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DECEMBER 16, 1987
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Grenz at 7:00 PM. Members present
were Grenz, McDonald, Messinger, Lulf and Larson. Olmsted and Lovelace were
not able to attend. Also present were Steve Michaud, Parks and Recreation
Director; Ken Vraa, Park Director for the City of Eagan, and recording
secretary, Judi Ringeisen.
87-88 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the Park and
Recreation Committee minutes of December 2, 1987.
Motion passed.
Messinger commented on the survey results which had been distributed on the
after school recreation programs to be held at the elementary schools. She
felt the students should. also have been surveyed at Parkview Elementary
School in Valley Park. Staff explained that right now it is a pilot program
to be started at only one elementary school and that if it is successful, it
will be expanded to all Lakeville schools.
Staff reported that the ice building program is underway with 18 sheets of
ice being .built by the crew working a split shift. The bids for the lights
had come in at $3,700 to install rink lights at The Meadows, Independence,
Oak Shores and Foxborough. The lights have been ordered and installation.
should begin immediately and take no more than one week. The weather will
• determine if the rinks will be ready for opening this weekend. The warming
houses may he staffed in order to keep the citizens off of the ice if it is
not yet skatable.
The Ritter Farm Park Ski Trail grant fund has received $x,100 for trail
grooming this year. A balance of $1,388 remains from last year. The
snowmobile trail grant also has a fund balance due to the lack of snow last
winter. There is $9,742 in the fund for snowmobile trails this year. Staff
told the committee that cross country ski .trails will be groomed at
Independence Park this year if/when the snow is adequate.
Staff reported the great success of the Santa's Secret Store program which
was held at the Senior Citizen Center on December 12th. The program will be
expanded next year possibly to also include a site in Valley Parka
Staff reminded the committee that two pertinent items are on the city
council agenda for December 21st. These items are the committee
reappointments and a resolution to approve updated wages for part time park
staff and instructors.
Staff updated the committee on the council's reaction to the RFP's for the
Park and Open Space System Plan update. It is council's contention that
park planning should be done aggressively with property for futuristic. plans
being purchased while the land is affordable. A work session will be held
with the Council and the Park and Recreation Committee after the holidays to
discuss the. major issues which should now be confronted. These issue
• include the wildlife preserve concept, the Lake Marion Parkway and the
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
December 16, 1987 -2-
preservation of Lakeville's natural characteristics. A subcommittee will be
.formed to work with the Park Director.
The .committee discussed the Nordic Square plat at 160th St. and Dodd Blvd.
with staff. This plan was done in the late 1960's or early 70's as a
private PUD with a variety of uses and much open space. The standards and
codes have changed over the years and these will need to be looked at. The
committee is interested in this plat as it is in the Northeast. quadrant and
part of the search area for a park.
A representative of the Lakeville Commercial Center developer, Ken Gust, was
present to discuss their plat. He asked the Park Director to explain the
park dedication policy.. .Staff explained that there is no park property
identified in this area due to the fact that the plat was outside of the
urban service area. Based on the $2,500 per acre commercial. park dedication
fees, the cash requirement for this plat would be $200,000. Staff explained
that funds. are diversified into neighborhood parks, which the employees and
.tenants of the commercial park would be using. If a trail corridor is taken
within the plat,. reasonable terms can be negotiated for a park dedication
credit. The developer .thought phasing would be done from north to .south.
The area is now zoned B-4, general business. The developer is currently
updating the EAW and hopefully. by the end of January a preliminary plat will
be prepared, at which time the developer will come before the .Park.. and
• Recreation committee again.
The committee discussed the Tollefson plat which is scheduled for
preliminary and final approval at the. January 6th Park and Recreation
Committee meeting. Staff feels that based on topography, it is difficult to
visualize the park area without it being staked. Staff feels the plat
should not progress until the area is staked and committee has a chance to
look at the park site. Another letter will be written to Tollefson
reiterating the issue.
Another new plat, The Cove, was discussed with a representative from Joseph
Douglas Custom Homes. This is an 8.5 acre plat with eleven large lots in
.the area of Bassett Park on the north side of Lake Marion. Staff discussed
possible trail routes through the plat. The developer stated .that the DNR
had been contacted with regard to dredging a channel to the main lake. from
the plat. The planners and city staff are considering the length of the cul
de sac in the plat .since it is somewhat longer than the standards which have
been set. .Committee will be updated as the plat progresses.
Staff informed the committee that 0utlots H and K in Rolling Oaks will be
final platted, thus completing the Rolling Oaks park requirements.
Jeff Larson showed the committee an artist's concept of the Ritter Farm Park
muzzleloader rendezvous. He has made plans for a parking area with a horse
drawn wagon to bring tourists to the rendezvous area, a registration area,
exhibit area, a traders' area and possibly an area for an, archery tournament
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
December 16, 1987 -3-
to be held at the same time. Staff talked to David Fields about the
proposition and possibly accessing from. his adjoining property. Fields 'will
get in touch with staff again after the first. of the year. The rendezvous
is scheduled to be held during the 1988 Pan-O-Prog celebration.
87-89 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, that the Park and
Recreation Advisory Committee agree with the general ideas and guidelines as
stated by Jeff Larson and to recommend that city council. approve the request
for a rendezvous event in Ritter Farm Park.
Motion passed.
The committee thanked Jeff Larson for the time and energy. involved in
putting this. plan together.. This concept will be put on the council agenda
for January 4, 1988.
Staff and committee discussed the 1988 Park Dept. goals and objectives.
Messinger asked about a shelter installation for Valley. Lake Park which was
omitted from the Park Director's goals. This will be added to the list.
McDonald asked about the relationship between the Park Watch program and the
neighborhood Crime Watch program. She stated that. in Valley Park more
interest could be .generated. if the two were .combined into one program,
especially since there have' been some vandalism problems in the area
recently. She stated more emphasis should be put on a functioning program,
not just signs put up around the area. Staff will contact Janet Nelson
about actively combining the programs and applying for some grant monies
.which may be available.
.Staff is working in .conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and ISD #194 on
an Arbor Day program. Several other organizations have also expressed an
interest in getting involved in this program.
Jeff Larson told staff he may be able to get several evergreen trees at a
very reasonable cast. Staff asked Jeff to check into the possibility as he
would be very interested in obtaining these trees.
Grenz stated that a fence is needed. at Parkview Park to keep motorized
vehicles out of the park. Staff stated this could be done in the spring.
Larson asked if staff had heard from Mrs. HaIIi in response to the letter
staff had written to her .approximately two weeks ago. Staff has not heard
from her or .any of the neighbors in the area recently.
Staff reported he had met with three biologists from the Minnesota Dept. of
Transportation concerning the creation of a wetland habitat in the area.
MjDOT is very excited about the proposal and is willing to work with staff
where necessary in the areas of planning and funding..
Staff is also excited about the golf course proposed in the area of North
Park.. This 18 hole course will include a club house and other amenities.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
December 16, 1987 -4-
The golf course is being proposed by the developer of Walnut Ridge and would
be a privately owned and operated facility, open. to the public.
Staff.. feels. this course will tie .several beautiful parks in the area
:together, including parks in Lakeville, Burnsville. and Apple Valley.
87-90 Since there was no further business, it was moved by McDonald, seconded by
Lulf, to adjourn.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairman
arr lmste Secretary
• Jr