HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 6, 198$ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Grenz at 7:Q0 PM. Present were Lulf, Lovelace, Larson, Grenz, Messinger and McDonald. Olmsted was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.1 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf to approve the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of December 16, 1987. Motion passed. The next item on the agenda was the nomination and election of committee officers. It was decided to table this item until later in the meeting. Representatives of The Cove .plat were present. Staff explained to the developer that he sees a potential trail connection to the north and possibly a cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirements of this plat. At this point staff-felt there were too many unanswered questions for .the committee to make a recommendation, including awaiting of a letter from the DNR concerning the dredging of the north .Lake Marion area which will answer some questions. The developer feels the trail along the lake would adversely affect the adjoining lots on the lakeshare and an easement between lots at the end of the cul-de-sac would be more accessible to the Meadowood plat to the north. • The developer asked to have the park dedication funds from this plat used to enhance the park land in the plat which is already awned by the city. Some of his ideas include a gazebo, grills and a picnic area. Another. question which remains is that of multiple docking on Lake Marion which at this time is not an allowed use by city ordinance. Staff will provide ownership.. layout of the surrounding area to the committee for further consideration and also check with the .planners and the DNR to see what conclusions they have come to before the Park and Recreation Committee makes a recommendation. Mr. Tollefson was also in attendance to present his Indian Hills plat. The plat includes 328 lots, a ten acre park and multipurpose office and shopping area. The plat is located an the southeast corner of 192nd Street and Dodd Blvd., zoned R-2 with varying lot sizes. The first phase of the development will be approximately 40 lots. An agreement needs to be written detailing at what point development of the park land will begin. 88.2. Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald to recommend to city council that the ten acre piece of Iand proposed for a park be accepted as partial satisfaction of the park dedication requirements, with the balance due to be paid in cash. It is further recommended that cash contributions be accepted for the first phase and any phases thereafter until such time as the park land is developed. The park dedication payment schedule will be detailed in the development agreement. Motion passed. • Park and Recreation Committee minutes January 6, 1988 -2- Next item was the Park Director's report. Staff reported that the ice making process is going well and gave the committee some insights to the ice building process. Committee discussed the SouthFork apartment project moving ahead. There will be a joint Council/Park and Recreation Committee work session to be held on January 12th to discuss the update of the Park and Open Space System Plan. The committee received a memo from Donohue; staff stated he had toured the area with Tim Hanson and looked at many trail sites. The trails will be completed in the most cost effective way possible. The committee also received a copy of a memo from Northwest Associated Consultants regarding some changes to the update on the comprehensive trail plan. Staff distributed the building activities report for the month of December and the year 1987 which both showed more building records being set for the. City of Lakeville. The committee also received a report on Lakeville Commercial Center. Staff discussed a memo he had written concerning the Ryan property which is a concept plan at this point. Staff had also notified David Licht concerning the problems which exist with the Ipava trail in this area and asking him to look for various driveway alternatives for the residents of this area. The committee was informed that Norm Poquette, the developer of the potential golf course in the North Park area, had been in city hall today to discuss his proposal with city staff. Staff also discussed with the committee correspondences to the city council concerning the rendezvous at Ritter Farm Park and a letter to Tom Burke at Vermillion State College in reference to a possible internship for the Park Ranger program. The committee also received a copy of a memo from the Recreation Supervisor to the Park Director. regarding the after school program survey at Parkview Elementary. Renee had asked permission to put out the survey and was told that school was serviced by the District 196 Community Ed. Dept.. and it was not necessary. ISD #196 is now working on their own survey. 88.3 After some discussion, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by Larson, to recommend to city council that a cash contribution for the Centel administra- tive subdivision known as Lakeville Centel Remote Facility be required as stated in the park dedication ordinance. Motion passed. The committee discussed the multiple unit Goff property development, Lakeview Manor, north of Valley Park. The committee wishes to see the artist's renderings of building plans as well as the planning review reports. The committee members felt there was a lot of blacktop in the development and Park and Recreation Committee minutes January 6, 1988 -3- were concerned about runoff. Staff had not seen the drainage plans yet but will inform the committee when they are available. If the committee were to accept cash for this development it would be in the amount of $75,000 park dedication and $20,.250 trail dedication. Staff informed the committee that the Wild Wings plat had been denied by city council. The Field property east of Ritter Farm Park and south of Northwood plat is in preliminary discussions for development. It was discussed whether to request land or cash when the concept comes before the Park and Recreation Committee. Item number eight was the Raven Lake plat. Staff and committee are opposed to taking unusable land far donation since it would not be conducive for park use. This will continue. to be negotiated. Staff showed the committee that the .lot .lines of this development go into the lake, making this water privately owned by the lakeshore owners. If a park is put on the shoreline of Raven Lake there would be a public access to the lake, making this a public body of water. Staff will check with the attorneys on this matter. Messinger asked about any possible grant monies which may be available for trail development around Parkview, to connect the trails directly to the trails at Valley Lake and the neighborhoods. Member Larson asked if Antlers parking lot is open. Staff stated there are many snowmobile problems in the park system and this is just one of them. Member Grenz stated more garbage cans were needed at the warming houses - both inside and out. It was decided that the election of officers will be held at the next meeting. Committee members will be notified in the meantime to see if they are interested in holding an office. 88.4 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Lulf, seconded by Lovelace, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, . C/ Gerald Grenz, Chairman ATTEST: arry 0 sted, Secretary Jr