HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
• AUGUST 5,.1987
Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair McDonald at 7:00 PM. Members
present were Larson, Messinger, McDonald, Olmsted and Lovelace. Grenz
arrived later. Lulf was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve
Michaud, City Planners Alan Brixius and Curt Gutoske from NAC and recording
secretary Judi Ringeisen.
87-60 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lovelace to approve the Park and
Recreation Committee minutes of July 15, 1987.
Motion passed.
The next item of business was to continue the public hearing on the MPTW
system. plan. There were no Lakeville residents in attendance to comment on
the trails plan. Alan Brixius reiterated his revisions which were
distributed at the last meeting. Major areas of change were in
opportunities; the nature center at Homestead Creek and the possible
railroad right of way abandonment for light rail transit or overland trail
Signage examples were shown to the committee. Curt Gutoske was present to
show graphics proofs to the committee and also make color suggestions far
the final version. The committee decided on a glossy finish on the map
graphics pages in the final project. Staff suggested adding an appendix on
• financing of the MPTW with .cost breakdowns on trails and sidewalks.
87-61 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Messinger, to close the public
Motion passed.
87-62 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Olmsted, to accept the MPTW system
plan as amended, and recommend to council approval of the preliminary draft
of the trails plan.
Motion passed.
Staff and committee were very pleased with the final product and commended
Alan. Brixius and Curt Gutoske an a job well done.
The committee and staff discussed the parks and trails map/brochure which
had been distributed to Lakeville residents with the city newsletter.
Suggestions for future brochures were made.
Staff informed the committee that US Homes has purchased Trotters Ridge and
will be developing that plat. The Meadows 7th plat is now being developed.
Amoco Oil has purchased the Power Center; the park dedication has previously
been paid on this parcel. Superamerica is going through the planning
process for their commercial development at 162nd St. and Cedar Avenue.
Staff has received citizen requests for skating rinks at the Meadows,
Independence Park and Foxborough. He is checking into the .possibility of
• half sized rinks with .hoards .halfway up, which would be popular with the
younger children in these areas.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• August 5, 1987
Page -2-
Staff reported progress being made on the Park Watch program. A letter had
been received from the Chief of Police .stating their support. The crime
prevention fund may be used to pay for officers' time spent meeting with
citizens from various neighborhoods and training participants for this
The new Park and Recreation committee member, Jeff Larson, has been extremely
active. in the development of the archery range at Ritter Farm Park. The
archery group has a preliminary idea of also putting in a recreational
firearms range which would also be available for police practice shooting.
The committee has mixed reactions to this idea and that of special use
parking for range use.
Staff recently met with the Natural Resources Committee and plans to meet
with the Planning Commission in the near future for the purgose of discussing
committee goals and objectives and how they interrelate with the Park and
Recreation Advisory Committee.
Staff discussed flood damage .from the "storm of the century" which .hit the
area last month. On the whole, damages in the city were minimal compared
with some other areas. Erosion of the trail on Dodd, erosion at Ritter Farm
Park and erosion of beach sand at all three beaches were the major problems.
• Grenz had taken some pictures of several areas and. gave them to the park
The engineers are working on further trail specs; bids will be taken on these
projects and awarded if they are reasonable. If not, the street dept. will
be asked to step in and do the work.
The developers from Raven Lake, which .abuts Woodridge, have been back meeting
with city. staff. Staff and committee walked through this property last fall
and had decided at that time that it fits into their district search area for
a small, passive neighborhood park. The area is approximately 2.4 acres near..
the lake. This will be discussed further when the roadway plan is settled.
Staff informed the committee that the next phase of Rolling Oaks is being
developed; this. is plat "N".
Staff and committee also discussed the area west of Dodd Blvd. in Search
Dist. 15 .which would be centrally located for a neighborhood park. When this
plat comes before the committee in its preliminary stage, it will be
recommended to accept land in lieu of cash.
Park Director informed the committee that he has been working on the 1988
budget for the. Park Dept. and will keep the committee informed. The
committee also received updates an park dedication and park improvement
Park and Recreati~in Committee-minutes
August 5, 1987
• Page -3
Jaycee Park playground is complete except for the timbers. Lakeridge
playground is complete. The playground trail system map is in the planning.
Committee member McDonald suggested contacting the vocational school for more
.crews to do projects such as landscaping, tree planting, etc. as most of
summer JTP workers will be finished in about two weeks. Staff will look into
the possibility.
Park shelters. were discussed.. There were some discrepancies in the specs;
staff is continuing to look into the costs and quality of the shelters.
The Wildlife Habitat proposal at Homestead Creek was discussed. The plat was
tabled at the city council meeting on August 3, 1987.. Things that need to be
identified are the types of habitats and wetlands and the basis and criteria
for establishment of the habitats. There is approximately one acre in the
center of this unique natural preserve area which would be purchased by the
city to be used as a picnic area.
Staff informed the committee that resumes are being accepted through August'..
7th for the Program Supervisor and Assistant Senior Coordinator positions.
Staff discussed the finding of Purple Loosestrife in Orchard 'Lake and the
• memo which they had received. The application of chemicals to kill the weed
must be very carefully monitored.
Committee member Grenz mentioned the grading being done at Lynwood. North and
wondered if a permit had been issued for that. Staff will check. on where the
platting process is at this point.
87-63 Motion to adjourn was made by Olmsted, seconded by Grenz.
Motion passed. -Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Committee Chairman
Lar ted, ecreta y