HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1987 Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:00 PM. Roll call: Grenz, Messinger, McDonald, Olmsted, Anderson and Lulf were present. Lovelace called and was unable to attend due to a conflict. Also present were Councilmember Betty Sindt, Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 87-16 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting of February 4, 19$7. Motion passed. Under discussion, Olmsted wished to commend the committee and staff for seeing the need for a bike trail connection from The Meadows and Clays Acres to the downtown area. Councilmember Betty Sindt was present to discuss with the committee the need for new city commission and committee members to have certain information at the onset of their terms. Some suggestions that committee and Councilmember Sindt felt were important: How to conduct a meeting and a public hearing. Availability of a City map with key plat areas named. Also the need to • differentiate between plats with the same or similar names should be considered in the planning process. Overview of committee functions and responsibilities how committees interact. A city organizational chart could possibly be formed as a visual aid. Picture directory of council and committee members. Guided tour of the City. New committee members could be indoctrinated by another .experienced committee member, someone who could answer questions as they arise. Tour of city hall, with introductions to key people. Possibly attend comparable committee meetings in neighboring cities or other city of Lakeville council committee and commission meetings. Sindt will share the information she collects with other cities. This will be in written and videotaped form. The committee thanked Betty for her time and support of park related issues, especially the multipurpose pedestrian way. Item four was the Park Director's report. It was reported that Councilmember Harvey is the 1987 Park and Recreation Committee liaison. The 1986 Park Department Annual Report was received by the committee. It includes 1986 reviews, 1987 goals and objectives, park usage reports, programs and maintenance information. This regart will also be distributed to city council and the city administration. Personnel. evaluations will • also be included in their reports. Park and Recreation Committee minutes • February 18, 1987 Page -2- Staff reported that the city council had approved the new park dedication fee schedule at their February 17, 1987 council meeting. The five year capital improvement plan and trail system plan are in the process of being upgraded. The plans and specs were approved by city council for Aronson Park. This is a bond referendum project which was put up for bids last year, however the bids were unacceptably high. Same changes have been made and soccer fields added. The new proposal includes grading, some paving, another ballfield and the reconstruction of field #4 in order to re-channel water and alleviate a major drainage problem. The playground is also being designed. Engineers estimates for paving and grading are $140.000, including $14-16,000 in seeding costs. This project is a combination of bond referendum and park dedication funding. Two itemized bids will be solicited. It is questionable when in 1987 this work will actually be accomplished and what athletic season will be hampered softball or soccer. Soccer fields can be cut in at various neighborhood parks if the need arises. The Park Director feels the road paving in Aronson is a priority. The planning process is underway with Erkkila far the redrawing of Antlers Park. Staff is more comfortable working with professional landscape • architects. Alan Brixius of Northwest Associated Consultants will be at the next Park and Recreation meeting. He is currently working on the multipurpose trail system plan. Committee received a report from Mr. Brixius dated February 16, 1987 outlining in detail his plans for the trail system. Minor collector streets which exit onto a major collector to channel traffic within a plat will have sidewalks an both sides of the street. On major collectors an 8' off street trail. on each side will be separated from traffic by boulevard. Different options are available far trails and are outlined in the report. Parks will pay for 3' of the 8' trail from the new $135.00 trail fee being collected with the park dedication fee. From this paint, new roads will all be built with some type of trail. In the future funds may be available to do some kind of trail or striping along such streets as 175th where it is badly needed. The composite of plats has shown some changes that needed to be made with the roadway and trail system. Developers have been notified where necessary. Staff showed the committee a map showing major and minor collectors and the extension of 165th Street and how they effect new and existing plats. Highview is shown as a major arterial and many other streets are slated for extension. Two 8' asphalt trails are actually less expensive to install than one 5' sidewalk. Other priorities are to make more connections in the Orchard Lake area and to have good access to all schools. • Park and Recreation Committee minutes • February 18, 1987 Page -3- The maintenance department has been able to do outside work because of the warm weather. Tree trimming and cutting of dead trees has been done at Orchard Zake Park. Crews are presently working on construction of picnic tables and park entrance gates. The skating rinks are officially closed with the phones, etc. removed. Staff also reported that the heavy equipment is in North Park and work is scheduled to begin soon on grading and trailways. Committee discussed the Council/Committee work session of February 7, 19$7. Grenz, Messinger and McDonald had been present. These meetings will continue on a monthly basis and will be more specific in the future. The next meeting is scheduled for March 7, 8:30 AM, Fire Station #l. Park Director showed the committee the Parkview Estates plat. Messinger felt since this name was already used in another area of the city it would be very confusing. This is a non-sewered area of the city, densely wooded and containing many ponding areas. It is platted for nine 10-acre lots. The Park Director stated no neighborhood park would be built in this plat and recommended a cash contribution. The committee discussed which rate should be used to figure the cash contribution for this plat. Staff gave the committee a copy of a report • from Jim Robinette, Community Development Director, naming five plats which are already in progress and should be grandfathered in at the lower rate. These five plats must be finalized by June 1, 1987 or they will be eligible for the higher rate. These plats are Barretts Third Addition, Bracketts Townhomes, Meadows West 2nd and 3rd, Rolling Oaks. Plat 5 and Northwood. The higher fees should be waived for the current phases only. Since Parkview Estates is not on this list, its rate will be the newly approved park dedication fees. Committee members feel proper protocol was not followed in this situation as the Park and Recreation Committee should have been polled. Committee was circumvented in this instance and prefers to make their own recommendation. The memo stated "I recommend these plats be put through at the lower rate." The committee was disappointed as they thought these types of decisions should be made by them and they felt they had gone through this very thing a short time ago. Olmsted stated the committee mast likely would have gone along with the suggestion, had they been asked. Grenz wondered whether Northwood actually has a finalized development agreement. Staff stated some special circumstances exist with Northwood and The Meadows 2nd and 3rd has been in bankruptcy negotiations. These plats will be requested to pay their fees at final plat, but at the lower rates. The committee would like to clarify that this is for the current phase only and any other additions to these plats would be charged the higher fees. 87-17 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city • council that Parkview Estates pay a cash contribution at the current rate, plus the $135.00 trail fee. Motion passed. Park and Recreation Committee minutes . February 18, 1987 Page -4- 87-18 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to suggest that the developer change the name of Parkview Estates to something which has not previously been used in the Lakeville area. Motion passed. Staff showed the committee the plats of Chapel Hill and Cedar Glen. In Chapel Hill, 165th Street will enter at Griffin Trail. Staff recommends that trails on bath sides of the street continue along Griffin Trail, This is considered a major collector. Staff recommends an 8' trail and a 5' sidewalk on the northjsouth minor collector (unnamed on the plat}. An 8' trail will be planned along the south side only of 160th Street. Easements will be between lots 11 & 12 and 25 & 26 in block 3. In a memo dated February 13, 1987 to the committee, staff recommended an 8' trail along Griffin Trail. The problem is that there are already some houses built along Griffin Trail and the committee wishes not to put asphalt along someone's front yard, except where there are no alternatives available. When bike trail and comp plan are complete, the developers will not put front footage on major collectors if it is passible to avoid that situation. A 5' sidewalk defeats the purpose of a multipurpose trail, limiting its use. ~87-19 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Anderson, to recommend to city council that a cash contribution be paid to satisfy the existing park dedication. ordinance for both Cedar Glen and Chapel Hill plats. It is further recommended that the 8' wide trail following 165th Street continue along Griffin easterly to Cedar Avenue and northerly to 160th Street. Motion passed. Staff updated the committee on the progress of the multipurpose community center task force. There will soon be new plans to review. Tim Murphy has done much phone calling to check on needs and assessments of current facilities. He has found there is not an overwhelming need for another pool at this time. The task force has come up with several ideas for funding along with some other possible uses and ideas for the building, including a central. office space with computer for community groups and possibly an archery and shooting range. Staff would like to get the basic square footage needed for all projects down in Phase Ito make it a bonafide multipurpose arena. The survey of needs is going out in the City newsletter; a report of the results will be done as soon as possible, Staff is considering the possibility of two questions on the ballot where people can vote on the issues in two separate phases. Staff had approached Jim Sorensen concerning building the arena. Basically they decided it was not a good idea since there were not guarantees for the sale of ice time, etc. when it is privately owned. Staff also discussed a memo to the Park and Recreation Committee concerning • runoff from Apple Valley into Valley Lake. By lowering the lake it will Park and Recreation Committee minutes • February 18, 19$7 Page -5- handle the runoff from Goth property, however, the outlet should handle any raise in the water. This is the natural drainway for this. area of Apple Valley in the Vermillion Watershed. Grenz is concerned about pollution of the water from fertilizers, etc. This was brought out in the EAW as covenants in the plats or city ordinances on land around the lakes to prohibit the use of chemical in order to prevent pollutants from entering the lake in the runoff. Under old business staff showed the committee a map of Logarto 3rd Addition. The trail easements are between lots 20 and 19 with access onto Jacquara Avenue, with routing directly to Oak Shores Park. Anderson asked about conflicts on Wednesdays during Lent. Several members have conflicts an March 4, 1987, which is Ash Wednesday. It was decided no meeting will be held on March 4th; this meeting will be postponed until March 11th, with the regularly scheduled meeting being held on March 1$th. $7-20 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Anderson, seconded by Grenz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. • Respectfully submitted, Gerald renz, Chairman ATTEST: Lar Olmsted, ecretary jr •