HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1987 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Grenz at 7:00 PM. Members present were Lovelace, Lulf, Grenz, Larson, Messinger and McDonald. Olmsted arrived later. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 87-81 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by McDonald to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Committee meeting of November 4, 1987. On page two of the minutes Messinger wished to stress the committee's intent to preserve the area around Raven Lake as it is the last lake area park which will be available in Section 8. Motion passed. Minutes were approved as amended. Under item three the Park Director reported that Orchard Lake playground installation is complete except far the retaining wall, which is about a two day job and will be done when weather permits. When this is finished, aII playground installations will be complete. Several citizens have called the Park Director in response to the letter which was sent to the property owners adjoining Ritter Farm Park concerning horseback riding in the park. There is some interest from citizens in • going through proper channels. to have the ordinance amended or getting special permission to be able to ride in the park legally. The Park Director stated he would be willing to designate an area for equestrians if they would do the clean up of the area on a regular basis. Staff expects to hear from this .group again soon. The planting of over 400 trees in the parks is complete. Crews are preparing warming houses, rinks, plows, etc. for the winter season. They have been given notice of the double shift for rink flooding which will start November 30th, weather permitting. The possibility of having half-height boards at a few of the rinks was discussed. Staff had decided against the idea, since this type of boards is more conducive to knee and head injuries to the hockey players. Boards are needed at Independence, Foxborough and the Meadows Parks. Lighting in these areas will be checked to see if it is adequate. Staff hired a professional crew to come into Aronson Park to straighten the light poles for the purpose of safety, light efficiency and aesthetics. The cost was $100 per pole. Staff will be walking the trails at Ritter Farm Park to see where new trails need to be cut, due to the land being sold on the east side of the park. The new trail will possibly go through the archery range, which is closed far the season. • Staff had contacted Hallberg Marine concerning the pontoon raft which had been placed in Valley Lake for a short time this summer. The company was Park and Recreation Committee minutes • November 1$, 1987 Page -2- not willing to replace the raft so the alternative is to repair it and relocate it into a different beach area, possibly Orchard Lake, where there would not be such heavy use as in Valley Lake. The repair bill. may be paid by the manufacturer; staff will submit the bill to them. A donation has been offered from the family of Brad Skoglund who was fatally injured in a traffic accident last week. Their thoughts were to have a memorial of some kind included in the development of Casperson Park, since Brad had used and enjoyed the area. The Park Director will keep in touch with the family concerning their needs. Item four was a discussion of the recommendation of requests for proposals from architectural firms for work on the Park and Open Space System Plan. The committee commented that the memo from staff was very comprehensive and they did not have any additions to what should be required or requested in the RFP, except for possibly an overview of how the various planning districts come together. 87-82 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to recommend that city council approve the request for proposals from architectural firms for the. update of the Park and Open Space System Plan, as stated in the Park Director's memo dated November 4, 1987. It is further recommended that this • project be funded through the Park Dedication Fund. Motion passed unanimously. Committee member McDonald suggested putting directions in writing for people who wish to make changes in city policy or ordinances and what steps need to be taken to bring an issue before the city council. Staff will suggest putting this information into the new booklet being prepared by the city administrator's assistant. It was agreed that all citizens need information on how to deal with issues that arise. Item five .was a presentation from Donohue Engineering firm concerning the trail an Ipava Avenue. Since there was not a representative from Donohue in attendance, this issue was tabled in Napes that someone would be here later. Under item number six the committee was given an update on the park dedication fund balance, showing total revenues and expenditures as of September 30, 1987. Trotter's Ridge plat is now moving to a final plat stage with 91 lots. Committee had received a memo from staff concerning the Stewart Properties plat north of County Road 64. The memo dated November 9, 1987 discussed the meeting with the developers who were seeking a park dedication credit for a greenbelt drainway area, not a high and dry usable park land as required. Discussion surrounded the need for trail accesses to the proposed Lake Marion parkway .and the need for a neighborhood park associated with the • larger. residential area platted south of County Road 64. The plat consists Park and Recreation Committee minutes November 18, 1987 • Page -3- of 54 acres, 141 lots, which would be a land donation of 6.5 acres. Committee and staff discussed a combination of land and cash being required from this property. Staff will write a letter to the Stewart developers indicating what the Park and Recreation Committee requests from this plat. In reference to item eight, the Raven Lake plat review, committee had received reports from the engineers and planners concerning this plat.. Staff had talked to the engineers to get the slope figures concerning the third lot which staff will negotiate to have included in the park dedication. Concerns with the steep slopes and usability of the proposed dedicated area were discussed. Staff will contact the developer with requirements and recommendations and how the 12 degree slope affects this piece of property. 87-83 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Olmsted, to direct staff to write a letter informing the developer that the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee's request for park dedication for this plat will include three lots, the purchase of an additional four acres from the adjoining development and the piece of property at the east end of Raven Lake. In addition to the land dedication the Park Director will ask the developer to do the trail installations within the plat. The Park and Recreation committee further authorized the Park Director to negotiate with the . developer other alternatives if they exist. Motion passed unanimously. Staff reported to the committee on a new plat in the Northeast quadrant which is out of the 1990 Urban Service Area. Staff feels the committee should keep the Wild Wings plat in mind for a possible wildlife preserve area, and also that an immediate search of the Northeast quadrant be done for a regional significant neighborhood park. If the park area is found to be in the Wild Wings plat, it will come as a dedication, otherwise it will be purchased with the cash dedication from the area. Staff will also try to find out where the high and dry areas are so they can be identified for possible park land where necessary in this district. At this point the committee brought up item five again and the fact that the engineers had failed to attend the meeting with their report. This issue of .the bike. trail along Ipava Avenue was a pressing issue and the committee was quite annoyed that the engineers had not attended nor had they let anyone know that they would not be there. Staff will contact them.. Under old business, Larson wondered if there was any progress on the Park Watch program. Staff stated the program is expected to be operation by summer. Committee will invite the police to come and explain how the program works and how it coordinates with the crime fund. Staff reported that the city administrative assistant had inventoried all the signs in all the parks. He will also be assisting the Park Director on other projects • throughout the next few months, including the Park Watch Program and the development of a maintenance management standards manual. Park and Recreation Committee minutes • November 18, 1987 Page -4- Committee member McDonald asked if Ritter Park concept will be redone. Staff stated it will be updated as part of the comprehensive park and open space system plan. Committee member Larson offered some information on a muzzle loader rendezvous which he would like to plan for Ritter Farm Park next summer. He stated the event at Murphy's Landing had drawn 600-700 people and another event he attended had drawn 5,000. Fees were charged for entry to these events. Larson would like to set a date and start formulating his plan far the event. For this reason, the concept plan and organizational structure for the rendezvous need to be done as soon as possible. The Park Director gave the committee a notice of an MRPA workshop to be held December 3rd on the charging of fees in city parks. Committee members should let staff know by November 30th if they will be able to attend the workshop.. 87-84 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Larsan, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, • Gerald Grenz, Chairperson ATTEST: Lam teed, Sec etary jr •