HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:00 PM. Members
present were Lovelace, Lulf, Larson, McDonald, Olmsted, Messinger and Grenz.
Park Director Steve Michaud was also present as was Mr. Vernon Schwartz.
Item number two was approval of the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee
minutes of August 19, 19$7.
87-66 It was moved by McDonald, seconded by Lulf, to approve the minutes as read.
Motion passed.
The next order of business was the Park Director's report. Staff informed
the committee that he had received word that the North Park grant
application had been scored high enough to receive funding for 1988. The
recommended grant amount at this point is $25,866.00. The next step in the
process is to complete the final application which is usually completed
through the winter in preparation for a construction start in early Spring.
Staff reported to committee that the trails through North Park from Ipava to
Highview had. been completed. The trail system within the park leading to
the different ballfields was also installed and paved. Also, the fishing
bridge trail from the parking lot to the new pier on 35W and Lake Marion has
also been paved. Staff wishes to commend the Street Dept. far another
• excellent job. The committee also wished to express their appreciation for
the Street Dept. and their assistance in completing some of these vital
recreational facilities.
Staff continued on with some updates on bike trail development .program.
Plans and specs on several remaining smaller segments of the bike trail
system will be presented for approval to the city council at their September
8, 1987 meeting. At the same meeting the city council will consider
approval of the updated comprehensive bike trail system plan.
Staff reported on potential problems on the bike trail link between Jaguar
Avenue and the Lakeville Senior High School. There seems to be some
confusion as whether or not the developer is going to allow the trail to go
up through the plat as originally proposed. Staff did receive a call from
M/DOT concerning the redevelopment of Highway 50 from south of Indra Way by
White's Funeral Home northerly to the major bend in the road past the
Lakeville High School. In our discussion, I emphasized the need for a trail
connection between Jaguar Avenue and Highway 50 north to the High School
entrance. He seemed to think that this wouldn't be a problem and would
enter it into his planning process.
The only problem I saw with this potential alternative was that the project
was being planned for installation in 1990. Staff will keep the committee
updated as to the progress on the connection between Jaguar Avenue and the
Lakeville High School.
• Staff and committee briefly discussed the Fall tree planting program. Staff
reported. that a park dedication fund budget would be prepared far review at
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• September 2, 1987.
Page -2-
the September 16, 1987 meeting. The committee was informed of the new
Program Supervisor, Renee Montreuil, who will start full time on September
8, 1987.
Staff reported on a meeting with the Department of Natural Resources
naturalist and member McDonald also reported on her meeting with the
` uralist from.; odg Nature Center at Ritter Farm Park. There was much
---~i.`scu'ssion conce g the wildlife preserve areas in Lakeville and the
.potential for Ritter Farm Park becoming a major natural environmental
interpretive center. Preliminary research shows that there are no nature
reserves or interpretive centers south of the river. Suggestions are that
we prepare some Federal. grants to see if we can get funding to develop a
nature center at Ritter Farm Park. A nature center at Ritter Farm Park,
associated with a series of wildlife preserves through the center of
Lakeville, would probably have tremendous potential.
Another .advantage is that presently there is no similar facility south of
the river and Ritter Farm Park could be the first. Potential clientele with
the expansion of school districts in Lakeville and Rosemount and the new
populations, could be fantastic.
Staff informed the committee of efforts now being taken concerning receiving
• bids from private contractors for park maintenance. Specifications should
be complete by the end of this week and hopefully bids will be received by
early October. The purpose of receiving bids for private contract
maintenance is to compare the cost of private industry to present methods.
Staff finds it difficult to believe that private industry could compete with
present methods using CETA personnel and other methods to accomplish the
mowing and trimming tasks now being accomplished with the quality being met.
At present we pay .$2.65 per person and CETA of Dakota County pays the
remaining wage, at a cost savings to the City of many dollars. To date we
have received many compliments from citizens concerning the quality of our
Staff is also in the process of securing the proper permits far the
excavation of gravel at Casperson Park. In order to receive the proper.
permits, a public hearing must be called. In order for a public hearing to
be called, we must prepare existing grading plans, proposed final grading
plans and a final master plan. Some of this work is already completed.
Staff is in the process of finalizing the necessary information to call a
public hearing.
Under item number four, staff gave a quick review of some of the major
development projects. Number one, Casperson Park is nearing completion.
There were some problems -with the seeding and mulching. This should be
complete by the end of this week. Staff is having some trouble attempting
to get Central Landscaping back into Antlers Park to complete their
project. Staff is not at all completely satisfied with the efforts being
• made by Donohue in an attempt to get the Contractor back on site.
Park and Recreation Advisory Committee
September 2, 1987
• Page -3
North Park has been finaled out. There was much damage due to the large
rain and runoff which Friedges Landscape spent three days repairing and has
finally completed the project.
Rolling Oaks is in the design stage of grading and should be out within a
week or two. We can then go to bids to have the park graded and seeded.
Staff still has two playgrounds to be installed, one at Orchard Lake Park
and one at Valley Lake Park. Those will be installed this Fall.
Staff is also attempting to complete some of the fencing projects as time
and people power are available. Sixty park benches are due in next Tuesday
or early Wednesday. We wish also to have several of these installed.
Item number five concerning the trail development has been previously
Item number six was to receive a letter from Gary Hertzberg oar Ritter Farm
Park shooting range. Mr. Vern. Schwartz was present at the meeting to
discuss this issue. Mr. Schwartz owns property bordering Ritter Farm Park
and was mentioned in the letter of opposition to the shooting range at
Ritter Farm Park that Mr. Gary Hertzberg had written. There was
considerable discussion concerning the proposed shooting range at Ritter
• Farm Park and it was the contention of Mr. Schwartz that regardless of the
circumstances that he was not interested in having a shooting range in his
back yard. Discussion continued in different areas.
87-67 It was then moved by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to recommend that a
shooting range not be allowed at Ritter Farm Park. In further discussions
it was brought out that Mr. Jeff Larson had been working on this proposal
for six months and he requested that the committee give him the opportunity
to present his proposal at the next meeting before making a decision. With
the permission of the second, the motion was withdrawn. Staff was directed
to add the discussion of the shooting range at Ritter Farm Park to .the next
agenda and publish it in the newspapers.
Item number seven was an update on the Recreation Program Supervisor
position. Staff referred to his memo and also informed the committee that
Renee had been hired.
Item eight was an update on plat development. Staff reported that the
developers from Raven Lake had been to a staff meeting. It seems that the
road alignments between the Grohoski development and their development have
been decided upon. Staff is awaiting a final sketch drawing of the proposed
plat from the developer for the proposed park. Once this has been received
he will report to the committee on his findings and a trip will be planned
to visit the site. Once this evaluation is complete, the Park Committee
will then have enough information to make a recommendation on the future
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
September 2, 1987
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Staff reported on the progress of Homestead Creek and that he is watching
very closely some of the engineering reports coming out concerning the
drainage and anything affection the 36 acres proposed as a wildlife area.
It was also reported under old business that the Crystal Ridge Estates plat,
formerly known at Jewel Acres, is also being reenacted and is up for city
council final plat approval on Monday, September 8, 1987.
Continuing under old business, staff also discussed the memo dated August
31st. concerning the Tollefson subdivision concept plan. Staff explained the
procedure of this plat and his recommendation concerning its progress.
Staff also referred to a memo dated August 28, 1987 to Tim Hanson of Donohue
concerning the location of the multipurpose trail along 165th Street. Staff
requested the committee add a correction to the memo which is as follows:
The second sentence starting "All those areas suggesting a curve or a
movement of the MPTW which allows for the trail to remain at an eight foot
width is acceptable."
87-68 The Park and Recreation Advisory Committee had a brief discussion concerning
this. issue and from the discussion a motion was made by Grenz, seconded by
• Messinger to recommend to city council that any major portion of the MPTW
trail system that is less than eight feet as specified in standards set by
the Minnesota Department of Transportation would be unacceptable. The
committee. went on further to recommend that the engineers prepare a
recommendation of alternatives to be presented to the committee September
16, 1987.
Motion passed.
Continuing under old business, staff brought additional information in
concerning the Valley Lake Park well. It was explained by staff to the
committee that the difference between a 7-1/2 HP pump new or used, was
approximately three times the cost. The new pump costing approximately
$2,156.00 and the used pump costing $700.00.
87-69 After much discussion concerning the need for this well and the associated
costs, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to purchase and have
installed the used 7-1/2 HP pump for a total cost of $2,280.00.
Motion passed.
Continuing under old business, staff informed the committee that quotations
for the installation of the three walkway pedestrian bridges, two for Ritter
Farm Park and one for Foxborough, are still being received by the Park
maintenance dept. Staff will have an updated report at the next meeting as
to the status of these bridges. It is the intention of the Park Director to
see that these bridges are installed one way or another in 1987.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
September 2, 1987
Page -5-
87-70 There being no further business, it was moved by Olmsted, seconded by
Lovelace, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Committe Chairman
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