surface water zonim~ of
Kingsley Lake.
Motion passed.
The State legislature is looking at a bill which would limit the: use of
bicycles on roadways where a trail is available as a substitute. The Park
Director has been in contact with Bob Jensen to express his ejections to the
proposed bill.
The.MPn's Softball Association is donating tt~ electron:ic scoreboards at
• Aronson Park.. Advertisements have been sold to help defray the costs. A
policy needs to be written. on what type. of advertising can be sold and far
what term.
Staff .showed the c~mnittee the concept of the park court which is planned for
doHmtawn Lakeville. Some work needs to be done on the plan, especially in
cutting back on the amount bf plantings proposed for the c~uurt.
Member Larson asked staff to check on the status of the purple loosestrife
extermination around Orchard Lake. Staff will check with the per..,on who is
responsible for noxious weeds being eradicated in the City of Lakeville,
88.27 Since there was no further business., it was moved by Grenz, seconded by Lulf,
to adjourn.
Motion passed.
fully/submit ,
Ualf, Secretary
• Je f Larson, Chairman
DATE: FEffi~[JARY 25, 1988
Enclosed is a copy of the current park dedication fee requirements. I
have. also attached a revised campy of items I, J, and J.1.
Under. item I, staff is leaning towa~ls using a density unit per acre ratio
for land dedication. As outlined in the Schilling analysis of park
dedication requirements throughout the Vain City area, Iakeville's present
requirement for land dedication is relatively low. By utilizing the units
per acre formula and relating that directly to a percentage of the land,
we would bring Lakeville's ordinance more intoccenpliance with the average
now being used by cities of comparable size to Lakeville. As indicated-in
the study,. Lakeville ranked number eleven out of sixteen cities with
respects to their land dedication.
Item J, which is the section concerning cash contributions per dwelling
units, I am suggesting two changes. First, an increase i.ri single family
dwelling .lots change from $500 to $550 and creating a single category,of
nailtifamily, meaning anything more than a single family dwelling unit at
the same .rate of $550 per dwelling unit..
• Under the category of commPxcial/industrial, Lakeville presP_ntly ranks
number eleven out of sixteen projects with respects to cash requirements.
Of the sixteen cities, ten used aflat 10% of the fair market value of the
gross area of the land being developed. I would then propose to change
the existing cx~rnnercial/ industrial park dedication requirement from
$2,500 an acre to 10% of the fair market value of the gross site area.
For purposes of land dedication, under the category of colrnnercial/
industrial, I would propose that we add the same percentage formula of 10%
of the gross area of the land being platted.
Under item J.1, I would reconunend that the existing $135 per dwelling unit
be increased to $150 per dwelling unit for the purpose of developing our
multipurpose trail system.
I feel the above recommendations for consideration are representative of
trends in the metropolitan area aril would keep Lakeville current with
development and acquisition costs for our park system and our trail
system. If there are any questions concerning this, please feel free to
contact me.
GSM: j r
I. In residential plats where a land dedication is required, the
following formula will be used to determine the park land dedication..
Density: Units per acre Land Dedication
0 - 2.5 10~
2.5+ - 4 11°s
4.+ - 6 13%
6.+ - 8 15%
8.+ - 10 17~
10.+ 17--20
J. In lieuof park land dedication, the City may require the following
cash donations
Single Family dwelling lots $550.00/dwelling unite
Multifamily dwelling lots 550.00/dwelling unit
C~rnnercial /industrial 10% of fair market value
J.1 In lieu of a trail land donation, the city may require the following
cash donations for the multipurpose pedestrian trail system.
For each dwelling una.t $150.00