HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02 CITY OF LAKBVILLE PARKS AND RECR£sATION ADVISORY CONMITTEF MgETING • DEC£sMBPR 2, 1987 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Grenz at 7:00 PM. Present were Messinger, McDonald, Grenz, Larson, Olmsted and Lulf: Also present:. Daryl Zuelke of Donohue & Associates, Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 87-85 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger to approve the minutes of the November 18, 1987 Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. .Motion passed. Daryl Zuelke was present on behalf of Donohue and Associates to discuss the ..Ipava Avenue improvement project as it relates to the installation of a pedestrian trail. Zuelke explained that Improvement Project 86-15 included the widening of Ipava Avenue from 173rd Street north to 165th Street and provided-far 8' trailways on both sides of the new street. Because of the steeper grades of a few driveways along this stretch of Ipava, the residents were protesting the installation of the trailway on the west side of Ipava. Zuelke went on to explain that the developer of Lynwood £ast, Scott 3ohnsan, had constructed a new driveway for the Halli's. They had been offered an alternative access from the rear of their property into the Lynwood bast. development .but had chosen to decline this offer. Tabaka and Rahn were also "offered alternative accesses to be constructed at a later date when the Harstad plat is developed. The policy of the city is that no single family residences have direct access onto a major collector due to traffic capacity. However, when an existing farm is developed, often the homestead remains and they almost always have their driveway with access to a major collector. The committee asked if the.-city could require residents to put in a different driveway which would alleviate the situation. Zuelke stated that unless the exception is actually platted, the city could probably not take their driveway .away from them, however it is very clear that when these properties are. developed in the future, provisions are made for accesses into the surrounding plats and. not onto a major collector. The engineer showed maps and photographs of the driveways before and after the grading took place for Ipava Avenue. Zuelke has been checking on getting trees moved which are in the trail right of way. These trees will be mowed in the spring which is a less hazardous time for this particular species of tree. Zuelke stated that, using engineering standards and city policy, he does not see abnormal safety hazards with the trail along the west side of Ipava since the grades do not exceed the norms or standards. Grenz felt that because"the residents had been offered a rear access option and had chosen not to take advantage of it, they are not in a position to be changing or delaying the installation of the bike trail. Zuelke will check on a possible easement for Rahn's onto the city owned property adjoining them. • Park and Recreation Committee minutes • December 2, 1987 Page -2- Messinger asked why the alternatives had not been offered sooner. Zuelke stated the trail plan was through before Lynwood Bast was planned and 1?0th Street installed. The committee discussed possible non-use of the trail during the winter months by signing, not plowing or installing caution signs along that section where hazards could potentially exist. Staff suggested waiting to make a recommendation until decisions are made by the school ass far as busing and how that would affect the traffic on the trailway to the new elementary school. Staff also asked Daryl Zuelke to find out what the difference in the length of the driveways would have been from front driveways to rear driveways for the Halli family and the other effected neighbors. McDonald stated in her opinion this is not a park .problem and these issues should have been decided at the staff or public hearing level. The committee will delay their decision until information can be received from the school. The committee thanked Zuelke for his time and explanation of the situation from an engineering standpoint. Staff informed the committee that the Stewart Properties developers are now discussing development for the north side of County Road 64 only. If this in fact becomes reality, staff suggests that a cash donation be required • because it would be a much smaller site. Provisions also need to be made for a trailway through the development. The Lakeville Commercial Center plat being developed by Cooley Naegle is in the preliminary stages and is moving along. Staff suggests an interior trail system, with a cash park dedication requirement. The Trotter's Ridge plat has their grading permit and is ready for final plat of the 91 lots. Because of the design of the cul-de-sacs and extended streets in this plat, staff feels a trail is warranted. The development agreement states that because the need far a trail is caused by the design of the plat, the developers should be required to install the trail along designated pedestrian right of ways. Staff will check into the wording of the development agreement. Wild Wings plat, in the Northeast quadrant of the city, may meet the criteria for a wildlife preserve when the criteria are identified and finalized. There are several large outlots in this plat which may be conducive for the preserve being discussed by committee. Staff told the committee that he had been in contact with the Dept. of Transportation, Division of Bnvironmental Services concerning the wetlands and holding ponds for wildlife in the area. It is the policy of the DOT that whenever any wetlands and wildlife areas are used to build roadways, these wetlands need to be replaced at other locations within the safe county. Since Dakota County is in need of locations to replenish the • wetlands which have been taken, there may be some funding available in this' area for development of the wildlife preserve. A meeting has been set up for next week when staff will discuss funding assistance for both the preserve and the Park and Open Space System Plan update. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee December 2, 1987 • Page -3- Staff informed the committee that the developer of Walnut Ridge, Norm Paquette, is looking at the land near North Park for a potential public golf course. Staff is enthusiastic about this possibility because of the tremendous need in the area. Committee will be kept up to date as further information is available. Committee discussed the upcoming term expirations of two members, Larry Lulf .and Pat Messinger. Both committee members expressed a desire to continue in their positions. 87-86 `Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Larson, to recommend to city council that members Lulf and Messinger be reappointed for three year terms to begin on January 1, 1988. Motion passed. Staff invited the committee to attend the council meeting on December 7th since two important park items are on the agenda. These items are approval of the RFP's for the Park and Open Space System Plan and approval of the 1988 Park.Dedication Budget. Staff has had much response to the letter which was sent to the residents around Ritter Farm Park concerning horseback riding in the park. One resident who had been allowing people to cross their property for park access has discontinued that policy. Staff has told the people who are opposed to .the ordinance that it is up to them to go through the proper channels to request changes to be made in the policies or to have trails installed in the park..:.. Jeff Larson stated that he would like to present his. muzzleloader rendezvous concept plan to the Park-and Recreation Advisory Committee at the next meeting and, if recommended, to the City Council at their meeting following. Revenue profits from this event will go into a special fund for development -of Ritter Farm Park and the wildlife preserve. This could become an annual event with the potential for being a very profitable venture. The rendezvous would be part of and during Pan-O-Prop. Staff t©1d the committee that he has not received a response yet on the memo he had written to the developer of the Raven Lake plat. He will keep committee up to date when he receives correspondence. Under new business staff commented on the feasibility study which had been completed on the paving of Highview Avenue making a 24' wide rural section. No trails are planned until this area is upgraded to urban section. The paving of this stretch of Highview is in preparation for the 1989 detours during the construction of Cedar Avenue. Staff explained the Goals/Objective gvaluation procedure that city .employees are currently in the process of completing. The committee members asked for • copies of the goals and objectives when they are completed. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee December 2, 1987 Page -4- Staff discussed the letter which he had received from Soo Line Railroad which is in the process of deciding what recommendation to make for the bike trail crossing the railroad tracks behind 207th Street from Dodd Blvd. to Holyoke. 185th Street extension to the freeway also must crass the Soo Line Railroad tracks. Decisions need to be made in this area also for trail installations. Staff is working with Donohue to determine exact unit cost for trail installations. Staff informed the committee of some vandalism which had taken place in Dakota Heights and Antlers Parks by 4-wheelers. Grass, signs and fence posts have been damaged at these locations. Lights have been ordered for the area to light the fishing bridge on Lake Marion. It was felt this bridge may pose a potential hazard to snowmobilers and the light will also serve as courtesy to the fishermen. Lights have also been ordered for two rinks. 87-87 Since there was no further business, it was moved by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. • Respectfully submitted, Gerald Grenz, Chairperson ATTfiST: Lar tad, Secrete jr