HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
MAY 6, 1987
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Grenz. Members present
were Lulf, Lovelace, Grenz, McDonald and Messinger. Anderson called and had
a conflict. Olmsted was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve
Michaud, Alan Brixius and Curt Gutoske from Northwest Associated Consultants
and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen.
87-42 Motion was made by McDonald to approve the minutes of the April 15, 19$7 Park
and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. Member Messinger wished to have
the second to the last paragraph on page 3 concerning swings at Fairfield
Park clarified to read "baby swings".
Minutes .were approved as amended.
Alan Brixius and Curt Gutoske from Northwest Associated Consultants were
present. to update the committee on the Lakeville Trails Plan Inventory
project. A report was distributed. which summarized issues and concerns
applying to the trails inventory and corridor ,segment analysis.
Alan Brixius. stated that topography is varied in the city of Lakeville and
could limit trail development in certain areas because of steep slopes.
Wetlands add to the beauty and variation in the environment. and should not be
disturbed far several reasons, including preserving wildlife habitats and
construction costs. Off street trails will be planned along arterials and
• collector. streets and in areas of high speed and traffic volume to protect
the trail users.. In areas where on--street trails are constructed, parking.
should be limited. Special considerations should also be given to busy
intersections, possibly routing the trail system away from potential hazards
or providing special crossing facilities, signals and signage.
I-35 is a major barrier and creates a problem in connecting the east and west
sides of Lakeville in that the overpasses and underpasses are too narrow to
accommodate a trail or traffic volumes and speeds make these connections too
dangerous. The city will coordinate with MnDOT when the interchange. is built
at County Road 46 or at any other opportunity which develops.
Utility easements do not provide much opportunity for overland trails due to
several factors including securing permission, trail restrictions, expense of
development and the creation of hazardous trail/street intersections.
Speculated future .railroad abandonment provides a more attractive overland
trail possibility.
The trail inventory also identifies major trail destinations in Lakeville ;and
surrounding communities. These destinations include the Minnesota Zoo, the
Dakota County Branch Library, Murphy Hanrahan Park, major shopping and
commercial areas as well as schools and park systems. Coordination between
the city and the state is not a concern at this point because the State of
Minnesota has not designated any trailways. The State's plan at this time is
to build some test trails and analyze the results of their use.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
May 7, 1987 -~2-
Dakota County has designated trailways within the City but. is waiting for
these to be constructed in conjunctian with street improvements. A regional
trail system has been identified by the Metro Council, however an aggressive
approach has not been taken.
Other issues discussed were trailway uses for snowmobiles, horses, hiking,
cross country skiing and all terrain vehicles. The planners stated that the
inventory is basically complete at this paint. They will be working in
conjunction with the city engineers who are currently working. on the
transportation plan and who have been given a copy of the Bikeway Design.
Manual which includes the. State trail standards. The inventory and policy
plan should be complete by mid May. Staff feels it is important to get this
project completed in .order to be ready to go ahead with further development
at the time the county is ready to move an their projects.
The Park Director commented that he would like to see a map of a larger scale
which would include. existing and proposed trails, ski trails, etc. He would
like to be able to tie .the comp plan into the trail route segment maps.
Staff and committee feel major employment centers such as Airlake should be
included in the trail system.
The .next item was .the Park Director's report. Staff reported that LAWCON
grant applications had been submitted far Valley Lake Park, North Park and
• Caspersen Park. At Caspersen Park it is estimated that all dirt will be
moved within the next two weeks and the parking is 80i complete. Gravel
mining at this site for revenue may be a possibility far continuing or
completing the grading. The ridges that are existing serve no real purpose.
and staff would be able to use the funds from the sale of the gravel. Some
of this fill would be used in the law area on site. The Park Directar
Pxplained some new grading ideas to the committee.
Staff informed the committee that the trail has been completed across 700
feet. of wetland east toward Highview from the southeast corner of North Park.
Staff reported that the trail paving around Valley Lake should be completed
by this weekend. Also the trail along 185th Street, Ipava Avenue to 173rd
Street, the Lake Marion crossing and accesses to Dodd Park will have been
paved by early next week. A special thanks goes to the Street Dept. for a
jab well done.
The rebuilding of field 4 at Aranson Park is completed. It. took six days to
get sod laid because of scheduling by the contractor.
It was reported that the aerator hose from Valley Lake had been uncovered and
pulled in by vandals. This will need to be reburied with another truck load
of sand.
Due to other reports of vandalism and loitering in the parks, security lights
will be installed at The Meadows, Fairfield and. Valley Lake. Park. The lights
• that were removed from downtown Lakeville will be used wherever possible.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
May 6, 1987 -3-
In response to a memo from the Park Director, staff has been contacted by Pat
Goff .who is developing the property around Valley Lake Park. The plat is
being revised and the park dedication requirement question should come before
the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee soon.
The trail easements for the Meadows trail segment is still in the hands of
the attorneys. Papers are now being drawn up to obtain the final easements
for this trail segment into downtown Lakeville. The easements from .185th St.
along Hwy. 50 to 188th St. are being prepared for mailing to the landowners.
Aronson Park playground is almost complete, although a few items are still
.needed. Antlers Park plans and specs are out; this will be bid later this
month. It has been decided that Rolling Oaks will be graded this year due to
public, pressure. The next playgrounds planned to be installed are Terrace
and I,akeridge. Valley Lake playground will wait until the grass has came in
and the exact location determined.
Staff reported that at a recent meeting of the area park directors, it was
proposed by the city of Burnsville that the construction of a regional
swimming facility be shared by area cities. Staff feels the county should be
involved in construction of major facilities such as swimming or tennis
courts. The idea is being considered further.
• Staff informed the committee. of an upcoming meeting of the area's Park
Directors and Park and Recreation Committees. This meeting will take place
on May Z8, 1987,. 7:00 to 9:00 PM at Trapp Farm in Eagan. The. program will.
include discussion, videos anc~ refreshments. This is also the date of the.
Chamber's Commerce and Industry Day, to which the committee members are also
It was decided that the next Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 19$7, since Steve Michaud will be on
vacation the preceding week.
Staff informed the committee that six archery excelsior bales had been
ordered with park dedication funds, to be installed at Ritter Farm Park in
time for summer shooting.
Staff updated the committee on the fishing pier proposed for Antlers Park..
It was decided in discussions with the DNR that the relocation of this pier
to Casperson Park would be beneficial.
Staff is aware of some park and trail access problems on certain plats and
will continue to work with the developers and the schools on these .issues.
A proposed new development was brought up at the staff level this week. This
development is east of I-35, north of Co. Rd. 70, and would include
residential, commercial and industrial development.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• May 6, 1987 -4-
The committee had been sent a memo from the Park Director concerning. Lynwood
North and South. The developer was apparently confused concerning the MPTW
fees in addition to the park dedication requirements. It was stated by
member Lulf that enough misunderstandings involving the Land-dedication have
transpired that a cash contribution should be required at this paint. City
council suggested requiring. a private wildlife preserve within the plat in
addition to a cash contribution.
Staff feels that the best judgements and intensions were exercised in making
the decisions to require a dedication for land and trails in this plat.
87-43 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Lovelace, to require a cash contribution
for :Lynwood North and South plus the trail fees as stated in the park
dedication ordinance..
Aye: Lovelace, Lulf Nay: McDonald, Messinger, Grenz
McDonald questioned the power of the city to require developers to save and
preserve land whenever and wherever passible.
87-44 Motion was made. by Messinger to ask council to wait for the Park and
Recreation Committee to consider this new proposal and not make a snap
decision. There was no second to this motion.
~7-45 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Lulf, to accept cash for Lynwood South
and take time to consider cash or land dedication for Lynwood North.
Aye: Lovelace, Lulf, Grenz Nay: McDonald, Messinger
Motion passed.
Messinger stated her reason for voting against this is that she felt hurried.
to make a decision without due consideration.
Committee. members are very disappointed at the outcome of this plat and the
way the developer. has chosen to do business. McDonald suggested having a
meeting next week to decide the outcome of this plat. Staff felt the issue
could wait until the 27th meeting if a decision could not be reached .tonight.
Committee member McDonald asked about the PDQ development. Staff has. not
been updated recently on this issue.
It. has been decided that a small parking lot will be saved in Aronson Park on
the cemetery end of the park, due to the drainage ditch placement and the
distance for pedestrians to walk to get to this field. The engineer's
estimates were under on the Valley Lake project which saved some funds.
It was stated by member Messinger that the Parkview P.T.O. has a fund balance
and .may be willing to spend it on some additional trails around Parkview
Park and Recreation Committee meeting
• May 6, 19$7
Member McDonald stated that full regulation size soccer fields are needed at
Parkview Park to be used for the travelling soccer team. Staff will check on
87-4fi Since there was no further business, it was moved by Grenz, seconded by
Messinger, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairman
arr mste , S cretary
• Jr