HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
JUNE 17, 1987
This meeting began with the annual bus tour of the park system which left
the Public Works Building at approximately 6:40 PM. Park sites visited
included the Hershey Park access, Terrace Park playground, Jaycee Park,
bike trail, Antlers Park parking lot and bike trail, Caspersen Park, Lake
.Marion fishing pier, 35/50 bike trail/sidewalk, Orchard Lake Park, Orchard
Lake Beach, Oak Shores Park, North Park, Dakota Heights Park, Foxborough,
Valley Lake Beach, Sleepy Hollow Park, Bunker Hill Park, Dodd Trail Park,
Fairfield playground and Aronson Park. Maintenance locations at Fire
Station #1, Lakeville Police Dept. and the Liquor Store were also pointed
out. Park and Recreation Committee members in attendance were Lulf,
Lovelace, Olmsted, Anderson, Messinger and McDonald. Also in attendance
were Whitey Whitehouse of the Planning Commission, Park Ranger Dan Bale,
Recreation Program Supervisor Jeanne Vestal, Park Director Steve Michaud
and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen.
The group arrived back at the Public Works Building at approximately 8:15
PM where refreshments were served.
Committee chairman Grenz arrived later and called the meeting to order at
approximately 8:30 PM.
87-51 Motion to approve the minutes of the June 3, 1987 Park and Recreation
Committee meeting was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald. Under
discussion Messinger would like the last paragraph an page one to clarify
that bids on park shelters would be taken for Bunker Hill, Orchard Lake,
Foxborough, two at Antlers and one, possibly two at Valley Lake - the
second to be installed at the time the Goff plan is finalized. Staff would
like to put a building at Valley similar to the one at Aronson. Messinger
felt ordering them all together would be the most economical.
Motion passed.
Anderson complemented staff on the progression of the bond referendum
Olmsted asked that "Vehicle and Trailer Parking Only" be posted at the boat
launch so that people who transport their boats in the back of pickups or
on car top carriers will not be able to take up a spot. Staff will make a
decision on this. Pat Messinger stated that she still is not convinced
that 40 spaces will handle all the boaters wanting to get on the lake.
Alan Brixius and Curt Gutoske from Northwest Associated Consultants were
present to address the trails issue and go over the draft report that had
been received by the committee. Alan Brixius discussed same of the issues
.concerning snowmobiles and horse use, minor and major collectors and the
incorporation of the Minnesota trail system standards. The committee also
discussed the Comprehensive Trails System Plan in reference to coordinating
construction with Dakota County.
• Committee members felt it was important to keep the downtown area a
destination. Committee made comments on the trails at Ritter Farm Park for
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
June 17, 1987
• Page -2-
equestrian use. Staff and committee made comments and changes in the maps
and locations of some trails as presented in the draft.
It was decided that the two meetings in July would be public hearings for
the purpose of obtaining public input in regard to the bike trails.
Staff and committee would like the final master plan to be in color and
possibly in a 3-ring binder. This will become part of the city's .total
comprehensive plan. Committee also stated they would like appropriate
street lighting plans made for trail crossings.
The committee discussed the possibility of designating Juno Trail a
lakeshore parkway if the opportunity presents itself in the development
which is planned for that area.
City Administrator Pat McGarvey was at the meeting .and discussed the
possibility of the abandonment of the Minnesota Northfield and Southern
Railroad property. There are local residents wha would like to preserve
the railroad as a local tourist attraction, possibly a link to Antlers
Park, similar to that which was popular in the 1930's. Staff will keep the
committee updated with any further developments.
• In the Park Director's report, staff. discussed a letter he had received
from Dakota County concerning crosswalk makings and signage.
Staff reported on a fishing contest which had been held at Lake Marion
without permission. Messinger wants a letter sent to those who were in
charge; staff will do that.
The Park Director reported on the progress of Panorama of Progress events.
Things are falling into place, as they always seem to do. The committee
had received notices of the Water Ski Show to be held at Antlers Park
during Pan-O-Prog and Larry Olmsted's request on behalf of the Jaycees to
sell beer at Antlers Park during the Jet Ski race on July 26th.
Messinger asked about progress of the PDQ and if anything was being done.
Staff reported it is an inactive development at this time but will keep the
committee informed of any progress.
Staff informed the committee of the No Parking designations for the. four
parks as outlined. in his memo to council.
Good Value Homes developer wants park dedication credit far the wildlife
preserve land. Staff will send committee the file memo an this.
Staff reported that the major grading is complete at Lynwood South and they
are starting on Lynwood North. The developer left a 2.3 acre park with a
trail easement. The park will be a private Homeowners Association park.
• The committee discussed public accessibility to this type of a park.
Trail easements were discussed on the Meadows 6th. The developer had
requested a credit for these easements, which was denied.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
June 17, 1987
Page -3-
Committee discussed the State Bicycle Trail Act which they had received.,
especially in regard to striping of the trails and the new ordinance of
having trails on both sides of the streets.
The latest community development update was received by the committee as
was the Casperson Park change order #1 for paving which had been .approved
by council._
Staff reported that Park Ranger Dan Bale had been hired half days as
administrative assistant to the Park Director.
Committee member Grenz questioned the mall park which was being planned for
the office building on 208th Street. The Park Dept. will be in charge of
maintenance for this park also.
Billy Goat Ventures has redrawn their plat.. Staff had suggested if amore
centralized piece of property could be obtained, a piece of park land maybe.
requested to satisfy the park dedication requirements. Staff and committee...
will look at the property before a final decision is made.
The park dedication and bond fund updates have been turned over to the
finance department.. Updated reports will be forwarded to the committee as
• soon as they are available.
The new state tax on services will affect the parking and rental fees which
are charged by the park department. A simplified method of obtaining these.
charges from the general public when applicable is being looked into.
Deb Anderson read the committee her letter of resignation. She hopes to
again become active with the committee when her children are older.
It was requested that the playground equipment which is being placed in Oak
Shores Park be placed in the western area of the park rather than the
eastern side, as it would seem to benefit more children. Staff was .looking
into having some additional equipment on that side of the park.
87-52 As there was no further business, it was moved by Anderson, seconded by
Olmsted to adjourn.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairman
• La ms ed, Secretary