HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-20 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK5 AHD RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES. JANUARY 20, 1988 • Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Grenz. Present were Lulf, Larson, Grenz and Messinger. McDonald, Lovelace and Olmsted were absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Micheud and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.5 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Larson, to approve the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of January 6, 1988. Motion passed. 88.6 The next order of business was the election of officers. Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Larson, to nominate the persons who had shown an interest in filling the offices: Chairperson - Jeff Larson; Vice Chairperson - Gerry Grenz; Secretary - Larry Lulf. Motion passed. 88.7 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Larson, to close nominations. Motion passed. 88.8 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to approve the nominated slate of officers. Motion passed. Chairperson Grenz turned the meeting over to the newly elected Chairperson, Jeff Larson. • The next order of business was the Park Director's report. There is an addendum to the Transportation Plan being drawn by the planners which will not affect the comprehensive trail system plan to any degree. The ice maintenance program is going well; a good base exists and the weather is cooperating this year. The maintenance dept. is also working on packing and tracking the cross country ski trails in Ritter and several other locations in Lakeville. Trails in Eagan and Rosemount will also be groomed as part of an on-going eugipment exchange program. Grenz suggested that the skating rinks stay open until 10:00 PM on Friday and Saturday nights in response to citizen requests. Staff will check with the Recreation Supervisor to see if that is possible. Citizens in Dodd Park end Valley Park have contacted the park dept. staff to thank them for the much used skating rinks in these areas. The recreation division is already working on the summer concert schedule and possible sponsorships for cultural programs to be held in the park system during the summer of 1988. The seniors are also busy with trips and activities at the center. The entire park staff is again putting together an annual report, a draft of which should be ready in about one week. • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes January 20, 1988 Page -2- • Staff discussed 1988 development and hox the xeather had set back the planning schedule already due to meetings having to be postponed. Staff reported that there is currently so many projects xithin the park department, Donohue may supply an engineering coordinator for these projects. It is planned to bid multiple projects as a total package, if possible, in hopes of getting the best possible price. Staff discussed planned development and trail installation at Oak Shores Park. Along xith trails around the ponds, estimates are being prepared for a double tennis court to be installed this summer. Plans for development and trail installation are also being made for Rolling Oak$ Park. A public hearing for trail improvements on 165th Street xhere the trail segment xas omitted during the original street improvement project, rill be called this xinter. Construction is planned for summer. Plans for the trail installation along Ipava Avenue ere moving ahead in spite of the school boundary lines being undecided again at this point. Part of these trails are already benchcut. Staff rill stay in contact xith the school administration pending a decision. Staff reported that the total acquisition of trail easements from Antlers Park to doxntoxn Lakeville had amounted to approximately 520,000. Staff had also had some discussion xith the attorneys concerning the variation in xhat • had been paid to the landoxners for these easements. Grenz asked about an item in the Planning Commission minutes concerning Centel's administrative subdivision. Staff explained .that since it is not a platting process, it is exempt from park dedication requirements. Committee received a copy of a letter xhich xas xritten to Mr. D. Grisxold from David Licht concerning The Cove plat. ,The plat is not ready to go before the Planning Commission and rill be brought before the Park and Rec Committee again et a later date. Staff reported that the Stexart Property developers had attended a recent staff meeting and discussed the property described on the plat layout as nature park. Committee member Larson and the Park Director had xalked the property in question and agree that it has potential as a trailxay since they are interested in a trail connection xith Juno Trail to the north. Phase I has 41 lots to be developed, hoxever, staff and the committee are looking at the entire plat. not just the first phase and it xas felt that no land x111 be requested to meet the park dedication requirements of this plat. • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes January 20, 1988 Page -3- Jeff Larson suggested a possible acquisition of property on Lake Marion southwest of the Sterart Plat There there is nor a shack standing. Staff agrees that it is a beautiful piece of property cith an unusual vier of the lake. Staff also discussed the Field property on the east side of Ritter Farm Park which is being developed. Staff suggests a cash contribution be required from this plat. Committee rill be updated as to any further progress on this plat. It cos reported that citizens from Foxborough had commented that they rare not able to easily access the snormobile trail rithout getting to the rest side of Cedar Avenue and going up and around the culvert before reaching the trail. Committee member Lulf rill look at the situation and staff rill contact Allen Moe at Dakota County about possible alternatives. Staff informed the committee that Trotters Ridge second addition is about to be filed. The Dakota Heights 9th Addition is also in preliminary stages. Ho additional park dedication rill be required from this plat, horever, staff is inquiring about possible trail dedication fee requirements. The Raven Lake attorneys contacted staff concerning the lake property lot lines of this plat. Lakeshore park land continues to be negotiated to . satisfy the park dedication requirements. Staff rill keep the committee informed. Committee received an update on the Park Watch program rhich is moving ahead along rith the Keighborhood Crime Watch program. It is felt that more interest rill be generated if the tro are tied together. Parkvier Elementary principal Paul Baarson has been in contact rith the Park Director regarding the possible shared cost of .trail and ballfield development in the Parkvier Park area. Staff has received engineers estimates of approximately 5550.00 per 100 feet for the trail. Committee member Messinger rill bring these figures back to the Farkvier staff and PTO for further discussion. Staff informed the committee that he rill be attending the State Bikeray Conference rhich rill be held in Brainerd on February 5-7, 1988. Jeff Larson and Pat Messinger also expressed an interest in attending the conference. Registration information rill be given to those committee members rho are interested. The Tree Trust program rill again be assisting the Lakeville Park Dept. in 1988. They have already begun to List the park development projects rhich they rill be corking on this summer. Staff discussed the letter critten to Dakota County Commissioner Harris • concerning patrol of Lake Marion during the boating season. Chairman Loading had responded that it ras a sheriff's allocation matter. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes January 20, 1988 Page -4- Jeff Larson reported that he had inspected the log cabin on the Tollefson property and has received permission from the property oxners to move the building to Ritter Farm Park. Larson xill check into having this moved and having the repairs done at a reasonable rate, possibly utilizing volunteers. Messinger requested that the cross country ski trails et Independence and Valley Lake Parks be groomed for the popular ski skating method of cross country skiing. Staff commented that this method is becoming the standard and they are looking into various methods of grooming to accommodate the ski skaters. Grenz reported that there are still some snoxmobilers on the ski trails around Valley Lake. Lulf rill also contact the DNR and the local media to get some coverage on the dedication of the nex snoxmobile bridge in Ritter Farm Park. 88.9 Since there xas no further business, it xas moved by Lulf, seconded by Grenz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 FM. • Respectfully submitted, J f L son, Chairman ATTEST: Larry Lul , retary •