HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1987 Meeting was called to order by Chairperson McDonald. Members present were Lovelace, Lulf, Larson and McDonald. Olmsted, Grenz and Messinger were absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. The Park Director spoke to Mary McDonald about having her draw the landscape plan for Valley Lake Park. She has training in this area and is willing to work on it. 87-64 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Lovelace, to approve the .Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of August 5, 1987. Motion passed. Item three was a review of Lynwood East plat with the developer, Scott Johnson. The developer discussed the city council requirements on his concept plan to accommodate the access to Lynwood North and Outlot A on the .northern boundary of Lynwood East. The Park Director asked the developer to remove the word "Park" from the plat, since there was no public park planned for that piece of property. Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Larson, to recommend to City Council that a cash contribution at the current rate far parks and trails be • required to satisfy the park dedication ordinance requirements for Lynwood East. Motion passed. Committee member McDonald posed the question of a possible wildlife corridor far the preservation of the deer and other wildlife in the area of Lynwood and. other .developments. Staff and committee discussed possible routes the .animals may now take to spend the winter in Ritter Park and the actuality of this taking place. Staff has learned that funds may be available to farmers who leave crops in their fields for the purpose of winter wildlife feeding. Staff informed the committee that he had toured various areas with the DNR, getting their .opinions on possible natural areas around the park system. Funds are also available from M/Dot for wetland development and a forestry management program. Staff will check on the possibility of DNR assistance with the construction of a dike far a holding pond for the purpose of breeding and preservation of wildlife, especially various species of ducks. Staff updated the committee on park maintenance. Most of the .college students from the summer crew have gone back to school; staff is trying to find temporary replacements.. The Tree Trust program will be completed on August 28th. James Jensen playground is the last project to be done; Orchard Lake and Valley Lake are not yet done and will be worked on as time permits. McDonald reported that the Valley Park Boy Scouts are available for service • and fund raising .projects. Staff will come up with a list of possible projects which would include projects such as seedling planting at Ritter Park and Recreation Committee minutes August 19, 1987 • Page -2- Park or clean up projects around the area lakes. Staff gave .the committee an update on the bond referendum projects. The bike trail plans and .specs on trail segments should be ready in two weeks. Quotes will be taken on these to determine if the project should be done as an in house project or by an outside firm. Drawings and specs are complete for concrete footings for three bridges to be installed at Ritter Farm and Foxborough Parks. The bridges will be installed by winter. Final grading and seeding is complete at Casperson. North Park has several washouts from the heavy rains. The contractor has agreed to over-seed the area with bluegrass to kill out the foxtail and quackgrass which are growing. The fields at North Park are committed to the LAA far next. year. The permit applications are finalized with the DNR to work on the retaining walls at Orchard Lake and Casperson Park. Some interest has been shown in the Save a Tree Program. The attorneys are .drawing up a hold harmless.. agreement; the park administrative assistant has been out to look as some trees. Any trees to be moved will be relocated during their dormancy. Staff discussed the well at Valley Lake. The purpose of the well is to input water into the lake to prevent the lake Level from dropping to an inappropriate level. The .well has been tested and found to be functional • except .far a pump and some electrical work. The committee received a report from Dan Bale on the cost of putting a used pump into the well,. however they felt they. needed information on the price of a new pump and what kind of a: warranty would be included with both before they would make a decision. This item was tabled until further information is available. Park benches have been ordered, however the purchase of park shelters is still on hold in order for staff to make sure the quality of the proposed shelters meets staff and committee's expectations of aesthetics and quality. Staff informed the committee that specifications are being prepared for contracting of landscape maintenance of the park system. Staff feels this may be a more economical way of keeping the grass mowed at many sites such as the Police and Fire Stations, Senior Center and Liquor Stare. Staff .reported that Eileen Fondell has been named the new Assistant Senior Coordinator. Staff is excited for her to begin and is sure she will work ...well with the seniors. Interviews will be held on Friday, August 21st for the position of Recreation Program Supervisor and a decision made as soon as possible thereafter. Revisions have been completed in the MPTW Trails Plan; it will be placed on the City Council agenda for approval on September 18th.. Staff discussed the continuation of building maintenance at Ritter Farm Park. Alma Ritter had contacted the Park Director concerning some repairs • that needed to be done and feels it is the Park Department's responsibility to make and pay for these repairs. These buildings are very old and it is Park and Recreation Committee minutes August 19, 1987 Page -3- questionable if they should be repaired now or rebuilt at some future time. The original purchase agreement will be looked at for a possible answer as to whose responsibility this is. The developer of Dodd Pointe 4th had reported at a city staff meeting that they are now planning to wait to build their PDQ in conjunction with the road improvements at 160th and .Dodd,. so as not to hurt their business. The committee was pleased with this new decision. Staff gave the committee figures on the number of trees he is planning to have planted in .each park and what he expects the cost to be. The park dedication fund will be used for these trees. Staff also gave the committee some park dedication fund balances and haw he is assigning the park dedication to specific parks. Plans .for Oak Shores Park were discussed. Tennis courts, a walking trail, and exercise stations are some. possibilities that would fit in with the natural .amenities of this park. .Park planning and designing of several parks will be worked on this winter for next year's development. The Park Watch program has currently been placed on hold because of funding in conjunction with the Crime Watch program. Signage could be taken care of with • park dedication funds and orientation for volunteers can be done through the winter for program implementation next summer. Member Larson brought up the problems which had been occurring at the Meadows Park with. teenagers loitering, drinking beer and using abusive language. Other committee members also commented on .park problems of littering and vandalism and possible solutions. The committee feels the visibility of the Park Ranger has helped the problem considerably in the Valley Park area. Larson commented on the letter from "Friends of Independence Park" and asked if a program like this could be started for the entire area. Staff felt this would be a good project for volunteers from various neighborhoods. 87-65 .Since there was no further business, motion to adjourn was made by Lovelace, seconded by Lulf. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Gerald Grenz, Committee Chairman ATTEST:. i ~ • Lary msted, Secr tary jr