HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
NOVEMBER 4, 1987
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Grenz at 7:00 PM. Members present
were Lovelace, Lulf, Olmsted, Grenz, Larson and Messinger. McDonald arrived
later. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording
secretary Judi Ringeisen.
87-77 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf to approve the minutes of the
Park and Recreation Committee meeting of October 21, 1987.
Committee member Messinger stated that on page 3, second paragraph, she did
not feel that the golf. driving range proposal for Aronson Park was a
priority, nor that it was discussed at the October 21st meeting but at an
earlier meeting. She wished to emphasize that the on-going and planned
development projects listed in the Park Dedication Fund Budget for 1988 were
the number one priorities before any new projects should be taken on. She
feels the neighborhood park projects need to be completed first. Messinger
also commented on the second to the last paragraph on page 3, that the
committee members concurred with the proposed Park Dedication Fund budget
with the exclusion of Caspersen Park.
Grenz would like added to the minutes the discussion of setting up a policy
of allocating money by districts as discussed at the October 21st meeting.
Staff commented that this is always the way the park dept. has operated and
• no changes would be made with this policy. There are issues which need to
be discussed and policy put in writing; this will be done as part of the
overall update of the park comprehensive plan.
Vote was taken to approve the minutes as amended. Ayes: Messinger, Lulf,
Lovelace, Grenz, Olmsted, Larson.
Motion passed.
Next item was the Park Director's report. Staff talked about the bidding of
upcoming projects. Estimates have been prepared by the engineers far many
of the projects and the budget reflects these estimates. Some of the
projects are started or ready to be started.
87-78 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to approve the following
projects as stated in the 1988 Park Dedication Fund Budget: Bunker Hill
Park, Oak Shores Park, Foxborough Park, Rolling Oaks Park, Dakota Heights
Park and North Park. A copy of the budget is attached.
Motion passed.
Staff informed the committee that interest is being shown by developers in
the northeast section of Lakeville. This area is not yet served by city
utilities and is outside the present Urban Service Area. If development in
fact is to take place, staff and committee will need to search for park land
in this area.
Item number five was a report from NAC which was requested by staff to
• indicate the development progress of various plats in Lakeville.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• November 4, 1987
Page 2
Item six was a report from NAC concerning Raven Lake. The report states that
the majority of slopes in the park area exceed 12~, which is not usable park
land. Committee suggested that three lots be requested from the developer
or that two lots be requested plus the purchase of additional land from the
adjoining property owners. Staff will have the engineers calculate the 12~
slopes on the 3rd lot. Staff will pursue acquiring additional acreage from
adjoining developers. If enough property cannot be acquired to make this a
reasonably sized park, the project will have to be abandoned. This area is
in the #8 search area and is planned as a passive neighborhood in quest of
conserving a beautiful natural setting. Committee will wait for the report
from the engineers before a decision is made.
Staff distributed a memo concerning the update of the Park and Open Space
System Plan and suggested that committee take some time to read and offer
comments on the plan. The memo explains that a consulting firm will be
retained to review and analyze the entire park and open space system and
include several new items with the results to be an updated comprehensive
park system plan. The committee agreed with staff's idea of holding public
hearings and public forums to solicit citizen input.
Item number eight was an update on development project status. Staff
reported that Antlers Park is finished. It has been reseeded and staff is
• pleased with the final result. Casperson Park still needs some work to be
completed in the spring before final payment is made to the contractor.
Staff is questioning some inspection bills from the engineers and will try
to negotiate these fees.
Staff and committee discussed at length the issue of the Ipava bicycle trail
on the west side between 173rd and 165th Streets as it relates to the four
steep driveways which intersect the trail. The neighbors have written
several letters stating their concerns over this potentially hazardous
situation. The committee discussed the feasibility of the trail and the.
human nature of children to take the shortest route. Staff feels this is
the most economical time to build the trail and would not wish to loose the
opportunity to have a trail on both sides of this major collector.
Grenz suggested talking to the school board to get their ideas. Staff will
try to get a school official to give a presentation to the committee about
the school boundaries and the necessities for crosswalks and school patrols.
Messinger and Olmsted both stated concerns about setting a precedent for
making exceptions to policy. Some committee members also stated their anger
that a situation such as this was created and allowed to remain until
attention was called to it by the citizens. Grenz suggested that the
residents of Rock Ridge may be upset if the trail does not go in, meaning
their children would have to cross Ipava Avenue to walk on the trail, or
walk on the west side where there would not be a trail. Staff suggested
that the trail could be closed in the winter and during the months when the
residents' driveways would be slippery. Committee felt that more
• information is needed from the schools and engineers before a decision could
be made.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• November 4, 1987
Page -3-
$7-79 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to have the engineers
attend the next meeting (November 18th) to explain how this situation
evolved and discuss several possible alternatives.
Motion passed.
At this point, committee member Messinger had to leave the meeting early.
Staff presented the plan for Marian Village By-the-Lake to the Committee.
This is the Stewart Properties proposal for the area south of Lake Marion
which is to include office, retail and single family development. Staff and
committee discussed the need for park land and the lakeshore requests that
most likely will be made. Staff will continue to watch the progress of this
development and keep the committee informed.
Under old business the Park Director had written a letter to Mr. Hertzberg
informing him that more information will be forthcoming in the Ritter Farm
Park use policies.
Staff also informed the committee that over 300 trees have been planted in
the parks. Of these 300, 50 were planted in Antlers Park and 100 at Valley
Lake Park, with the others being dispersed among several other sites.
• Staff had several snapshots of various shelters which he showed the
committee, along with pictures of other alternative in pre-fab buildings
which could be used for various locations. Bids will be taken for whatever
type of shelters .are decided upon.
Also under old business, a revised drawing of Valley Lake was received by
the Park Director. He will write a letter of agreement. Staff informed the
committee that the new building downtown is already being framed and the new
senior housing area behind it is still being planned. Also, the last
playground is being installed in Orchard Lake.
Larson brought up some park maintenance points of concern. Staff will bring
in the .archery bales from Ritter Farm Park if time permits and will write a
letter to the horse owners on the west side of Ritter Farm Park.
Staff has received permission from the DNR to move the 10X30' snowmobile
bridge to the apple orchard, since a roadbed had been installed where the
bridge footings had been found to be infeasible. The Snowmobile Club also
approved this bridge relocation.
Larson also asked staff about the directive in the September 8, 1987 City
Council minutes to investigate the allowed uses for surface water as it
related to Kingsley Lake. Staff requested and recently received information
from the City of Minnetrista, who has recently passed a surface water zoning
ordinance. More discussion will be held when staff has had time to go over
this information.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• November 4, 1987
Page 4
Committee member Grenz asked about the pontoon dock which had been installed
in Valley Lake early this summer, but which then had to be taken out because
it did not withstand the abuse of a public beach. Staff will check to see
if it can be returned to the manufacturer for any kind of refund.
87-80 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Olmsted, seconded by
McBonald to adjourn.
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairperson
L ry lmsted Secretary
1988 Proposed Development:
Picnic shelter $ 12,000.00
Parking lot and boundary fence 1,500.00
Plantings 5, 000.00
Removal of old pool building 1,000.00
Parking lot renovation {150 X 64 = 9,600) 5,000.00
Miscellaneous park amenities: Aglime-$400; bike rack-$250 650.00
Internal trail system - 1,600 ft. @ $10.00 per foot 16,000.00
Engineering and planning 5,000.00
Total 46,150.00
Revenue Sources Present Expenditures
Dodd Pointe $ 7,200.00
Dodd Pointe 2nd 10,200.00
Dodd Pointe 3rd 11,250.00
Dodd Ridge 7,800.00
Dodd Ridge 2nd 7,871.00
LakeVilla Golf Estates 10,250.00 9,545.00
• Total $54,571.00
Balance after present expenditures 45,026.00
Project Fund Difference (1,124.00}
1988 Proposed Development:
Double tennis court $ 27,000.00
Internal walkway - 2,000 LF C $10.00/ft. 20,000.00
Parking lot construction - west side 6,000.00
Parking lot fencing 4,000.00
Plantings 3,000.00
Exercise stations 3,000.00
Miscellaneous park amenities: Team benches-$400; Bike
racks-$500; Signage-$1,000 1,900.00
Planning and engineering - .33% X 50,000 16,500.00
Subtotal 81,400.00
Contingency 9,489.00
Total 90,889.00
Revenue Sources: Present Expenditures
Bluebill Bay Estates $ 48,000.00
• Oak Shores 10th 750.00
Oak Ridge Heights 20,400.00
Crystal Ridge Estates. 31,500.00 9,761.00
Total 100,650.00 9,761.00
Balance after present expenditures 90,889.00
1988 Development Proposal:
Multipurpose building $ 75,000.00
Sewer and water 15,000.00
Planning and engineering 20,000.00
Paving internal walkways - 2,000 LF @ $10.00/ft. 20,000.00
Tree plantings - 100-125 trees 5,000.00
Bridge installation 1,000.00
Park amenities: Benches, backstops, goals
6 benches installed-$1,800; two backstops-$4,000 installed;
soccer goals (2 sets)-$1,025; bike racks 10,000.00
Hockey rink and lights 10,000.00
Total 1988 156,000.00
Present funds available: Present Expenditures
Cherrywood Estates 12,300.00
Cherrywood Estates 1st Addn. 10,500.00
Cherrywood Estates 2nd Addn. 14,250.00
. Cherrywood Estates 3rd Addn. 50,165.00
Foxborough 2nd 41,853.00
Foxborough 3rd 2,649.00
Chapel Hi11 29,5D0.00
CedarGlen 12,500.00
Total 173,717.00 28,544.00
Balance after present expenditures 145,173.00
Project Fund Difference (10,827.00}
1988 Proposed Development:
Grading and seeding $ 20,000.00
Parking lot development 8,000.00
Playground installation 12,000.00
Planning and engineering 5,000.00
Subtotal 46,000.00
Contingency 2,799.00
Total 47,799.00
Revenue Sources Present Expenditures
Rolling Oaks $16,020.00
Mills Fleet Farm 32,981.00 1,202.00
49,001.00 1,202.00
Balance after present extenditures 47,799.00
Proposed Future Develo went
Multipurpose park shelter 75,000.00
Hockey rink and lights 10,000.00
Internal walkways 30,000.00
Miscellaneous park amenities 5,000.00
Plantings 10,000.00
Total 130,000.00
Revenue source due through remainder of Rolling Oaks development
1988 Proposed Development:
Picnic shelter $ 10,000.00
Tree planting 4,000.00
Parking lot and boundary fence 4,000.00
Miscellaneous park amenities: softball backstop-$500.00;
Bike racks-$500.00; 5ignage-$1,000.00 2,000.00
Trail system between Ipava & Isleton Ave.:
2,800' C $10.00 per foot 28,000.00
Playground equipment: wood structure-$9,000; sand-$500;
retaining wall-$2,000 11,500.00
Subtotal 59,500.00
Contingency 1,300.00
Total 60,800.00
• Revenue Sources:
Present Expenditures
Barrett's 13,800.00
Barrett's 2nd 7,000.00
Barrett's 3rd 13,125.00
Ridgeview 6,600.00
Ridgeview 2nd 7,000.00
Woodridge 2nd 5,400.00
Woodridge 3rd 3,563.00
Woodridge 4th 12,000.00
Total 68,488.00 7,688.00
Balance after present expenditures $60,800.00
1988 Proposed Development:
Signage $ 5,000.00
Landscaping 15,000.00
Trails 10,000.00
Lighting 15,000.00
Soccer goals 7,400.00
Infield aglime 2,500.00
Fencing softball and baseball field 20,000.00
Parking lot fencing 6,600.00
Control gates 1,200.00
Subtotal 1988 82,700.00
Contingency 54,029.00
1988-89 Proposed Development:
Park Shelter building / restrooms
Water & Sewer, engineering and planning 150,000.00
• Contingency of $54,029.00 plus future revenues from
Walnut Ridge, Homestead Creek, Trotters Ridge, etc.,
should fund a well planned, sizable building.
Revenue Sources:
Walnut Ridge $ 43,000.00
Rock Ridge 7,800.00
Rock Ridge 2nd 4,125.00
Rock Ridge 3rd 10,126.00
1987 State Grant 14,312.00
1988 State Grant 25,866.00
Homestead Creek 31,500.00
Total $136,729.00
Project Fund Balance $136,729.00