HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-18 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
MARCH 18, 198?
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:00 PM.
Roll call: Grenz, Lovelace, Olmsted, Messinger, McDonald and Lulf were
present. Anderson arrived later due to a conflict with church services.
Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi
87-26 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes
of the March 11, 1987 Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting.
Motion passed.
Item number three was the Park Director's report. Staff reported Memorial
Day is the new tentative deadline for significant progress on the MPTW,
with the section between Ipava and Highview being the key.
Grading is being done at North Park. Grading work at Casperson was
discussed. It was suggested that grading work for the boat launch he
delayed until after the opening fishing season.
The committee received and discussed the Park Ranger job description. They
suggested adding the .requirement of having basic first aid training and CPR
certification, or be able to obtain such within 30 days; have some
• experience or accountability working with teenagers; and be able to pass a
city required physical.
87-27 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to accept the job
description with suggested changes. The committee will review the job
description in one year to see if any changes need to be made.
Motion passed.
Staff brought up the Lynwood plat. There had been a misunderstanding
between the developer and the Park Director. Staff had told Scott Johnson
that he never intended to buy any additional property from this development
in addition to the park dedication. The developer has changed the plat in
order to do some major grading since he needs same fill in certain areas.
Scott Johnson will be in later to discuss this issue with the committee.
Staff also showed the committee the revisions in Walnut Ridge and Trotters
Ridge. Staff identified a minor collector which has been eliminated from
the plat. This makes the north south street running through the plat the
minor collector. The Park and Recreation Committee would like sidewalks on
both sides of the minor collector wherever possible. The major collectors
will have 8' trails on both sides. The Park Committee is suggesting a
sidewalk along 169th Street on the north side only.
87-28 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city
council a cash contribution for Walnut Ridge as required by the Park
Dedication ordinance. The Park and Recreation Committee would like to see
the final roadway system being proposed.
Motion passed.
Park and Recreation Committee meeting
March 18, 1987 -2-
87-29 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city
council a cash contribution for Trotters Ridge as required by the park
dedication ordinance. Park and Recreation Committee would like to see the
final roadway aligbments between Trotters Ridge and Walnut Ridge before
final plat approval.
Motion passed.
There was discussion on roadways designed for major collectors with two 8'
MPTW's. These plats should not have homes front along designated major
Item number six was a review of the MPTW policy plan. Committee and staff
discussed the trail system goals as written by Alan Brixius of NAC. As
part of the discussion, committee stated they would prioritize the goals
when they finalize this plan. A few minor revisions in warding and some
items that need to be clarified were pointed out. Staff and committee felt
there were many great ideas in this policy plan. Committee was directed to
give it more thought if they wanted to make any additions.
The next item was the community center task force update. The survey
results were discussed; 61X of the surveys returned were favorable, however
only about 7X of the surveys were returned, which is not a totally accurate
survey. The task force will meet again on March 19th to decide what they
. will put in each phase. Phase I is expected to be the basic multipurpose
ice arena.
The committee opened the public hearing on the playground equipment. Carl
Hoffman was in attendance earlier in the meeting but did not stay for this
agenda item. He was in favor of moving the playground site to Terrace Park.
Staff showed the committee a site plan of the area and his ideas for the
layout of equipment in relation to the pleasure skating rink in Terrace
87-30 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Anderson, to relocate the
playground equipment originally intended for Hershey Park to Terrace Park.
Motion passed.
Item number ten was the discussion of the park and recreation rules and fee
structure resolution for 1987. Staff explained to the committee that most
fees had remained the same and showed them where a few had been raised
slightly in park equipment rental and the addition of a daily parking fee.
On Exhibit B, Olmsted stated the correct wording for #11 is nonintoxicating
87-31 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Lovelace, to recommend to city
council approval of the updated version of the resolution establishing
rules and rental fees far use of city parks and property.
Motion passed.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• March 18, 1987 -3-
Staff had discussed the extension of the bike trail from the Meadows to
downtown Lakeville with the attorney. This is a very important link in the
trail and a high priority. Staff will keep the committee pasted of any
progress in this area.
Item number 12 was an update of council agenda items. The DNR contracts on
the fishing pier were approved. The council approved the bid of $7,000
and awarded the contract for the Aronson Park grading and paving project.
Staff is considering a driving range far the east acres in Aronson Park.
He feels the need is present in this area and it could possibly be a good
revenue producer.
Staff showed the committee the final master plan of Antlers Park. This
plan shows the redeveloped ballfield and new shelters. Staff is remaining
within budget by spreading the funds which had been earmarked for
acquisition into more quality and further work being done, such as
completion of a walkway system, etc. The project is also costing more
because it is no longer a coordinated project with Indra Way, as was
originally planned. Completion for this project, as well as Casperson
Park, Valley Lake Park and North Park, should be this summer.
Item number 13, the park dedication fund update, was tabled due to the
report not being ready for distribution.
• The council did not receive their copy of the March 11, 1987 Park and
Recreation Committee minutes in time to make comments on the status of the
bike trails. The Park and Recreation Committee requests a response from
council and/or the appropriate responsible staff who could define a time
line for trail construction. Staff has worked with school staff in
deciding the trail layout for the High School.
Staff informed the committee that he will be applying for a LAWCON/LCMR
Grant for assistance in several areas. Aronson and North Park meet the
criteria for athletic/recreation complexes, Valley Lake Park and Casperson
are water based and community oriented and Ritter Farm Park is a community
based natural environment. The grants are for such things as buildings,
athletic amenities and landscaping. Each grant has its own type of
exclusions and inclusions. Committee will receive a copy of these in order
to be able to give staff input on what they feel is needed.
Staff showed the committee a series of combinations of color for the park
entry gates. The committee chase two combinations and advised staff to
make the final decision.
Staff informed the committee that Southfork Village II is being platted.
There is a trail on the perimeter which the committee would like to have
saved for future use.
Committee discussed the problem of 4-wheel vehicles in Valley Park and how
• to discourage them from using park properties.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
March I8, 1987 -4-
Scott Johnson, the developer of Lynwood North and South, was. in attendance.
He discussed the soil borings which had been done recently and the fact he
felt he would be compensated for the land above the required park
dedication which is being included in his dedication. He explained the
changes in his grading plan; that he wished to take some 25,000 cubic yards
of fill from the land which had been dedicated in order to fill the low
areas of his plat. He feels this would be beneficial to both the park
department and the developer. The developer stated any areas where fill
was taken would be mulched and seeded when they were finished. Staff feels
this should be reviewed by the Natural Resources Committee and the Soil and
Water Conservation District.
One advantage of this change would be that the dead trees in the area would
be cleaned out. The area will change in looks completely and the view will
not be the same. This will also reduce the slope of the trail.
The committee was not opposed to the idea of the developer doing this
grading project in order to use the fill. Staff reminded the committee to
keep easements between lots in mind and to look at the adjoining property.
87-32 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Grenz, to approve the grading plan in
concept, subject to being reviewed by the Natural Resources Committee and
the Soil and Water Conservation District.
• Aye: Anderson, McDonald, Lulf, Grenz, Olmsted and Lovelace. Messinger
abstained due to the fact she feels more time and thought should be given
to the impact of the grading plan and the restoration of the area.
87-33 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by
Anderson, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairm
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Larr msted, Secretary