HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17 CITY OF IAKEtTILLE
FEBRUARY 17, 1988
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:00 PM with the.
.following persons .present: McDonald, Messinger, Lulf and Larson.
Coaarnittee menders Grenz, Olmsted aril Lovelace were absent. Also present
were Park Director Steve Michaud. and recording secretary Judi. Ringeisen.
88.18 M~ti.on was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to approve the minutes of
the. February 3, 1988 Parks and Recreation .Advisory C'onmtittee meeting,
:Larson mentioned that on page 2, the first sentence should. read 185th
Street, not 188th Street..
Nlati.on passed to approve the minutes as amended.
The .developers of Marion Village by-the-Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, were
present along with their surveyor and .planner, Mr. Harry Johnson. Mr.
Jd7rLSOn presented the plat to the ccmanittee and discussed its character-
istics. The plat includes an area lawn as Austin Bay, approximately 2.8
arras total,. which will be the ponding area for about 600 acres frcan the
south and west. It i.s now dry land and is jointly awned by the Stewarts
and the property owners to the north. The plat also includes an 80' strip
of property which begins at the Austin Bay area to acconunodate runoff from
the ponding .area. This strip of property is designated on the plat as
trailway/wildlife haven, but in fact is a wide drai.nway.
The .developers ..are interested in receiving credit for the drainway which
they contend «~ul.d be used as a trailway. Staff stated the area i.s
• beautiful with its natural habitats, however the benefit of putting i.n a
trail is questionable since there is not a feasible destination, except to
the ponding area. Staff also feels the area should remain a drainway and
be kept in public domain. The Park Director will notrec~¢nend credits for
the drainway area. Staff suggested a trail loop around Mnnewauken Bay
would be a more beneficial trailway for future generations.
Staff also suggested the developer install a trail to Juno Tr. for possible
credits. This ccyuld be done at the time when the heavy .equipment. is on
site at the plat, although access to Juno Trail is questionable.
By city policy, pedestrian easements between lots are to be required when
there is a .purpose of destination by virtue of design of the plat. Some
easements between lots will be installed by the developer. Mr. Johnson
.asked about maintersar~ce of the easements. Staff stated the city would
maintain any trails it installs. The developer is to meet with the
engineers oorx~erning zoning requirements and bring the plat back to the
conanittee. The ca~anittee thanked the Stewarts and Mr. Johnson for their
presentation and time.
The ctittse and staff do not feel any credit should be given for the
drai.nway. The language. in the development agreement will guarantee a
future right to install a trail if it is later decided it is needed. The
committee wishes to go on record stressing that no recoirnnerxlati.on has been
made by them on this plat.
The co~anittee discussed the February 10, 1988 joint c¢nittee /council
work session. The c.carnnittee members were frustrated with the amount of
Park and Recreation Ccatnnittee minutes
February 17, 1988
Page -2-
• work which was a lished and feel more needs to be done. The members
showed disappointment at some coitmtents and the.attitudes of the council
members which the comm~ittee members felt were disrespectful and
disharmonious. Cc~ranittee members would like to have another meeting
scheduled to see if more 2~ray confabulation could be generated.
.The Cave platting process was discussed. Staff aril cc~unittee had chosen
not to make a reccanmlendation because of the problems which they understood
existed. Committee members were upset at the council's bypassing their
reccprdmendation and granting approval of the plat.
Staff and nittee briefly reviewed the park dedication fee survey fr~n
surrounding unities. Staff suggested the land dedication requirements
be changed to reflect densities in the plats and the vial/industrial
fee requirements be changed to 10% of land value instead of the flat
per-acre fee which now applies. This report will be studied and .discussed
atfuture meetings.
The Cave plat .was discussed. .Staff discussed the reasons for hi.s change of
heart about the trail corridor around the lake. He and the council both
feel that since there is no trail corridor around the lake designated in
the trails plan, it should not. be required. Staff will discuss making
changes in the comp trails plan with Alan Brixius to add the corridor
around certain segments of the lake and to -acid the railroad pr~aerty as
• future prospective trails.
The eomYnittee saw Great Oaks plat in a composite with The Cave and the
Bassett Addition. Connnittee members Messinger .and McDonald expressed their
desire for the trail corridor to be continued frcan The Cave around the lake
in Great Oaks. Staff does not feel this is feasible, nor would the
property owners be .unopposed. Messinger stated that the lakeway trail
corridor. in 'Ihe Cove is probably lost at this point but she would still
like to obtain easements where possible to install a trail on or off the
lake all around Lake P~rion. Staff will contact the planner abet the
easemexit into Great Oaks from The Cove.
88.19 Nation was made by Larson, seconded by McDonald, to recannnend to city
c~ounci.l that the city exercise it's right to use the drainage/utility
easement .for trails within The Cove plat, plus a cash dedication to satisfy
their park dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
Staff showed the c~oaremittee the layout of the Highview Heights proposed
plat, .formerly luZawn as the Keller property. This plat is west of
Foxborough and Creekview and .adjoins the proposed wetland/wi.ldlife
pre.serve. There are outlots involved in the planning of the preserve and
staff prefers to own the property outright rather than to. leave it in
• Messinger questioned where: the through street with the proposed traffic
signal «~n Cedar Ave. would be located. It was that that 165th Street
.Park and Recreation Connn.ttee minutes
February 17, 1988
Page -3-
would be the site.
Staff will obta~.n roadway system maps for the
ec~nittee's review.
..Staff reported that the feedback he had received frcam M/Dot concerning
pondirig in the wildlife preserve was not totally positive. They had stated
that the benefits would be marginal and the financial implications.
:prohibitive. They are currently looking at another piece of property in
the area which would require acquisitions. Staff still feels mitigation is
the best on this piece of property and that M/Dot may came back to it at
sane time.
Staff gave the cemrnittee an update on the bond referendiun budget.
According to figures frn~ti the city accountant, the budget should be very
close to actual expenses. The biggest cost overruns are engineering fees.
Sane adjustments need to be made so that exper~.ses are properly coded to
projects. Staff is closely examining the docwment for any discrepancies.
Staff discussed the trail at 185th Street and Highway 50 which will be done.
in cx~nbination with the 185th Street extension .project. Hy doing the
projects in conjunction, money will be saved from the .trail fund in the
areas of engineering and grading..
Cca~anittee discussed the proposed building for North Park and the process
for .review of architectural proposals. Staff plans to keep this l~u:lding -
• as well as the shelter in Foxborough Park -simple in design, efficient and
practical. The. building will be similar to Aronson Park's with a brick...
exterior. Messinger stated she felt the process by which it was decided to
add the building was offensive to her as a cx~rnnittee member as it seemed to
be an administrative rather than a cxmmuttee decision. Staff stated the
addition of the North Park. building was for economic aril planning reasons
and no attempt to bypass the cxmnnittee was intended.
Staff reported he had met with the engineers. concerning all the projects
which they are now working on, approximately 18 total, which will be bid
out as one package. Another meeting will be held with the engineers to
cx~nplete the trail planning and a few other projects. Staff will show the
package to the c~anittee before it goes out forbids.
The canemittee reviewed the Parkview Park master plan and made suggestions
for updating.: Some of the trail. segments will be installed, however, some
of them are not in the construction plan.. Messinger asked whether the
soccer area oauld be converted to two smaller size fields. Staff will
check on the feasibility of doing that.
Staff informed the committee that the Ritter Farm Park muzzleloader
rendezvous had been approved by the .city council, Pan-O-Prog will furnish
any additional insurance needed,. with the city named as an aclClitional
insured .party.
• Council has deferred plans for new city hall construction in order to
educate the public about the lease/purchase plans available to the City for
financerig a new facility. The council is concerned about citizen reaction
Parks and Recreation P~.visory Committee minutes
February 17 , 1988
Page -4-
they are not polled and prefers to have the facts available to the
public before any surveys are done.
The staff has discussed with the attorney the piece of property on Lake
.Marion behind Bassett Park. The attorney has stated that the property is
owned fee simple and his opinion is that there would be no legal
implications if the property is sold.
The coma~nittee reviewed the park service fee schedule resolution. Fees have
been raised for softball tournaments. It is mandatory for sales tax to be
added to parking fees this year, therefore the base price has been lowered
in on3er to accommodate this new fee. The non resident base parking fees
have also been lowered to ccanply with Federal regulations.
88.20 It was moved by Lulf, seconded by Messinger, to rerartm~end the City Council
approve the Park Service Fee Schedule Resolution as amended.
Nation passed.
The attorneys c~inion is that it would be all right to negotiate the ten
acres of North Park with the golf course developers since it was not
purchased with federal funds and is not dedicated land. Staff will keep
the ~ittee updated on the progress.
It was suggested by c~anittee member Larson that the building which Centel
• plans to construct be built in the Valley Lake Park area, to be dedicated
to the city in fifteen years or when the technology of the building is
obsolete. Staff thought it was a good idea but hopes to have a building in
the area before 15 years.
Staff reported the media took pictures at the dedication of the snowmobile
bridge at Foxborough Park. An article should be published in the Dakota
County Tribune this week.
Messinger asl~ed what the reason was for the heavy equipment at Cedar
Highlands Park. Staff will check on why they were there..
88.21 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Iulf, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff ,Chairman
• f, Sec