HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
JANUARY 21, 1987
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Grenz. Members
present: Grenz, Anderson, Messinger, Lovelace and Olmsted. McDonald
called and could not attend due to a conflict. Also present were Park
Director Steve Michaud, Larry Lulf from the LAA and recording secretary
Judi Ringeisen.
87-07 Next order of business was the approval of the minutes of January 7, 1987.
Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Anderson, to approve the minutes
as read.
Motion passed.
The next item on the agenda was the Park Director's report. Staff reported
that work is still being done on the comparable worth studies at City Hall.
Staff is evaluating studies from DCA Stanton and Control Data and the city
seems to be right in the ball park with their current salary ranges.
Evaluations and performance reviews are also being done this month.
Staff reported that none of the committee members were going to be able to
attend the State Bikeway Conference in Brainerd. There were various
conflicts, including the joint council/committee meeting on February 7th.
City council adopted the bikeway ordinance. Councilmember Sindt had voted
• against the ordinance because of the potential snowmobile use and the
wording "adequate snow depth".
Staff reported he had met with the Hockey Boosters who had unanimously
supported the revision of plans for the multipurpose arena. They would
also like to delay the vote for several reasons. Council did approve the
arena in concept by a vote of three to two. The time line is to have the
preliminary report from the task force to city council by March 2nd, with a
recommendation from them to come on March 16th. The possible date set for
a referendum will be sometime in May.
Staff discussed some new ideas for the arena with the committee. This new
layout would make it more of a community center. The school board has been
supportive on the issue but noncommittal for funds. They would be anxious
to use the facility for events such as graduation ceremonies. The
sprinkler system and air conditioning added several thousand dollars to the
original cast of the building. The final figure has not been determined
far the bond referendum.
A letter has been drafted to citizens possibly interested in being on a
task force. This group will include persons with various views concerning
the building of this center. Citizen input is important to the planning
and will be solicited. Their first meeting is scheduled for January 28,
7:00 PM at the Lakeville High School teachers' lounge.
The idea at this time is to build the center in several phases. RFP's will
• be sent out to other architects to get a variety of prices and ideas.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
` January 21, 1987 -2-
ISD #194 was happy with the bond sales from their referendum as was the
Fire Dept.
The committee reviewed a memo from staff concerning the multipurpose
pedestrian trail update. The report being done by Northwest Associated
Consultants will tie in costs of sidewalks and corridors on the
comprehensive trail system. Staff and committee see justification for the
park dedication fee increases. Ipava Avenue and 165th Street trails are
being done separately at this time. The park dedication fee increases will
be on the city council agenda for approval the second council meeting in
Staff and committee both feel trails are very important along arterials and
collectors and these need to be identified. Arterials should have one 8'
trail while collectors should have a trails on one side and a sidewalk on
the opposite side. Schools and traffic patterns need to be taken into
consideration above all.
Committee responsibilities were reviewed. Committee discussed job
descriptions as written. Funds should be budgeted for the committee to
attend conferences if they feel they need that. Orientation seminars could
be held so committee members can be acclimated to policy and procedure.
The committee discussed the need for a secretary nominated as an officer of
• the committee. Basically, this is a figurehead position who would take
minutes in the absence of the recording secretary and park director. The
committee felt the document explaining Park and Recreation Committee duties
and responsibilities was sufficient.
The committee reviewed the comprehensive plan goals, objectives and
policies. Same concerns of the Park and Recreation committee were:
1. Recommendations of the committee were not adhered to. Major decisions
were made before recommendations.
2. Continued preservation and care of natural resources, open space and
ponding areas in Lakeville and preservation of wildlife in its natural
3. High quality sites as standards for building in Lakeville.
4. Water quality and ponding areas. Buffers need to be build around
unique natural resources.
5. Main drainways could be major greenways in the future. Park System
Plan will be updated in great detail in order to include every passible
aspect of park land.
6. Proper training of staff and committee members.
• 7. Foresightedness in planning.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
January 21, 1987 -3-
The Meadows Sixth preliminary plat was discussed in reference to the trail
easements for that area. Committee decided more easements need to be
Staff informed the committee of possible street access charges being added
in the city of Lakeville. Legislative authority is needed before this
would become a reality. Other alternatives to the high cost of building
new roads in Lakeville would be a bond referendum or an overall tax levy.
Sidewalks should be part of the transportation plan. The park dedication
fees should cover the costs of trails in addition to upgrading and
development of the parks in Lakeville. Developers are flocking to the
southern Metro Area and Lakeville needs to be very careful to set standards
for high quality developments and well planned roads.
An in depth report is being prepared on the analysis of the urban service
area for up to the year 2000. Staff will make sure schools, major shopping
areas, etc. are connected by the multipurpose pedestrian way.
The committee decided park dedication ordinance should be reviewed annually
to make sure needs are being met.
Messinger asked about rules and regulations of fees far park usage and
• deadlines for application for use. She also askedabout community education
use of park facilities and park and rec gymnastic and swimming programs
being available for Valley Park residents. Apparently the residents in the
Valley Park area are not informed of the Lakeville Community Fd programs.
These will be posted in the Rosemount section of the Countryside in the
Programs and special facilities for handicapped, teens and preteens were
discussed. Programs have been offered for these groups, however interest
has not been high. Staff will work on new ideas in targeting these groups
with new activities. If the multipurpose arena becomes a reality a
possible teen center in that facility would take care of some of these
The park director showed the committee the preliminary plats for Chapel
Hill and Cedar Glen on the west side of Cedar Avenue, south of 160th
Street. These two plats will total approximately 300 homes. The committee
discussed possible bike trail layout. Committee feels the developers
should install sidewalks on one side of every major feeder street. The
committee is concerned with access to Valley sake Beach. A temporary trail
should be put in until that time when the road improvements are made on
160th Street in the year 2020. Various accesses were discussed.
Lakeview Manor was discussed. This is a high density development, zoned
R-7. According to the planners report on the area, some changes need to be
made; the committee will review again at a later date.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• January 21, 1987 -4-
Under other business, the committee received a proposal from Northwest
Associated Consultants to update the Park System Plan and the multipurpose
pedestrian way.
87-08 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to recommend to council
authorization for Northwest Associated Consultants to complete this report
with the use of park dedication funds.
Motion passed.
Under old business, staff reported he had discussed the possible trade of
land for park dedication with the Cedar Highlands developers. Committee
would agree to go from eight down to four acres, but with the difference in
the park dedication rate from 1978 to 1987 being paid by the developers.
Fees have gone up considerably since this area was first platted.
Staff reported the ice making program is continuing with the cold weather.
Some of the ice has been rejuvenated and is skatable.
$7-09 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Anderson, seconded by
Lovelace to adjourn.
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairpers
Lar msted, Secret y