HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-04 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1987 Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Grenz at 7:Q0 PM. Present were Lovelace, Lu1f, Grenz, McDonald and Messinger. Anderson had a conflict and Olmsted was recovering from surgery. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 87-10 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to approve the minutes of the January 21, 1987 Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. Messinger would like added to the minutes the fact that in their general discussion it was mentioned that at some point in the future the possibility exists for a community/teen center to be built in the Valley Park area, possibly on the Parkview park property. Councilmember Sindt wishes the statement clarified as to why she had voted against the bike trail use ordinance. She maintains that the wording "adequate snow depth" is a vague term as it pertains to potential snowmobile use of the trail. Two typographical corrections need to be made on page three of the minutes. In paragraph six the word "bout" should be "about". In paragraph eight the word Lake in Valley Lake Beach should be capitalized. 11 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion passed. Larry Lulf has been officially instated as a member of the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. Councilmember Harvey abstained from voting because no formal interview was conducted with Mr. Lulf. Larry will be put on the February 17, 1987 council agenda in order to be introduced to the Mayor and City Council members. Item number three was the Park Director's report. An architectural proposal for the multipurpose arena from BRW was distributed. This proposal had come in late and therefore was not part of the original packet. Staff explained that Del Erickson had received the bid for this study. Park Director will be meeting with Mr. Erickson to discuss what needs to be done next and the process. The task force will be meeting February 5th to review the site plan and start work on the needs assessment for gyms, pool, tennis courts, etc. Northwest Associated Consultants has been approved to go ahead with the pedestrian trail system update. Staff has met with the engineers concerning Aronson and Antlers Parks. The Aronson Park project will be rebid this spring'. The Antlers Park plan will be drawn by Tim Erkkila, who staff feels is most competent and experienced in the area of park design. He will submit estimates of cost, etc. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes February 4, 1987 • Page -2- Tim Murphy has contacted the Park Director about the Valley Lake Park concept plan. Staff would like Mr. Murphy to serve an internship with the City of Lakeville and work on various items including needs assessments, park brochure and coordination of projects. He and staff are each writing a proposal to city council. Staff reported that the skating season will soon end. Most of the cities in the area are experiencing the same problems caused by the warm winter frost coming out of the ground causing the ice to raise up and standing water on the rinks. Staff estimates a total of less than two weeks of good skating this season. Flooding continues, however, whenever possible in hopes of salvaging what ice is there in case of a cold snap. Ritter Farm Park was groomed last week when it snowed. The snow was compacted in hopes of preserving what snow is there for an upcoming major crass country ski meet on February 7th. Skate-skiing has become very popular and grooming is not necessary for practicing this recreational sport. The maintenance workers are starting to concentrate on inside work. Fencing projects and other outdoor miscellaneous projects will be started as soon as frost can be broken. . Staff would like to budget one new permanent building in one park each year in the Capital Improvement Plan starting in 1988. Staff is formulating a recommendation for the Park Ranger position for 1987. The attorney is preparing a draft ordinance to empower the park director to designate employees who would have the authority to give warnings or citations. Staff and the committee had previously discussed what they would like to bring up for discussion at the joint meeting on February 7th. Messinger, McDonald and Grenz are planning to attend this meeting. McDonald asked about major drainways becoming city owned greenways. These are valuable pieces of property with potential major connections. They are part of the 100 year flood zones, therefore no building can be built on them, however, they can be used for pastures, gardens, or ponding areas for control of flooding. More ponding areas are needed as more land is developed to slow the intensity of the runoff. Staff would like to see an easement for a permanent trail possibly from Valley Park to Dakota Heights at some future .time. McDonald questioned taking drainways for park dedication. Staff stated this would never be the case, and any land coming to the city for park dedication would be of high quality. Item four was a discussion of Hershey Park and the problems associated with the installation of the bridge. This has led the park director to believe that Terrace Park would be a better location for the playground equipment • which has been slated for installation at Hershey Park. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes February 4, 1987 • Page -3- Even though there is a minimal amount of area available to be used as playground area plus other uses in Terrace Park, it has better accessibility. Some measurements will be done to see if it would be feasible to move this playground equipment intended for Hershey Park to Terrace Park and still not interfere with the ice skating area. Public hearings will be held at Park and Recreation meetings in March as this is a change in the bond referendum. Staff does not anticipate much opposition, as these two parks are close to each other. The Park Director discussed his memo to the committee on the trail costs. The original goal was to increase the park dedication fees to $500, until the idea was suggested for an additional trail surcharge of $100. Messinger stated she does not feel the park department should pay for sidewalks, rather they should be part of the road assessment. She does feel funding for bike trails falls under recreation and is their responsibility. The rest of the committee and staff also felt sidewalks are basically for citizens safety and are the responsibility of those directly affected. Staff explained the difference between the sidewalk and trail along 165th St. and Ipava as opposed to a collector in an area not in such close proximity to two schools and a major park. Because of the intense use in that area, it has been recommended that both the sidewalk and the trail be built. McDonald • questioned whose responsibility it is to recommend whether sidewalks be built, if at all. Staff stated that criteria needs to be developed for construction of sidewalks on main collectors. Staff suggested the issue is based on many factors and sidewalks will compliment the trail system, making it more accessible. Messinger feels the Planning Commission should make a recommendation based on the need for sidewalks in each individual development and sidewalks should be paid for as a community, spreading the casts throughout the benefited neighborhoods, not just on front footage property owners. Discussion was held on the increases in the park dedication fees. Messinger feels a separate pedestrian way development fund should be set up with needs being reviewed annually. A $135.00 increase is proposed for 1987 and 1988, according to .the Park Director's memo dated January 30, 1987. These fees would not include Highview Avenue; for this another $100 per dwelling unit would need to be assessed. Park Director also feels it is a great hardship on some homeowners who would need to pay these fees with the building permit, therefore suggests that the fees be collected in full at the time of final plat. Several cities are now collecting fees for park dedication at the time of final plat approval. 87-12 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, to recommend to city council an increase in the park dedication fees as described in the attached proposed ordinance. Park dedication fees for all single family, multiple dwellings and apartment complexes will be collected at the time of final • plat. Commercial and industrial fees should be collected at the time of building permits. Motion passed. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes • February 5, 1987 Page -4- 87-13 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to recommend to city council that a special pedestrian/bike way fund be established for the exclusive use of construction of the prioritized trails in the City of Lakeville. A fee of $135.00 per dwelling unit, based on the estimated construction costs as proposed by the engineers and planners for 1987, would be collected from the developer at the time of final plat. This fee will be reviewed annually, based on road construction planned for the upcoming year and community needs. It is further recommended that the 5' portion of sidewalks along both sides of Ipava and 165th Street be assessed to the road projects and the remaining 3' to accommodate building an 8' trail on both sides be paid through fees generated from the pedestrian/bike way fund. Motion passed. Item number seven was an update of the multipurpose community center. Staff mentioned he visited several other community and recreation centers. Tomorrow night's meeting is open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend. Staff showed the committee a plat of Mi11s Fleet Farm. 87-14 It was moved by Lulf, seconded by McDonald, to recommend a cash contribution for Mills Fleet Farm rate established by ordinance and calculated as follows: 20 acres X $1,500.00 = $30,000.00. • Motion passed. Staff showed the committee the plat of Meadows 6th, showing existing and proposed trails. The proposed extension of the trail is on the property line between two landowners. Staff feels this trail easement should be obtained while it is still available. This will give all the residents of The Meadows and Clays Acres a safe path to the downtown area. Committee member Grenz suggested a temporary second access on the east end of the Meadows 6th until the adjoining property is developed. 87-15 Since .there was no further business, it was moved by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Gerald Grenz, Chairper ATTEST: Larr O1 sted, Secr ary • jr