HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
• JANUARY 7, 1987
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Anderson at 7:00 PM.
Roll call: Present: Anderson, Grenz, Olmsted, Messinger, McDonald and
Lovelace. Also present were Larry Lulf from the Lakeville Athletic
Association, Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi
87-01 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes
of the December 17, 1986 Park and Recreation Committee meeting.
Motion passed.
Staff reported city council had reappointed the three members whose terms
had expired as of January 1, 1987. These members are Howard Lovelace,
Larry Olmsted and Mary McDonald. Their current terms will expire January
1, 1990.
The committee vacancy was discussed. It was the general consensus that if
someone from around the Orchard Lake area is interested in serving on the
Park and Recreation committee, it would give better representation to the
citizens in that area. Staff will contact some citizens in that area who
may be interested in serving.
87-02 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by McDonald, to keep the current
• officers for the Park and Recreation Committee. After some discussion, it
was decided that a rotation system would work well. Anderson was willing
to steg down. to give someone else a turn.
Aye: 0 Nay: 6
Chairperson Anderson opened nominations far officers. Messinger nominated
McDonald for Chairperson. McDonald declined.
Anderson nominated Grenz for Chairperson. Grenz accepted. Nomination was
seconded by Olmsted.
Olmsted nominated McDonald far Vice Chairperson. Nomination was seconded
by Anderson.
Grenz nominated Olmsted for secretary. Nomination was seconded by
87-03 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Anderson, to close nominations axed
elect those officers who were nominated.
Motion passed unanimously.
19$7 Chairperson - Gerald Grenz
1987 Vice Chairperson - Mary McDonald
1987 Secretary - Larry Olmsted
• Item number five was a review of the Lynwood Plat. Messinger, McDonald and
Grenz reported to the committee that they had walked and inspected the
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
• January 198? -2-
property on December 19, 1986 with the developer, Scott Johnson. All
committee members reported they thought the piece of property was beautiful
and after having looked at the property they were comfortable with their
decision concerning this piece of property. They had been concerned with
establishing a policy for future developers because of the amount of
property dedicated for the bike trail around the lake. Because of the
topography of this piece of property the trail varies in width but actually
averages out to more than the minimum requirement. Grenz also felt the
screening was nice and the property was more than adequate.
The developer informed the committee that the grade needs to be brought up
on a couple of lots and a grading plan will be drawn up. The remainder of
the trail, about 1,000 feet, will be bench cut. The developer will obtain
fill from the non-treed areas. Staff informed the committee that the PCA
was getting very strict on having EAW's (Environmental Assessment
Worksheets) prepared for large plats. An EAW will be prepared. for the
entire north and south area at this time. This will back up the time
schedule somewhat to approximately mid March for final approval, unless the
EAW shows some major problems.
87-04 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by McDonald to recommend to city
council that they approve the acceptance of the land as presented on the
• Motion passed.
The developer thanked the committee for their time. Staff and committee
felt this would always be a natural, undeveloped park area. At some point
they may like to put in some bird feeders and nesting areas for wildlife.
The committee discussed the adjoining land development and park dedication
for those areas. Park Director will inform other developers in the area
that land will be required for park dedication.
Committee held a brief discussion on blending of housing from one neighbor
to the next and some zoning issues.
Item number six was a review of goals, objectives and policies in
preparation for the February 7, 19$7 joint meeting with council. Staff
informed the committee members to review policies in the Park System Plan
under recreation and development (pages 25-30). Staff also explained to
the committee that because of the rapid growth of the Lakeville area, the
development agreements have gotten much more stringent, fees have been
raised and the committees and commissions have the responsibility of seeing
things run smoothly. This includes meeting of standards and protection of
environment. The city should be as strict as possible in developing rules,
learning from the mistakes of other cities. Committee member Anderson
stated she feels Lakeville needs to keeps. its standards high; other
committee members echoed that feeling. The agenda for the next meeting
will include discussion on these issues.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
January 7, 1987 -3-
Item number seven was a review of the bike trail plan and engineer's five
year transportation plan capital cost estimates. Maps were distributed to
the committee showing existing roadways and proposed roadways which are now
in the process of being designed. Decisions needed to be made to set
standards for newly designed roadway collector streets. The entire west
side of Ipava Ave. will have a five foot sidewalk. The entire east side
will have an eight foot off street trail. 165th Street from Kenrick Ave.
to the easterly edge of the Rolling Oaks plat will have five foot sidewalks
on the north side with eight foot off street trail on the south side. From
the east edge of the Rolling Oaks plat to Ipava Ave. the road will go from
urban section to rural section and there will be an 8' striped lane.
Under MSA criteria, funding is available for pedestrian ways. This is
proposed to be a minimum standard for collector streets. Staff will go
through transportation plan to identify which streets will be collectors or
arterials and relate that to the bike trail plan. This will be ready for
review at the next meeting. The Dakota County trail system will be
paralleled to set the standards for an arterial, probably eight foot off
street trail.
Staff showed the committee on a city map where developers are interested in
buying property and potential new development areas.
The city planner is preparing a cost estimate for a separate bike trail
booklet. The State Bikeway Conference was discussed. Messinger, Anderson
and Grenz are interested in attending the February conference.
Item number eight was an update an the multipurpose arena proposal. Staff
informed the committee that the city council had voted 3-2 to approve the
concept and obtain a resolution to set a bond referendum far February 23,
19$7. Those who voted in favor did so because they felt the citizens
deserved an opportunity to vote on this issue and the group supporting this
facility should have an opportunity to go ahead with the referendum. Those
who voted against it felt it would not be self supporting and that not
enough citizens were benefited. Michaud stated his position as the Park
Director was to assist the citizens in this referendum since the natural
direction of the facility would be under the park department. He is
remaining unbiased, looking at all facets of the issue; although he would
be enthusiastic about having a .multipurpose arena in the Lakeville park
The committee discussed the division of prime time ice if in fact the arena
becomes a reality.
Under old business, postal boundaries were discussed. Messinger showed the
committee a letter which the residents in Valley Park had received from the
Rosemount Post Office. She felt the survey was biased and gave a slanted
view of the issue. The survey was returned to the Post Office in favor of
the residents keeping their Rosemount mailing address.
A resolution was distributed to the committee members addressing a new "No
Smoking" policy being proposed for the council chambers.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
January 7, 1987 -4-
87-05 Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Messinger, in favor of making the
council chambers a "No Smoking" area during the Park and Recreation
Committee meetings as stated in the resolution.
Aye: Anderson, Messinger, McDonald, Grenz and Lovelace. Nay: Olmsted
Olmsted asked if an archery range was open anywhere in Lakeville. There is
still an archery club in existence; the president's number will be given to
Staff reported he had sent out a letter recently concerning the Park Ranger
position in other communities. He has received some responses with
emphasis on .policies and how other communities deal with different problems
in their parks.
Staff reported the engineers are preparing a progress chart on the
different bond referendum projects. This chart should be ready soon; staff
hopes to have some small copies for committee in addition to the wall chart
which will be in his office.
The ice rinks are not in good shape. The crews are no longer working at
night since warm daytime temperatures does not make it beneficial. Grenz
stated there is no fire extinguisher in the Parkview or Bunker Hill warming
houses. This will be looked into.
Staff informed the committee of an upcoming ice fishing contest this
Saturday, January 10th on Lake Marion. He was only informed today of this
event, which he was not pleased about. Cars will be allowed to park in the
actual parking lot only and in no other area.. of the park. This short of
notice will not be allowed to happen again. Previous application must be
made well in advance for any future event.
8?-06 Since there was no further business, motion was made by Anderson, seconded
by McDonald, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Grenz, Chairman
arr mated, Secretary