HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03 CITY OF LAKEVILZE PARKS AND RECREATI~T ADVISORY CC~1NB'ITEE N FE~JARY 3, 1988 The meet was call. .rig ed to offer by Chairnian Larson at 7:00 PM. Present were Iarson, Grenz, Messinger, McDonald, Iul.f, Olmsted and Lovelace. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.10 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes of the January 20, 1988 Park and Recreation 1~lvisory Commtittee meeting. Under discussion committee member Messinger asked if any decision had .been made by the school conoexning the boundary lines for the new elementary as it relates to the trail along Ipava Avenue. Staff stated the decision is still pending. lotion passed. Mr. Bruoe Hal.ger, general. supervisor representing Goff's Lakeview Manor plat, was in attendance to review this property with the committee. This plat is in the area of 160th Street, east of Cedar Avenue. The developer proposes to pave the internal trails of this multiple dwelling plat grid connect to the City trails around Valley bake in Valley Lake Park. The committee was concerned about runoff into Valley Lake. The Park Director remirxled the cxarnnittee that Valley Lake is in fact the main storm water drainage and holding facility in the area. Committee asked about the existing trees on the property- It was stated that the trees .will be saved whenever possible. Some of the trees. will be • transplanted where feasible.. 88.11 ~ - , ~ y ~ h~~; Y } jai ' < ma~~yy,, 1 ~Yy a . .i i per. ~3 ~ will ~,t~ 'G~. will to the park trails iri '~tal.l:: Va3.ley Lake b on The contractor stated he would be willing to work with the Park Dept. for further paving in the area for future park development which would be taking place simultaneously. The Park Director informed the Park and Recreation Committee that the plat of Marion Village by the Lake had been tabled. This will be put on the agenda again soon. Staff stated the Iake Villa Golf Estates plat is moving along again.. The committee will. probably review this plat and make. a decision on park dedication requirements at their next meeting. • Park and Recreation C'.attmiittee minutes February 3, 1988 Page -2- ~~s Staff told the ccgrnnittee of the proposed devela~anent of 18th Street. His suggestion is not to install the trail at this time since the developanent of .this .stretch of roadway would destroy what would be done. He feels it would be more econoanical to install the trail in conjunction with the roadway development. Staff showed the co~namttee the .plat of Rembrandt Enterprises, south of Ritter .Farm Park. This plat consists of eight ten-acre parcels. Staff and ccantnittee did not .feel aooess to Ritter Farm Park via trails was necessary for this plat. 88.12 Notion was made by Olmsted, seconded by C4renz, to recar~mtend to City Council that a cash contribution be requested to satisfy the park dedication. requirements for this plat. Motion passed. Staff informed the cxat~nittee that a section of the Ritter Farm. Park snowmobile trail was actually on privately awned property. The property owner is willing. to give authorization to the city to crontinue to use the property as a recreational trail, however alternatives will be sought in order to alleviate this. situation in the future. It was discussed that with the new ordinances in both Eagan and Burnsville totally banning .snowmobiles in those .cities, the use of Lakevlle's • snowmobile trails has increased. The Park Director showed the Cherry Highlands plat to the committee. This area is being developed with the exception of an outlot which will not be developed at this time, but will be held until a later date for possible future park develapanent. This plat consists of 86 lots and will be developed in two phases. 88.13 Nation was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to reconmiend to City Council that a cash contribution be requested to meet the park dedication requirements for Cherry Highlands. No credit is reccmun~.nded for the outlot. Motion passed. C'nittee was shown the Render development concept plan, which is west of 35W, east of County Road 5, including the property around Ice Lake. No recoaranendation was made by the ccamm~ittee on this plat, as there are same changes pending in the plat. C~catnnitt~ received a survey on area park dedication requirement. Aecon-~i.ng to the survey, Lakeville is low in cxxnparson in several areas., especially ccmmPx~cial property requirements. Canenittee was instructed to look at the survey carefully in order to make possible rece~atians at a future meeting if it is felt any changes need to be made. • Park and Recreation Co~nnittee minutes February 3, 1988 Page -3- • Staff informed the c~anittee of a discussion which had been held with the City Administrator concerning the future need for a major athletic ccatrplex in the northeast section of the city. This will be discussed-further in the joint work session with the city council along with.. the possible purchase of 40-50 acres of what is now farmland to beset aside for future development. The Heritage Golf Course plan was presented by the Park Director. This plat will include an 18-hole championship golf course, large club house, restaurant, 232 single family lots and areas of R-6 argil R-7 zoning far luxury tawnhcmes. The c~rnnittee discussed the layout of the course especially in the areas of feasible accesses, and the potential impact this center would have on Iakeville's economy and growth. The carrnnittee also discussed the .southern ten acres of the golf c:otzrr.~e and how it relates to the city o~,med North .Park and the possible wildlife preserve area. No decision on park dedication will be made until the North Park situation is resolved with the attorneys. .Staff updated the ~ittee on the progress of The Cove plat and requested a oration be made concerning park dedication requirements. The final plat was approved by the`City Council at their meeting on February 1, 1988. It had been decided that the length of the cul-de-sac would not be a problem. The dredging of the lake in the area was approved while the multiple docl~ing facility proposal had been denied. • Committee members voiced concerns that the council had acted on this plat without a reooarnnendati.on frcxn the Park and Recreation Cozranttee on park dedication requixemexits. :McDonald also stated that the Park and Recreation Coarnnittee had discussed a possible lake shore trail in the plat aril their decision was pending awaiting possible changes in the plat. 88.14 Niation was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, that no recommendation be made by the Park and Recreation Cca~enittee on The Cove plat until after the joint Co~.ulcil/Ccgrenittee work session, since the recommendation process again seems to be at issue. Motion passed. The Park Director informed the o~rnnittee that he will be attending the State Bikeway Conferexx7e in Brainerd the weekend of February 5-?. Comanittee member Iarson will also attend the conference. One of the .featured speakers at the conference is Alan Nice from Dakota County. It was felt that. the I~keville trails will probably be used as a progressive example. Staff updated the commnittee on the maintenance of the skating rinks and ski trails. There had been soave problems with the grocnmer equipment, but staff had been able to work this out. The ice in still good on the rinks and will apparently out last the normal mid-February closing. • Committee ,discussed the park dedication budget update. Minor changes to the original master plan for Burilcer Hill Park had been made. The cost of the modified trail will be slightly mare but it will complete the trails Park and Recreation Committee minutes February 3, 1988 Page -4- • within the Par k. Aglime and team benches had also been added for Bunker Hill Park. In Rolling Oaks Park the trails will be put in along with basketball court and standards, parking lot will be paved with curb & gutter and a sliding hill developed. The site of the future tennis courts had been changed due to the location of the gas lines. In Foxboraugh Park, sewer and water is now planned to come in from the north side, which will save restoration costs. Also, the paving of the internal trails is not as expensive as originally planned.. About one mile of trail is planned around the pond at Oak Shore Parka In North Park the soccer goals will be built by the Park Department, which will save thousands of dollars. Staff and canunittee are planning .for a multi.-functional building as more park dedication funds are received. Other changes to the original budget were also discussed. Staff stated that more changes will be made to the Park Dedication budget, however, the major costs have been acoa~nted andplannedfor. 88.15 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Iulf, to approve the adjusted budget with the changes as shown acid discussed. • Mati.on passed. Staff reported that he had received- a call fran the DNR concerning the aerators in Valley Lake. They had originally thought that a baffle system would need to be installed in the lake to keep the fish alive for the Children's Fishing Program. However, tests had been done and the lake was foutrl to have an exceptionally high oxygen level and it was decided that the current aeration system was working well. It was reported that the Park Watch Program had been approved by Council and neighborhood meetings will be scheduled soon. Staff reported he had met with M,/Dot, which is doing a holding pond study in the area of Woodbury Park, east of Highvi.ew. They are proposing to construct a wildlife habitat in the area. The project will cost approximately $36,000. The dedication of the DNR snowmobile bridges will take place at Foxborough Park on Tuesday, February 9th at 4:00 PM. It was requested that as many eo~nittee members as possible attend this dedication. A letter was received by staff from Ccamnittee member Olmsted requesting permissiari to hold the Minnesota Polebenders Fishing TournamP.nt at Casper~,,on Park during Pan-O-Frog. The contest is open to 50 boats, hawever the parking is a problem since the lot holds only 40 trailers. They would like to secure pPrrr?;ssion frown the landowner adjoining the property to park the overflow boat trailers on his property. Park and Recreation CCattimittee minutes February 3, 1988 Page -5- 88.16 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by Ua].f, to give preliminary approval to the Minnesota Pelebenders to hold their event as presented by Larry Olmsted. Motion passed. 88.17 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Olmsted, seconded by McDonald, to adjourn the meeting. Nation passed.. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM. C~nittee members were reminded that there will be a j Dint co~rnmittee/ council work session in the conference room at City Hall on Wednesday, February 10, 1988 at 7:00 PM. fully submitted, J n, Chairman ATTEST: • Larry Lul tart jr •