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OCTOBER 21, 1987
The meeting was called to order by by Chairperson Grenz. Members
present: Larson, McDonald, Grenz, Olmsted, Lulf, Messinger.
Park Director Steve Michaud was also present.
87-75 Item #2 was the approval of the October 7, 1987 Park and
Recreation Advisory Committee meeting minutes. There was some
discussion concerning a change on Item #7. In discussion
concerning the Tollefson plat, it was emphasized by Grenz that
pedestrian accesses from the plat to any proposed park within
this development will be mandatory. Staff noted the changes in
the minutes. It was then moved by Olmsted, seconded by Messinger
to approve the amended minutes. Motion passed.
Item #3 was the park directors report. At this time, Park
Director moved on to Item #4 to discuss a variety of issues from
the last Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. Under
4a, discussion of Ritter Farm Park Master Plan was tabled until
later in the meeting. Item b was also tabled until later on in
the meeting. Staff discussed the trail bids briefly, explaining
the assumed reasons for very high bids and what was proposed for
construction in the spring of '88.
Item d, concerning the Halli letter, staff reported to the
• committee that Pat McGarvey, the engineers and Steve Michaud met
with four of the concerned neighbors alang Ipava Avenue at 1:00
today. Staff explained that the citizens expressed several
concerns about their steep driveways and potential problems with
being able to stop their cars prior to the walkway in the winter
times. Staff was on site with the different neighbors for
approximately 45 minutes, at which time, most of the questions
were answered to the satisfaction of the residents present. The
general consensus was that the trail would remain and is a
valuable asset in the overall trail program. One resident still
insisted that there wasn't a need far the trail on the west side
of Ipava Avenue. There was also concern about two large blue
spruce trees in which the engineers are checking on the
feasibility of moving.
Item #5 was a review of the various projects. Staff explained
that most of the bond projects are coming along as planned.
Staff informed the committee that Central Landscaping had moved
the equipment into Antlers Park this day, and was beginning the
complete re-landscaping of three plus acres that was seeded
earlier in the year. Staff met on site with the engineers and
the contractor and explained in detail, what was to be done.
Contractor at this time, seems to be cooperating and is certain
that the job will completed to our satisfaction.
Parks and Recreation
October 21, 1987
Page 2
Staff reported that the maintenance department has been actively
planting trees in several parks and to date, some 200 trees have been
planted. Trees have been planted in Valley Lake Park, Foxborough Park,
James Jensen Park, Lake Ridge Park, Aronson Park and Dakota Heights
Park. Parks scheduled to receive trees include: North Park, Antlers
Park, Orchard Lake Beach, Orchard Lake Park, and Bunker Hill Park.
Staff also reported that all sixty redwood park benches had been
installed throughout the park system. Several other maintenance chores
continues throughout the park department. Park Director, Steve Michaud,
explained that he was very pleased with the amount of actual development
that had taken place during the 1987 season.
Item #6 - Plat update review. Staff reported that no word had been
received from the Tollefson property plat. Park Director Steve Michaud
had written a memo to the developer and various staff requesting the
proposed park area be staked out for inspection by the park committee.
Staff reminded the committee that in his letter he recommended that the
park and rec committee's actions be tabled until this could be
accomplished. Staff discussed the proposed Stewart property's
development north on County Road 64. There was some discussion relative
to the wooded draw that runs up through the proposed plat. It has been
suggested that this would make an excellent trail corridor down to the
proposed lake parkway as planned for the future. Staff will keep the
• committee informed as to the progress of this plat.
Item c: discussion of the Goth property north of Valley Lake Park.
Sta~fi' wed the property line8 between the north ~rf Ya~Ier~' e
aid tie °sritt~h~srn edge of the both property, navel Goth had proposed
a certain alignment for the property line which was not satisfactory.
Staff suggested a mare straight line in order to provide far ease of
property line identification. In discussions with the developer, there
did not seem to be a problem with this. The ulti~.ete cX~rrida~
the leike and the. property line would run irctr~cn g{} and , 'r'
wilf be` eptable to the 1~ark and Rec. A~visary Ccymtaittee. ~ this
tiers, until a final drawing of the first phase of development is ready,
the Park and Rec Advisory Committee has tabled this plat for
Item d: discussion of Raven Lake, the Eliason property. Staff passed
out the planning report on the Eliason property. There was considerable
discussion concerning the property being proposed for park. There was a
general consensus that a second visit to the site was necessary in order
to look at additional lands that may be necessary to satisfy the needs
being proposed for this passive park. There is concern about the
property on the east end of the lake being substandard and very narrow
and not providing adequate area. There was also concern relative to the
topography, in the southeast corner of the lake, which makes for any
passive or active use of this area very difficult. Park Committee and
• staff will be meeting on site Monday, October 26 at approximately 4:30
to review other areas for recommendation.
Parks and Recreation
October 21, 1987
Page 3
Item #7 was a review of the park dedication fund budget proposed for
1988. Park Director Steve Michaud proposed a new approach to achieving
several of the projects including several planning projects. Staff
recommended to the Park and Rec Committee the following scenario:
At present, there are several planning needs existing within our
department that have to be met in the near future. Those planning
needs include: the update of our comprehensive park system plan,
which would include the development and planning of a comprehensive
wild life preserve area through Lakeville; the master planning in
detail for Casperson Park and Ritter Farm Park. As part of our
planning process, we need several projects designed. They include
trail layouts in various neighborhood parks, the design of
neighborhood park shelter buildings, the design of at least one and
maybe two athletic complex multi-purpose shelter buildings. An
additional project that has been discussed is the potential for a
municipal golf driving range at Aronson Park. Staff propose that
we initiate a feasibility study that would determine if, in fact,
we have necessary room to design and build a good facility far the
southern metropolitan area and the citizens of Lakeville. In order
to accomplish all of the above, staff is recommending that we
submit RFP's to the architectural community in our attempt to
• secure a firm that would bring innovative new thinking to Lakeville
as we begin to enter a most progressive and sensitive development
in Lakeville's history
Staff will begin working on the RFP's the last week of October and
the beginning of November, with an attempt to begin to hear
presentations by architects as soon as the middle of November or
the end of November. When considering the amount of work that
needs to be done, as will be proposed for the park dedication fund
budget for 1988, time is short. Staff will keep the committee
informed of the progressed in these projects.
There was additional discussions on the park dedication fund for the
various neighborhood park projects being proposed for 1988. Committee
members all concurred with the proposed budget. Staff informed the
committee that we had just received current figures as of 9-30-87 and
would make one more review and update with the current figures as to the
proposed budget and report back at the first meeting in November for
recommendation to City Council.
Under old business, it was suggested that there be signs established at
Casperson Boat Launch restricting any storage of fish houses on the
public property at the end of the season due to potential liabilities.
Staff reported that the bridge in Ritter Farm Park and the bridge in
Foxborough Park are installed. Grenz suggested that the fencing
prohibiting cars from entering our trail systems at North Park and other
• sites in Lakeville be installed. Grenz also suggested that staff find
out the width of a wheel chair so that we do not restrict wheel chair
use of the trails. Staff will attempt to get these trail fences
installed soon.
Parks and Recreation
October 21, 1987
Page 4
Staff reported that the buildings at Bunker Hill and Parkview are being
removed. Messenger asked about the status of the PUD on Highway 50 and
the Watchke property. Staff reported that the bids that were refused
included the trail to the Watchke property. Staff also reported that
this was discussed at the Tuesday staff meeting and the City is
beginning to take the position that the roadway systems would be ordered
for installation during the 1988 construction season. This would then
also dovetail the bike trail construction. Jeff Larson reported that
there was an old rusty barrel in the water at the fishing bridge, and he
removed it and it should be picked up by the maintenance department.
Under new business, Jeff Larson brought up the idea of having a
rendezvous at Ritter Farm Park for the Pan-O-Prog festivities. The
committee discussed the idea and thought it would be acceptable use of
Ritter Farm Park. Jeff was asked to do additional research and bring
back information outlining exactly what a rendezvous was. Jeff
mentioned that rendezvous are held at Murphy's Landing and at Traders
Market. The committee will study this further as information becomes
87-76 There being no further business, it was moved by Olmsted, seconded by
Lu1f to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.