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OCTOBER 7, 1987
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Grenz. Members
present: Grenz, Larson, Lovelace, Messenger, Lulf, McDonald, Olmstead. Also
present: Program Supervisor, Renee Montreuil; Park Maintenance Superintendent,
Bud Alich.
ITEM #2:
8?-73 Motion was made by Larson and seconded by Lovelace to approve the minutes of the
Park & Recreation Adv. Committee of September 16, 1987.
Larson requested a correction on page one of the Apple Valley resident to Joel
Hudson. Also a name correction on page two to Bill McCasby of Rosemount.
Motion was then moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion passed.
ITEM #3:
Under the Park Director's report, Renee discussed the staff letter to John
Peterson. The letter stressed the need far open communication in regards to any
proposals for the wild life preserve area. The park department would like to
work closely with the developer on any plans that would have impact on the
proposed wild life area. Staff reported that only two bids for the MPTW were
• received and both were $31,000 or more over the city engineer's estimate. These
bids were rejected and will be rebid in the early spring for completion as soon
as the weather permits. It was felt that more competitive bids will be received
at that time and the project will be able to be done within the engineers
estimated cast.
The committee reviewed the Park Director's letter to the engineers concerning
several projects and issues of concern. Staff reported that most of the issues
had been resolved.
There was discussion concerning the bike trail status and various costs
up-to-date. Park Director, Steve Michaud, will have more detailed information
at the October 21, 1987 meeting.
ITEM #4:
The Ritter Farm park master plan was reviewed, and directions set. for policy
development concerning development use. At present, the staff is reviewing
various policies throughout the metropolitan area concerning development of
major wildlife areas. As soon as the staff receives some of this documentation,
it will be shared with the committee for review.
ITEM #5:
The park dedication fund was reviewed. The second revised budget was passed out
to the committee. The staff reported that the park director will discuss, in
• detail, the park dedication fund at the second meeting in October. It is the
intention of the staff to have the park dedication fund budget approved by city
council at the November 1st meeting.
- Parks and Recreation Committee minutes
October 7, 1987 - 2 -
ITEM #6:
The staff reported that 55 of the 60 park benches have been installed. The last
five will be installed around the playground at Valley Lake Park as soon as the
playground is complete. Staff also reported that some 110 new trees have been
planted at Valley Lake Park. There was discussion on the various park band
projects. Staff informed the committee that Antlers Park was still on hold in an
attempt to see how the seeding project would progress before the contractor
returned to correct the landscaping problems. A solution had been worked out
and letters outlining the solution have been mailed to the contractor. We are
still awaiting his response.
ITEM #7:
Staff discussed the Tollefson plat. Park Director, Steve Michaud, has written a
letter to the Tollefson plat developer requesting that the park area be staked
so that it could be easily identified on site. To date, the developer has yet
to contact the city with respects to completing the staking. It was mentioned,
by member Grenz, that if a park is located in the Tollefson plat there would be
several pedestrian accesses to the park. Staff also reported that the Stewart
property north of Cty. Rd. 46 was once again active and they are pursuing the
platting process. The staff will keep the committee more informed of this as
information becomes available.
• Renee reported that the Community Fair was very successful and would be held
again next year.
The committee received information and copies of proposed covers for the
multi-purpose trail comprehensive plan document. Two examples were given. to the
committee and a variety of colors to choose from. The committee chose the cover
that was less busy and a color of royal blue.
There was discussion concerning the Hallie letter and the Ipava Avenue
construction project. Staff will discuss this further at the October 21,
87-74 Being no further business it was moved by Lovelace, seconded by Grenz to adjourn
the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.