HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:00 PM. .Members present were Grenz, Larson,. McDonald and Messinger. Absent were Lulf, Lovelace and Olmsted. Also present were Park .Director Steve Michaud, recording secretary Judi Ringeisen and several citizens. 87-71 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by McDonald to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee of September 2, 1987. Messinger wished to state that motion 87-67 was made because she also had objections and not only because of the letter which had been received frcfm concerned property owners around the proposed muzzleloader/shooting range. Messinger also was concerned about the completion of Bunker Hill Park which was discussed at the September 2nd meeting under old business. McDonald requested a correction on page 2; the naturalist who she met with was from Richardson Nature Center, not Dodge Nature Center. Motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected. Ayes: Grenz, Larson,. McDonald and Messinger. Since several people were in attendance to hear the presentation on the • Ritter Park muzzleloader/shooting range, the committee decided to move to item #6. Jeff Larson presented his proposal and added that the fees would be raised from those stated in the report. Gary Hertzberg was in the audience representing himself and Mr. Vernon Schwartz who are property .owners in the area. Mr. Hertzberg raised concerns about noise, which they can already hear from the Minneapolis Gun Club, approximately five miles away. Other concerns the citizens had were a decrease in their property values, the driving away of natural wildlife and the .potential future increased use of .the range beyond what is now planned. Mr. Hertzberg is also opposed to what he feels is an inappropriate use of park property. Joe Watson, an Apple Valley resident, stated the noise from a black powder muzzleloader does not carry like a modern weapon. He feels the proposed use is too restricted. He stated he is a member of the National Muzzleloader Association. Hertzberg also fears that once the range is established, it will more likely be opened up for other uses and control will be lost. Police Chief Radermacher was in attendance and spoke briefly about why the shooting range was closed at Jensen's Gravel Pit. This was due to the gravel mining which was restarted on the site. He also stated the need the Lakeville. police have fore a nearby pistol shooting range. in order not to pull cars off the street while the officers go to Rosemount's range. • Watson stated .there are many indoor ranges which can be used for modern weapons but which are not compatible with black powder weapons. Parks and Recreation Committee minutes • September 16, 1:987 -2- Committee member Messinger was concerned that people could come onto the range at any time and control would be very difficult, as is true with the enforcement of many rules and regulations. Staff stated that a set schedule for. the range would be closely adhered to, although infiltration from the south side of Ritter has always been a problem, even though it is posted.. .Mrs. Hertzberg raised the passibility of children playing in the park being seriously injured or killed from stray gunfire, and that parks and gunfire do not mix. They feel the range will become an attractive nuisance. Bill Makaska of Rosemount, a muzzleloader advocate, questioned why the existence of a specific range would make the park more dangerous or more of a problem to the geople who wish to use other areas of the park. A resident of Valley Park who is a past vice president of the muzzleloaders, stated there are responsible adults behind the weapons. Park.. Director Steve Michaud stated the area has intentionally been left wild and wildlife preserves are being researched at this time. Property owners on all sides of the park need to be contacted for their input. Chief Radermacher brought up the possibility of having the entire area' secured. He also vouched for the character and integrity of the muzzleloaders on the whole who he stated were mainly historian type persons. • Committee member McDonald voiced concerns about other people coming in to use the range and the noise from the police firearms. She stated and interpretive nature center south of the river is needed and this area would be an ideal place for such a facility, where many more people would benefit.. Joe Hoffbeck, Lakeville, stated there is always a range officer in attendance whenever there is any shooting taking place and it is a very safe operation. Michaud stated the range standards and targets are taken down at the end of every scheduled shoot, which leaves the area. looking the same. He would like to see the berms around the area built up about another six feet to cut down on noise and hazards. Staff stated the costs would be minimal and the muzzleloader users offered to assist with labor or fund raising. Radermacher stated the Army would be opening a new range, probably in Apple Valley, in .about three years which will alleviate many of their problems. Staff stated that guidelines and policy for the park uses need to be set before a decision can be made on this issue. A meeting will be set-up with surrounding property owners to receive their input. The committee stated their main concerns were security, access and what it would do to the possibility of an interpretive center. This matter will be tabled until a future meeting. • Mr. Hertzberg discussed with staff the cross country ski trail Loop which crosses his property. Staff is unsure if the trail will be recut this year. Parks and Recreation Committee minutes • September 16, 1987 -3- Item ..number three was the Park Director's report.. Staff reported he had met with a few engineering firms regarding the mining at Casperson Park and the redraw of the master plan. Bids will be forthcoming for this project. Staff was very unsatisfied with the way the landscaping project at Antlers Park had turned out. The engineers had visited the site and agreed the project should not pass the final inspection. .Staff is requesting that the project be finished this fall so as not to have the park under construction again next summer. Staff told the committee there was a possibility of sewer and water being connected at North Park and this is being looked into. The Park .and Street Depts. are installing a filter fabric in place of the bridge at Ritter Farm Park. The other bridges will be installed by the Park and Street Depts. also, since the bids for footings had came in over budget. The recent rains should help the turf growth at Aronson and the other newly seeded .areas. Messinger asked what was to be done about the weeds at Valley. Lake. Staff said the maintenance crews are spraying for broadleaf right. now but something would be done about the project. Experts recommend seeding be complete by September 15th. • Staff informed .the committee of the Community Fair to be held September 19th from 10:00 to 3:00 at the Lakeville High School. The Lakeville Park .Dept. will be represented. The park bench installation bids had been favorable and work is expected to begin soon. Staff had met with the Vo Tech Landscape program about getting trees planted yet this fall. They told him Lakeville is a high priority area. Staff is considering taking bids on materials and actual construction of the proposed park shelters; he was not satisfied with the pre-fob model bids he had received and felt they would not be a good investment. The developer and staff are working on final requirements for. park dedication on the first phase of Homestead Creek. It was decided that Outlat D and the six acres will be dedicated, but nat until the time of final plat of the second phase. Staff also informed the committee of some problems at the boat launch over Labor .Day weekend; several cars were ticketed and some of the people who had been cited had contacted the park director and ranger. Staff will also be looking at the fishing pier as it pertains to child safety, as a citizen had informed the city of a small child falling through near the handicapped entrance. • Parks and Recreation Committee minutes September 16, 198? -4- Staff .discussed the park dedication fund. Committee received an updated list of park dedication revenues and expenditures and a proposed budget worksheet. Under proposed projects, Messinger wants a hockey rink built in Foxborough Park. Staff mentioned that the rinks have always been built .when the need was felt and requests were made for more rinks. The committee agreed that a playground in still needed for the Dakota Heights Park. Mills Fleet Farm revenues had been put toward the Rolling Oaks Park budget. Staff and committee discussed at length the various park sites and how each park's hudget would be allocated. Messinger asked .about security lighting on crass country bike trails far those riding after dark. Staff will research solar lights and report back to the committee. It .was decided that the main priorities. for completion are Bunker Hill, Dakota Heights, North Park and Foxborough. A synopsis was distributed of the Lakeville opinion survey comparing percentages from the past three surveys. .Staff discussed the validity of the survey and how it benefits all city departments in making changes. The Valley Lake well pump has been approved and ordered. The committee decided on the cover of the Lakeville Trails Plan to be blue, with the MPTW symbols printed top to bottom on the left side. • Grenz asked what is being done about the purple loosestrife problem. This has been. given to Jim Robinette to resolve. The committee would appreciate an update on his progress. The committee would also like an update on the question of the trail width at 165th Street and Ipava. 8?-?2 - Since there was no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by McDonald to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Gerald Grenz, Chairman ATTEST: Lar= Olmsted, Secretary Jr