HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-01 CITY OF LAKfiVILLS PARK AND R£CRFATION COMMITTPF MINUTES • JULY 1, 1987 Meeting .was called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chairperson McDonald. Present were Lulf, Lovelace, Olmsted, McDonald and Messinger. Grenz arrived later. Also present were Fark Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 87-53 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to approve the Park and Recreation Committee minutes of June 17, 1987. Messinger stated that on page two, fifth paragraph from the bottom, in reference to the PDQ, the minutes should reflect the. committee's strong concern about the accesses for this development. Motion passed. Mr. Doug Peterson from Good Value Homes was present to discuss his development, Homestead Creek, which is being platted on I60 acres at Ipava and 175th St. The Park and Recreation committee is interested in the natural wetlands located on a central outlot on this property. The developer stated the possibility of making that land usable by lowering the water table. There is one higher piece of land in the outlot which the developer feels would be a great trail destination as a picnic area.. The Park Director clarified .the $135.00 per .lot trail fee to be used for trails throughout the system, including main collector streets. The developer is concerned about the park fees causing a hardship far people purchasing lots in the. • development. Messinger stated that fees for park dedication and trails are comparable to those of other growing progressive cities.. The developer requested a credit of some kind for the acre of "island" picnic area. Park Director stated that natural wetlandjwildlife preserves and ponding areas. are important to the design of Lakeville and the city already owns a swatch of Iand .from Cedar to Ipava which will be used for wetland preserve area. The Park Director painted out the gain in value of homes which back up to this wetland but some type of credit would be reasonable for the island only. The committee felt a cash contribution would be reasonable. The developer would like to use some of the gravel from that area in accordance with grading and restoration plans. McDonald asked about Snviranmental Assessment Worksheet which is being done at this time. This is not a DNR protected wetland. 87-54 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald to recommend to city council that in order to satisfy the park dedication requirements, .Homestead Creek be required to pay a cash contribution as per the ordinance in addition the the dedication of the wildlife preserve area. The higher "island" area would be negotiated as a cash contribution credit. This motion is with the understanding that if any changes are made in this plat, it must be presented to the Park and Recreation Committee again. In addition, if the soil is excavated, it is to be done with care and under the supervision of the city staff and engineers. Motion passed. Park and Recreation Committee minutes Page 2 July 1, 1987 Staff. also mentioned that walkways with access to North Park would be appropriate for this plat.. 87-55 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Lulf, that any proposed changes by the developer be brought back to the committee for their approval. Motion passed. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Potter of 10725 202nd St., Lakeville, were also at the. meeting to hear the proposed bike trail system plan. They complemented the park dept. on the Antlers parking lot and on the trails within the park. Mr. Potter's concern is with Juno Trail; he suggests it is not a drivable or livable road and it should be designated a parkway and bike trail. He feels it would solve the problem of the road width and the trash which accumulates. Also, the piece of property between 204th Street and Juno. Trail was suggested by Mr. Potter as a possible concept for a fishing pier and Barking area. The Park and Recreation Committee thanked Mr. Potter for his comments. .Alan Brixius from Northwest Associated Consultants was present to further review the preliminary draft of the trail system plan with the committee. He stated that a few items had been discussed with the Park Director at a staff level and asked the committee for comments and suggestions. Items discussed included railroad right of ways; how to treat wildlife refuge for trail uses; • and the committee's decision to exclude equestrian uses on the MPTW. It was decided that snowmobiles would be of minimum impact in wildlife areas as long as they stay on the trail. Staff and committee made comments and corrections on the trail inventory map. Trail priorities for 1987 and 1988 were discussed. With much current and anticipated development, new street charges are anticipated. Bike trail development will be tied into new street construction. The committee discussed the trail crossing 35W via County Road 46. The committee. feels this should go all the way to the Lakeville line. The MNS Railroad right of way has regional significance and needs to be designated. This property should be in the planning as well as the inventory of the trail system plan. The use of skateboards on the trails was deleted from the plan. McDonald suggested a crushed aglime trail base be used for some of the overland trails; it looks more natural and serves the purpose well. Present in the audience was George Mahowald, a resident of the downtown area of Lakeville, who commended the committee far their hard work. Several intersections and streets have been identified as high traffic areas. Police accident reports have been obtained to help identify these many .traffic generated areas. An upgrade is planned for the trail crossing at Co. Rd. 64. Staff will check with the county on the plans for Co. Rd. 70 and what provisions are being made for the pedestrians.. Staff told Alan Brixius to also upgrade the plan to reflect new state act of one way trails on both sides of minor collectors. Brixius directed committee to consider Park and Recreation Committee minutes July 1, 1987 Page -3 the establishment of equestrian trails through Ritter Farm Park, specifically as a natural trail of some kind. 5ignage was also discussed as far as how trails are to be designated.' Some suggestions. were: "MPTW", "Trailway" or some kind of symbolic designations. Future planning for snowmobile corridors were discussed. Revisions will be pregared by the July 15th public hearing and ready to go to the City Council by their August 3rd meeting. A summary sheet of changes will be distributed prior to that meeting. The next item on the agenda was the Park Director's report. Casperson paving project is complete,. striping going in tomorrow. Staff will be on duty for the three day weekend to enforce the No Parking ordinance. Aronson Park is 98X complete on final grading, with half of the paving complete. Senior Center parking lot was part of this project and is completely paved. Aronson.. field 4 and the playground are complete. The Antlers Park parking lot is finished as well as the ticket shelter and the paving of the internal trails. The trails in Antlers Park have not yet passed the final inspection. North Park is- complete except for some washouts which the contractor will take care of. Specs for benches and shelters have gone out to companies with • bids due in mid July. The staff is preparing for Pan-O-frog; the recreation programs are going well. Easements for the trail from. the Meadows to downtown are still in the hands of the attorneys. The Oak Shores trail will be cut and base laid in conjunction with the water and sewer project in that area. Staff discussed the possibility of tennis court installation in either North Park or Dakota .Heights as staff has had some citizen requests.. far courts in that area.. .Committee. felt North Park would be a mare centralized location for the majority of residents in those neighborhoods. Lovelace suggested installation in conjunction with the new elementary school; staff will look into this possibility. This project is not planned for the near future. Staff presented a plan for Cherry View Heights which is being platted south of Cherryview Estates. A citizen who is purchasing a home in that area had contacted staff concerning having a neighborhood mini park installed in the area. Staff and committee felt this was possibly justified and will contact the developer, Warren Isreaison. Staff also reported on the 50 acre Lakeville Commercial Center development west of 35W across from McStop. The Cooley Naigle business park had also been contacted concerning trails through their plat. This plat is in the concept/feasibility stage now. The park dedication financial statements .are being worked on by the Finance • Dept. who will continue to keep them updated on a timely basis. the bond .referendum budget is also being updated. The committee will be kept pasted on the these budgets. Park and Recreation Committee minutes July 1, 1987 Page -4- The Park Director discussed the vandalism which had occurred at Bunker Hill .Park. Police are offering a .reward for information leading to the perpetrators. There have also been acts of vandalism at the High School and Orchard Lake Beach. Staff will be drafting an article concerning this problem for the City newsletter. "Park Watch", similar to Crimewatch, is a program where citizens keep an eye on their own neighborhood park. Staff will be .looking into getting such a program organized. The newly drafted ordinance concerning beach and park rules and regulations was received by the committee. They will review and report back to staff. Staff is concerned about the water level of Valley Lake. In order to prevent any further lowering of the lake, staff is proposing water be pumped into the lake from the well on site. This is being studied further.. Staff distributed copies of the 1986 Lakeville Citizen Opinion Survey. He asked committee members to look over the survey and. call his office with suggestions for questions for this year's survey. Under old business, the final draft of the park brochure is being proofed. A trail map of neighborhood playgrounds was a suggestion for the next brochure. • The Goff property is again before council. The access to Valley Lake Park will be changed off 160th Street since two accesses cannot be that close together. Trail easements will be needed and obtained. Messinger mentioned that the trail in Sleepy Hollow Park is breaking up. Staff. will look at same of the bids from contractors to see where he could get the best price for repair. 87-56 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Lulf, seconded by Lovelace, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, Gerald Grenz, Chairman ATTEST: Larr lmsted, Secreta Jr