HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTBS MAY 27, 1987 Roll call: Present were Grenz, Messinger, McDonald, Anderson, Lulf and Lovelace. Olmsted had a work conflict. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 87-47 Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Messinger. to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Committee meeting of May 6, 1987. Motion passed. The Park and Recreation Committee requests a response to the memo from Steve Michaud dated April 16, 1987 concerning Dodd Pointe commercial development. Committee would like an update on this development concerning the pedestrian accesses. Committee member Grenz asked about the adequacy of the parking at Aronson Park. Staff stated it will be more efficient and capacity will be increased when the paving and striping are complete. Lovelace mentioned some soft spots in the land at the park; staff stated the engineers are aware of these. The Park Director reminded the committee of the meeting of the area park director and committees which will. be held on May 28th. Five committee members are planning to attend. • Park Director's report: Park Development Status. Staff reported that North Park is 75X complete. The baseball fields are finished. The trail base is complete with paving planned for later this year. Committee member Messinger wanted to have the date pinpointed. Staff stated much has been done already and it will be completed as soon as possible. Construction is continuing at Aronson Park; change orders have been approved. Paving of the Senior Citizen Center parking lot has been included as part of this project. The high water table at Aronson has slowed the project down, although an early spring gave them a good start. The fencing project, which came. in below budget, will be complete in time for the Pan-O-Prog tourney. Team benches will also be added to four fields as part of the bond referendum. City beaches will open June 13th. The Aquatics Director, Paul Beaumaster, has. CPR. and certification classes set up for the lifeguards and these classes will also be open to the public. The Aquatics Director will also oversee the concession stand at Antlers Park. Incentives based on season profits are planned for the concession workers. Construction is continuing at Casperson Park. The pipes are finished and roadways and parking areas are being worked on. The Park Ranger is gearing up for the summer. Tickets and warnings are being printed. Staff hopes to have No Parking signs authorized for several areas. the Ranger's car is painted and he is working in cooperation with the Police. • The fence at Valley Lake Park is nearly complete. Grenz feels access. gaps are too wide. Staff said it could be closed off in the winter to keep the snowmobiles out. Park and Recreation Committee meeting May 27, 1987 • Page -2- The Antlers Park project will start tomorrow. .Same trees will be transplanted to Valley Lake to prevent them from being damaged by the heavy equipment. Eagan's tree spade will be used for this project. Staff reported he had met with the. people from the Tree Trust program who will be doing. some work in .the parks including tree planting, fencing and landscaping. Staff has two major projects in mind which are estimated to take about ten weeks to complete. The tree trust is anon-profit group of underprivileged and handicapped w©rkers. Staff has been working with St. Croix Recreation on the specs for shelter and team benches to be installed in several locations. The restroom project is complete at Orchard Lake Park including new fixtures, a new fan and a complete new electrical service. Staff updated he committee on the easements at 185th Street and Highway 50. Watchke, who owns the property needed for the crossing, has given the city a construction permit and will deed the property when development occurs. Staff stated no word has been received from the attorneys on the easement into downtown Lakeville from Dodd. • Staff reported that the satellite which had been installed at Fairfield Park was now removed due to citizen complaints. Citizens have also complained of horses using the bike trails. Staff will try to contact the horse owners in the area where the problems have occurred. The committee received a copy of a memo from Donohue concerning Phase I of the Meadows Sixth for which the parks will receive a cash.contribution. Staff mentioned that park dedication fees for the expansion of NEI should covermost of the recent add-on projects now in progress.. Park staff is working on a computerized update of the bond referendum budget and the park dedication fund which will give committee a better idea. of where the park department stands with the budgets. The committee received a memo and composite roadway drawings of Cherry View, which is an extension of Cherrywood Estates to the south. Foxborough Park will be the neighborhood park for this area as well as for Cedar Glen and Chapel Hill. Messinger feels a shelter and a hockey rink should be included in the park. The building: should be of an enclosed type which could be used for community activities, playground programs, etc. Staff will check into the GOStS. Central Landscaping is doing the construction in Antlers Park and is estimating completion in two weeks. Staff reported new .developments with Rolling Oaks Park.. Outlot G has been • received from Deitrich, with more outlots to be received as more development is completed. Park and Recreation Committee minutes May 27, 1987 Palle -3 Raven Lake development was discussed. Woodridge 4th development roadway alignment is being decided as it relates to the Raven Lake area. The developers are working on plans for road connections between the two plats. The committee feels it is important for the park in this area to be easily accessible to other neighborhoods. Lynwood plat was discussed. McDonald and Messinger feel the natural beauty of the area should be preserved. If this is not passible, they proposed that the cash contribution be used. for enhancement of Ritter Park; a wood chip trail was suggested. Messinger has written a letter which she will submit to the city to become part of the minutes, stating .her personal opinion of the situation as she perceives it. Grenz would like the lake not to be a private Lake. Staff feels one or two acres on the lake would not be conducive to the park maintenance staff. Staff reported to the committee that Good Value Homes was planning. to develop the piece of land between Ipava and Highview Avenues, approximately 160 acres. There is a large slew area within the property which backs up to North. Park and Walnut Ridge. Staff and committee both feel it would be an asset to keep this slew area as a natural preserve, since it is a unique geological area and a beautiful natural environment. • Tomorrow is Lakeville's Commerce and Industry Day. A department goal was to have the park brochure completed in time far this event, however it was taking more time than was thought. The park brochure concept was viewed by the committee, who gave their opinions and suggestions. McDonald feels some indication of the bike trails would be appropriate. The committee discussed the cover design and the method of distribution. Under old business, the trail route into downtown from Dodd was clarified. The annual .spring park tour was discussed and the date set for June 17, 1987. Other committee and commission members will be invited to attend. 87-4$ Since there was no further business, motion was made by Lovelace, seconded by Lulf, to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, , Gerald Grenz, Chairm ATTEST: Larry O1 ed, Secretary •