HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19 .CITY OF LAKEVILLE • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Anderson. Roll call was taken. Members present: Anderson, Grenz, McDonald and Messinger. Gramstad and Lovelace were absent. Olmsted called and was sick. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen. 86-76 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes of the November 5, 1986 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Motion passed. The next order of business was the Park Director's report. Staff informed the committee of an upcoming meeting of all advisory committee members. The City Council and Planing Commission would like to discuss their concerns about long range planning issues in Lakeville. The meeting will be held December 6, 1986, 8:30 AM at Fire Station #1. After the meeting, council will meet with the city staff to make some planning decisions. The Park Director informed the committee of a 60 unit senior development project planned for the area on Holyoke, north of 202nd Street. The preliminary market research has been done, finding that Lakeville seniors need subsidized housing. Staff is aware of their problems, but also feels this location may be too far removed from shopping and the Senior Genter for those without transportation. Since there is no funding available through the city, • subsidizing would need to be done at the state and federal levels. Staff discussed the Rolling Oaks plat with the committee. The owner, Duane Dietrich, has sold some outlots to Mark Parranto, who will be developing it. There is a problem with the park dedication in that there was an increase in fees and land values since the original plat. There will be approximately $100,000 dedicated when the entire plat is completed. The development agreement has been rewritten. The Park Director will give the information directly to the developers in the future to make sure the contract is written correctly. The construction season on the parks has come to a close. Staff reported on the tree planting project and how it had come to a halt because of frozen land. The project will be continued in the spring, however the price of the trees is not firm for that time. Staff has talked to Rud Construction concerning the Valley Lake project. He also reports the ground is too frozen to work. The Valley Lake Park (west) project bids will be approved at the next council meeting. Staff is planning a meeting with the local snowmobile clubs to find out if they will pay for the bridge at Foxborough Park. Staff reported on the trail grooming proposal with Eagan. One part time worker would be shared with 20-30 total hours per week. Eagan would reimburse Lakeville for the man hours and equipment hours. This is another cooperative • trade-off project with the neighboring communities. Eagan allowed Lakeville to use their tree spade for one week this sping. Parks and Recreation Committee minutes • November 19, 1986 -2- Staff updated the committee on the bike trails. Not as much was completed as had been hoped. Delays came from the Street Department being very busy with emergency projects, wet weather and early snow. The committee was disappointed with the progress, as many citizens were promised trails far this fall. The committee questions whether the crossing would be completed this winter on 199th Street. Jim Robinette had stated previously that this is one project which could be completed even after a freeze. Park Director stated that the ice making season will be early this year. Since the ground is already frozen about 12" deep, the ice making process should be excellent. Staff explained to the committee the shuffling of office space within city hall and how the recreation sugervisor's office is being moved to the basement. Staff is not very happy with the move. It was reported that the school bond issue passed in ISD #194. The survey from the post office was discussed. The residents of Valley Park received a letter from the Rosemount post office stating that there would be an open house in the future in order for the residents to see what an efficient facility the Rosemount Post Office is running and what good service they are able to give the residents. • The ice arena committee has been in contact with the City Council. They will be at the school board meeting next week and will be in contact with Rosemount city officials. Figures have been received from Springsted on a $1.5 million referendum. Staff is looking at the North Park layout again especially the future expansion potential, and the grading plans so that dirt is not excavated where it will be needed to fit their plans. This would be a city owned and run arena. Staff showed the committee the Logarto 3rd Addition plat. This is a re-draw of a previous plat. Staff is mostly concerned with bike trails and access to Oak Shores Fark and to other future trails. Staff requested the developer dedicate the easements and install the bike trails. This would not be a credit toward his dedication fees. The engineers and planners are studying this area and working with ponding and phosphorous control requirements. A total of 97 lots are contained in the plat at the present time, but this figure is subject to change. 86-77 Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to the city council that the developer donate cash in lieu of land, except for the bike trail easements. Cash would total $36,375.00 for 97 lots. Easements would be a minimum of 20 feet wide and would be in the area of Block 5, between lots 12 and 13 as an access to 162nd Street and between lots 20 and 21 as an access to Upper 161st Street. Motion passed. • Parks and Recreation Committee minutes • November 19, 1986 -3- Under item five, committee members received the park dedication fund ordinance survey which was completed last week. They requested that Apple Valley be added to the survey along with the other eight cities represented. The Park Director discussed a possible letter of credit requirement to make sure park dedication payments are made on a timely basis. Committee felt by looking at other cities' fees, Lakeville is low and should probably be raised in both commercial and residential fees. Also, the committee would like the method of payment changed so that the entire fee is collected at the time of final platting and not spread out over three years. After further discussion, it was decided that a change was needed to keep Lakeville in line with other communities. Staff was directed to add three more cities to the survey. The committee is leaning toward a higher fee for both residential and commercial with a change in the collection policy. First priority would be having park dedication paid in full at time of final platting. Second priority would be requiring half down and half in six months with a letter of credit. Committee will further discuss and make a final recommendation at their first meeting in December so that the new policies can take effect on January 1st. Staff reminded the committee to keep neighborhood parks in mind on developments, keeping bike trails the number one priority at this time. • Item number six was a review of the Antlers Park land acquisition. Staff reported that Warweg had appealed the decision of the condemnation. The project will be dropped because of escalating legal expenses. The money from the bond referendum which was earmarked for Antlers Park will be used to pave Antlers Park parking lot. Any amount left would transfer to Casperson, since it is the nearest in type and location to Antlers. The bond referendum budget update was discussed. The expenditures have been posted however some status updates need to be made to make the report complete. This will be done by the next meeting. The Park Director reported that he and two other area park directors are going to tour a playground manufacturing plant in Iowa this weekend. Under old business, staff discussed issues relating to Camp Lynwood plat. There was also discussion on bike trail usage policy. Staff will update committee on the progress. Under new business, staff showed the committee a copy of the draft update of the Comprehensive Plan which was prepared by the planners. Park staff was not consulted on the compilation of the report and feels the preliminary draft is incomplete in the areas of the bicycle plan, maps, operational policies, neighborhood districting plan and other issues. The committee wondered why they had not received this report and requested that a copy of the report be sent to them. • The committee discussed the plowing of the bike trails for winter joggers and children walking to school. Park and Recreation Committee minutes • November 19, 1986 -4-- Staff discussed the letters received from the Junior High School students on several issues which they are interested in and concerned with. This was a school project and several letters were highlighted by the Park Director. The letters were directed toward issues of an ice arena, skateboarding, gun laws, handicapped parking, trails, horseback riding, airport traffic patterns, etc. Staff felt the letters contained good ideas and it was probably a very good learning experience for the students. Anderson mentioned the lack of having all committee members present at the meetings recently. Chairperson Anderson will contact those who have missed meetings lately. 86-78 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Anderson, seconded by McDonald to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, at Messinger, Se etary • ATTEST: eb Anderson, Chairperson jr •