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JULY 15, 1987
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:00 PM. Members
present: Lulf, Olmsted, Grenz, McDonald, Lovelace and Messinger. Also
present were Park Director Steve Michaud, City Planner Alan Brixius and
Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen.
87-57 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald to approve the minutes of
the July 1, 1987 Park and Recreation Committee meeting.
Motion passed..
Alan Brixius from Northwest Associated Consultants was present and
distributed a .summary of changes and additions to the preliminary draft of
the Lakeville Trails Plan. He explained to the committee and audience the
trails system plan has to do with planning and issues on non-motorized
traffic routes and destinations. He pointed out limitations due to
topography, dangerous intersections, railroad crossings, wetland and wooded
areas - which he feels are an attractive amenity - multiple driveways on
major collectors and high traffic generators.
Other issues discussed concerned the incompatibility of horses. and
snowmobile use on the trails; the passibility of Juno Trail becoming a
lakeshore parkway; and the option of developing an overland trail if the
.railroad should be abandoned. Trails in business plats are provided for in
• the comprehensive plan policy statements.
Olmsted asked about certain segments slated for construction in 1988 and
1989 and the tip up for these segments. Alan Brixius will check with
Donohue on the construction schedule.
Committee discussed the possibility of making Gerdine Path in Valley Park
"No Parking" on both sides. Parking restrictions on on-street trails will
be discussed in detail at the next meeting. It was basically decided to
adopt a "wait and see" policy concerning setting No Parking regulation when
and if problems arise..
Barb Kemmer, instrumental in the construction of the Cedar Avenue trail, was
present for the public hearing.
Sig~age for the trailway system was discussed. Alan Brixius had an example
of how he envisions the final sign. Committee made comments and suggestions
for MPTW signage. It was decided that the next meeting should also be open
for public comments.
87-58 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Lulf, to continue the public hearing
on the bike trails to the next meeting, August 5, 1987.
Motion passed.
The Park Director discussed various park bond changes and memos on planning.
Wayside Park on Orchard Lake was discussed and the plans for a possible new
• access to 166th Street from County Road 44, which would affect the access to
the park..
Park and. Recreation Committee meeting
July 15, 1987
• Page -2-
Park Director updated the committee on park bond referendum projects:
Caspersen Park is nearly complete, North Park and Valley Lake Park are
greening up, Antlers Park bike trail damage will be repaired by the
contractor. Plans and specs have been ordered from Donohue for overland
trail segments in several areas. These will be prepared for the first city
council meting in August. If cost estimates are too high, the street
department will be asked to do the job. Trail budget estimates should be
finished by August 3rd.
Bids have been received for park benches to be awarded to St. Croix
Recreation and hexagon park shelters, to be awarded to Flanagan Sales. These
will be ordered as soon as possible. The bids came in way below estimates.
Two shelters will be installed at Antlers Park, one at Bunker Hill, one at
Orchard Lake .Park and one at Valley Lake Park. These are to be installed by
Fall, weather permitting.
Playground installations are moving along. Lakeridge will be under
construction by next week, with James Jensen Park to follow. The fishing
pier was installed at Lake Marion today. This pier was the result of a grant
applied for by the Park Director.
The Park Director discussed a Park Watch proposal which was prepared by the
• Park Ranger. The purpose of this proposal is to help deter crime in the
parks. The memo outlines purpose, strategy and cost analysis. The park
ranger is integrating and working directly with the police and through their
cooperation is becoming involved with the crime fund. The committee is
impressed with and supports the proposal. Messinger stated it would be a
good program in which to involve school children.
Park. Director informed the committee that resignations have been accepted
from Jeanne Vestal and Lucy Corbett. The Park Director will advertise both
of these positions and they will be filled as soon as possible.
New plat reviews included a concept plan of Kenwood Oaks, located east of
County Road 5, between 164th and 162nd. The park dedication recommendation
will be made at a later date.
Good Value Hermes grading, ditching and pending plans are being developed. A
memo has been written to the engineers stressing that final grading should be
conducive to wildlife habitat compatibility. Committee member Grenz had
walked the island on the property and reported that about 1/2 to one acre of
good usable picnic area exists in this plat.
The committee is very excited about the possibility of a natural wetland
preserve in an appropriate area of Lakeville, setting aside land for future
generations and for the preservation of natural wildlife habitat. They would
like to see a nature center in the area at some time. The 1/3 of North Park
which has been left undeveloped will also support the many species of
wildlife in the area.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
. July 15, 1987
Page -3-
The Park Director showed the committee new plat, Cherry Highland, abutting
Cherrywood Heights. The Park Director's idea is to negotiate for the
remaining outlot which is still owned by Bill Studer. This is an eight acre
area which could be developed into a neighborhood parka Lovelace suggested
park. dedication in Cherry Highland of one lot, which could serve as a park
access. The Park Director will keep the committee informed.
The Park Director also told the committee of a Lakeville Gardener proposal
which is being developed by the Park Ranger. The cost would be approximately
$4,000 per year with the gardener being responsible for planning and
.organizing the .planting of flowers and shrubbery on public property along
with the development of a Lakeville Garden Club, which would eventually take
over the planting and maintenance. The Park Director also plans to have more
trees planted in the parks and along the trails this fall.
The park brochure will be complete in time to go out in the city newsletter,
scheduled for distribution at the end of the month.
Committee member McDonald reported on a visit to the Richardson Nature Center
and some ideas far planning and possible private funding for a similar nature.
center in the Lakeville area. Staff and committee stressed their strong
desire for such a program to be put into the long range park plan.
• Bids are being taken to test the well at Valley Lake. the one price which
has been received was $500.00. The Park Director also told the committee of
a new type of post which has been fabricated to keep vehicles off the bike
trails while still allowing access to maintenance vehicles.
Committee member Grenz mentioned that the Civil Air Patrol is stationed in
Airlake and is willing to give assistance an certain types of projects as
needed. Staff will keep. them in mind for future reference.
87-5~ Motion to adjourn was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45. PM.
Respectfully submitted,
erald Grenz, Chairpers
arry ted, S retary