HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
JUNE. 3, 1987
Meeting .was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:00 PM. Present were
Messinger, .McDonald, Lulf, Lovelace and Grenz. Anderson and Olmsted both
had conflicts. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording
Secretary Judi Ringeisen.
87-49 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes
of the Park and Recreation Committee meeting of May 27, 198?.
Motion passed..
Staff reported on the final plat which had been approved at the June 1, 1987
Council meeting. These included Walnut Ridge, North Wood, Chapel Hill,
Creekview 2nd and Meadows 6th. Easements will now be obtained from .the
Meadows 6th for the trail into downtown Lakeville.
Casperson Park construction is moving along well with paving expected by the
end of next week. North Park is 99X done with the majority of the seeding
completed. Curbing will be installed at Antlers Park tomorrow morning. The
new trails through the park are ready to be paved. Foxborough seeding is
germinating slowly; more seed will be planted in the fall to fill in.
At Aronson Park work is continuing on soccer fields. The crews are running
into water, which is slowing them down. The playground installation has
• started at Terrace Park. The next project for the maintenance crew will be
gates and fencing on the trail at Dodd Park.
Staff reported on the area park directors meeting which was. held today. A
common purchase of an all aluminum performing stage was discussed. The
stage would cost approximately $20,000 and would primarily be used for each
city's celebration. It could also be used as rental property for civic
groups' special events. Staff will include this as a budget item .for 1988.
The idea is to split the cost amongst four or six cities, making such a
purchase justifiable.
Staff will be giving a presentation to the MRPA tomorrow for the citation
award nomination for the Groundpounders Race Series. This joint effort of
the neighboring communities includes a display case built by Farmington, a
video of a race from Eagan and the computerized mailing list.
Letters have been written from civic groups expressing their support for the
LAWCON grant .which staff has recently applied for. The supporting groups
include the Jaycees, Polebenders, LAA Soccer Boosters, Valley Lake Park
Concerned Citizens and the Park and Recreation Committee.
Staff has received specifications for shelter buildings from St. Croix.
Recreation Company. These specs will be sent out for bids as soon as
..possible with funds from park dedication expected to be used for these
improvements at Foxborough and Antlers Parks.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• June 3, 1987
Page -2-
Staff is checking on the joint purchase of a beach groomer with either
Burnsville or Dakota County.. This piece of equipment sifts the sand to
remove dangerous debris from the city beaches. This would be another.
example of a cooperative purchase venture between two cities, thus saving
money and providing needed services economically.
Committee member McDonald asked about trash barrels being tipped over at the
parks. Staff. stated it is a problem at times; sometimes caused by vandals
and sometimes dogs. Sanitation is a problem at any park and takes many
hours of the maintenance crew's time. Liners have started to be used in the
barrels the last few years, which has made the job a little easier.
The summer recreation and beach staff has been hired. Paul Besumaster will
again be the city's Aquatic Director and will oversee the beaches and the
concession stand and parking lot at Antlers. A beach operations manual is
being put together for staff; Park and Rec Committee will .receive a copy.
Staff updated the committee on the Fairfield Park satellite situation.
Citizens were told to obtain a petition for the Park and Recreation
committee's review and recommendation, who would then make the final
• Staff reported the easement from the Meadows 6th to Antlers Park trail and
the trail from Dodd to 207th Street downtown are still in-litigation, tied
to other issues, with prices still to be determined.
Five playground installation are still remaining.
Staff showed the committee a new plat being proposed by Billy Goat Ventures,
to be located on the east side of Kenrick Avenue, north of the High School.
A neighborhood park is proposed in the comp plan for this area. Staff will
show the committee this property on the tour June 17th.
Staff also showed the committee the plat proposed by Goad Value Homes, south
of North Park. This plat has a 36 acre natural wetland preserve which ties
into other plats in the area. Staff and committee are considering this as a
wildlife refuge which would greatly increase the value of the lots around
the plat from Cedar Avenue to Ipava. Messinger would like to see things
like this put in writing so there are no misunderstanding. Staff pointed
.out that what is written in the development agreements and signed is the
most important part. This plat would include the continuation of 175th
.Street to the east.
Highview Ave. is in the 1988 schedule of state aid. projects. Staff
discussed the major floodways which are available for trail use around this
.area and north to Foxborough.
Staff had some examples of other cities' park and trail brochures to show
• the committee. They expressed. their thoughts and ideas on the various
layouts and sizes in reference to how they. perceive Lakeville's upcoming
park brochure.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• June 3, 1987
Page -3-
Staff reported a the striping of trails was under cantract and would be done
The Park Ranger reports which have come in to date are good. Grenz
mentioned that the ranger has been driving through the parks rather than
walking for inspections. Staff feels that is fine and serves the purpose as
the symbol of authority and visibility. Messinger asked about signage on
the trails "No Motorized Vehicles", especially and reassurance signs. Staff
stated a minimum amount of signs will be put up.
Under old business, McDonald asked about the NEI expansion and regulations.
Staff explained they are regulated by State and Federal governments and many
public hearings were held before the permits were issued. The toxins are
stored at their plant in Lakeville but are disposed of at an out of state
The Park and Recreation committee was reminded that the next meeting on June
17, 1987 will be the annual park systems tour beginning at 6:30 PM from the
Public Works Building.
87-50 Since there was no further business, motion was made by Lulf, seconded by
Lovelace, to adjourn the meeting.
• Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairperson
~ ~ ~
Larr. Olmsted, Secretary