HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
APRIL 15, 1987
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:00 PM. Present were
Grenz, Anderson, Messinger, McDonald, Lovelace, Lulf and Olmsted. Also
present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi
The minutes of the April 1, 1987 Park and Recreation Advisory Committee were
discussed. There was a typing correction on page 1, second to the last
paragraph - trail, not train. Also, member Lulf wished a clarification on
page two -the vehicles which had done damage to the area around the lake in
Lynwood were 4 wheel drive pick ups and not 3 or 4 wheeler ATVs.
87-38 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to approve the minutes of
the April 15, 1987 Park and Recreation Advisory Committee as corrected.
Motion passed.
The Park Director updated the committee on some things that had been on the
council agenda on April 6, 1987. The Lynwood preliminary plat had been
approved. There will be more discussions about tree plantings, etc. before
final plat approval. Council gave authorization to the Park Ranger to issue
citations to citizens for illegal parking and also approved the amended fee
schedule for the use of park properties.
• By a vote of 3-2, council approved a $2.1 million bond referendum to be held
May 12, 1987 for the proposed multipurpose arena. The amount was increased
by $0,000 in order to include a sprinkler system in the building. The
hockey boosters are making an effort to inform the public at civic group
meetings, etc. Staff feels this community could support an ice arena based
on the amount of ice time which is needed by the Lakeville program and that
which has already been requested by surrounding communities.
Staff reported that heavy construction and development is progressing in four
parks at this time. Other development is continuing with a large developer
now looking at a 160 acre parcel south of North Park.
Staff updated the committee on the progress of the MPTW plan. It had been
suggested that Alan Brixius check if there is any significant property for
trail use in the highline easements. The trail from the Meadows to Dodd and
on to downtown Lakeville is still being negotiated with the property owners.
Staff will keep the committee informed of any progress.
Committe® revieiwed several proposed plats. ~Stai'f re~n~~ed t (3m~f:
cot~ented to donate a pecae, o~:.~;~a t~ she a€ .Y,~;].~e~ ,
a but'~'e~r beta~sn the . ~ the hoanes in hip deeelop~ent.
The Trotters Ridge and Walnut Ridge developers had contested the minor
collector 80' right of way with sidewalks on both sides as city staff had
recommended. Staff had considered allowing them to decrease the width of
their minor collectors, however the developers have failed to show
• justification for straying from this policy. City staff feels they should be
consistent in enforcing this policy of good planning.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
April 15, 1987 -2-
87-38 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, that the Park and
Recreation Advisory Committee recommend to city council that policy be set
and enforced as to what future plans should be on minor collectors. The Park
and Recreation Committee requests that planners and staff adhere to their 80'
criteria with sidewalks on both sides and make sure the developments have
clear accesses.
Motion passed.
Staff discussed the Arkell Cottages of Lakeville Senior Housing Project. The
planner feels it is too compacted for the open space requirements and also it
is questionable whether this can be considered a convenient walking distance
to necessary services for senior citizens. There is no common recreational
area; staff would like to see included a garden/square area with such things
as flower beds, park benches, and exercise equipment or exercise. stations
geared to seniors.
87-39 Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city
council the acceptance of the planner's report concerning Arkell Housing.
More green space and common areas are needed in this area to make it a
comfortable environment for seniors. Walkways should not empty into parking
areas but should be a contiguous trail. The committee further recommended
that in satisfaction of the park dedication ordinance the developer be
required to pay the current park dedication fees as recommended in the
• ordinance.
Motion passed.
Staff. called the committee's attention to the building department's monthly
report which had been distributed comparing March, 1986 to March, 1987.
Staff informed the committee of discussions which had been held with the
planner concerning the Dodd Pointe development. The committee is concerned
about the safety factor at that intersection as children will be trying to
get to the PDQ which will be built on that corner. It has been stated that
this intersection will be "squared off" at some future date which has not
been determined; the committee members feel it should be done before the PDQ
is built. It was compared to a similar situation in Rosemount near the
McDonald's where several injuries and the death of a child occurred before
the intersection was made safe for pedestrians.
87-40 Motion. was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city
council that progress be stopped on the PDQ until the intersection at that.
corner can be squared off and bike trail accesses can be built from 160th
Street to Flagstaff to protect the many children who live in that area.
Motion passed unanimously.
Staff went on to discuss progress in Aronson Park redevelopment. The
playground equipment is being installed and the equipment is ready to move in
on Field 4. The park department will be doing the seeding of the area when
it is ready. The price difference was $12,-14,000 to have it done or $5,000
• worth of seed for the park department to do the job.
Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
April 15, 1987 -3-
The Dakota Heights Park has been seeded and some rain would be helpful to get
the seed germinated. Dodd Park trial development project is finished.
Casperson Park will be started soon; preconstruction meetings have been
held. Other projects being worked on are Antlers and Foxborough Parks.
Staff has ordered new bleacher seats and team benches for Aronson fields one
and two. McDonald suggested the old bleachers could be donated to Parkview
Elementary, where they are badly needed.
The bike trail projects are progressing. The committee discussed the
problems with vehicles on the bike trails. Staff informed them to contact
the police if they see this going on and also informed them that some kind of
blockade will be installed to prevent vehicles from entering the trails.
Staff informed the committee that 70 trees will be planted in Valley Park
this weekend. Goals for Valley Lake Park for this summer are to get the
playground equipment installed, the trees planted and get a small pier
installed in Valley Lake.
Staff is checking on getting an intern from the University of Minnesota for
the summer to assist in park .administration projects.
Under other business, the committee mentioned that the swings should be
removed from Fairfield due to their potential danger to children. The Park
• Director informed the committee that he would be attending a marketing forum
in Cincinnati April 25th through 28th. The 198? Grand Prix racing series is
planned and the posters are printed and ready for distribution.
87-41 Since there was no further business, motion was made by Anderson, seconded by
Grenz, to adjourn.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairm
Larr Olmsted, Secret y