HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 1?, 1986 Chairperson Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call: Anderson, Messinger, McDonald, Olmsted and Grenz were present. Lovelace called and had a conflict, Gramstad was absent. Also present: Park Director Steve Michaud, LAA liaison Larry Lulf and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. $6-61 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes of the September 3, 1986 Park and Recreation Committee meeting. Discussion followed as to whether the minutes should be signed by the Committee Secretary or the recording secretary. Messinger wished to have these things discussed before changes were made. It was decided to have minutes signed by Committee Secretary to be uniform with other city advisory committees. Also on Page 3, paragraph 4, Messinger wanted her suggestion of 55 total spaces to be clarified to say the additional 15 spaces would be for residential parking. Messinger also was not comfortable with last sentence on page 3, her thinking being that it sounded out of context. Other members reassured her it was not. • Member McDonald commented on bike trail making clarification. Staff explained they have had some calls, both positive and negative. Staff explained some areas of savings in Antlers bike trail and the Valley Park purchase. Some of these savings. will go into North Park. When development comes into the areas near the slew, park dedication will come into effect to continue the trails through these areas. 86-62 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Messinger, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion passed. Item 3; Bike trail ordinance review. Staff explained ordinance needs to be revised again to include "no horses" on the trail, since it has already become a problem. Grenz wants emergency vehicles to be allowed to cross if necessary. This will also be added. Current ordinance has been approved by council. Committee members want bike trail crossing at 170th Street and Cedar Avenue, across from Ole Piper Inn. Staff agrees with this proposal as traffic patterns will probably run north to Apple Valley or into Lakeville and people will want to cross Cedar at more than just one place. Messinger suggests a direct access to the trail, perpendicular, not at an angle. Olmsted brought up the use of snowmobiles on the bike trail. Staff explained snowmobiles will be allowed on bike trails with the consent of all adjoining property owners. • September 1?, 1986 -2- Under item 4, Steve Grittman from Northwest Associated Consultants showed the committee new concept plan for Parkview Park. The plan includes softball/soccer overlay, hockey rink, BMX track and basketball court. Staff mentioned that it would be a good area for a Valley Park community center sometime in the future. Messinger would like to see school's trails put in and tie into current trail so school and public can use them. A slight change was suggested in the parking area;, which staff will work out with Steve Grittman. Staff was also instructed to check on lighting for pleasure skating area and the feasibility of installing a bench somewhere near this area. The skateboard ordinance was discussed and staff reiterated the council's feelings as to why this was tabled at the council meeting. 86-63 Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Messinger, to approve the concept plan of Parkview Park with change in parking lot and to direct Steve Grittman to prepare master plan as discussed. Motion passed. Item number five was a review of the Jewel Acres plat. This plat of 63 lots on 29.5 acres is on the east side of I-35, south of Oak Shores Park between 162nd and 165th Streets. The committee felt Jewel Avenue would be a perfect spot for a connector trail. Sewer and water will be connected from Cherrywood Heights, which will make this property a prime site for quick development. • The committee felt that Oak Shores Park on the north of 160th Street would serve as the neighborhood park for this plat until such time as park property is acquired to the south in what is now the Girl Scout property, which is slated for development soon. Access to Oak Shores would be across the busy 160th Street. 86-64 Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Grenz, to recommend to council Jewel Acres include adequate easements on the designated trail on 162nd and 165th Streets plus a northjsouth trail on Jewel Avenue. If Jewel Avenue is not planned for immediate construction, adequate sidewalks should be provided to insure flow of pedestrian traffic on Java Lane. These easements would be in addition to a cash contribution of $23,675.00, based on 63 lots at $375.00 in accordance with the current park dedication ordinance. Motion passed. Item six was a bond referendum update. Staff reported that seeding season is basically past, however some projects will be dormant seeded. There are several areas that will be seeded early in the spring. Also, with all the rain it is difficult to work in many areas. Staff has walked the entire area around Valley Lake Park and reports there is a Swale along the east side of Valley Lake property behind the houses. Staff feels the natural drainage is good and should be left as is in this area as there are many maturing trees which adds to the aesthetics on this property. • September 17, 1986 -3- The trail should go with the natural flow and be a single trail around the lake. A culvert needs to be installed on the west side however this may be related to storm drainage and may be paid for by that fund. Black dirt can be taken off the drainage swale and distributed throughout the park in the very low areas. Staff is ready to move on this project, however it cannot be seeded and erosion control measures need to be taken prior to grading. Staff may take bids on doing some of the trail paving along some of the shorter segments, i.e. Dodd Park, to see if they are comparable with the street dept. If so, some can be contracted out in order to get the trails done faster. Staff also mentioned he had spoken at length with Clean Flo and has decided not to go with more than one aerator this year. The pump, however, will be traded on a new double pump for very little more than the original bid. Messinger suggested that staff move ahead with the Valley Lake Park project this Fall. Other committee members agree. Staff will go ahead with grading and save seeding for spring. The next item on the update was North Park a The site which was to be graded for an ice arena will not be done in Phase I. If bid allows, portions of Phase II will be completed including the proposed ice arena site. Dakota Heights is being worked on now with grading, relocation of hockey rink, • lighting and parking lot. Foxborough and Lakeridge final grading were started, but with the rains and the mud no work is currently in progress. Friedges will dormant seed these areas with a brilliant seeder so they will be green in the spring. A shelter was discussed for Bunker Hill Park. Staff and committee feel this would be a great asset for that park and possibly in the spring something can be put in. Staff has decided to submit the L.C.M.R. grant for North Park for approximately $14,000 which is available for park improvements for 1987. Staff has visited some other cities to see what has been done with shoreline development. In an upcoming meeting with the DNR staff will bring him to Casperson's, Antlers and Orchard Lake Park to get his ideas on what can be done on these various shorelines. He explained the cost of mucking out 300' to fill with gravel as opposed the putting in some kind of abridge to span the swamp area east of North Park. Playground update; two semi-trailers of equipment are expected to be delivered next week. Priorities for fall will include Fairfield and Sleepy Hollow playground installations. With rinks and other work that has to be done this fall, the rest of the playgrounds will have to wait until spring. • September 17, 1986 Page -4- Staff assured the committee that Casperson's boat launch will be open by spring. Normal winter access for fish houses will still be the old launch at Antlers Park by Ringeisen's. Grenz asked about keeping a key for the Antlers Park boat launch gate at the fire station for emergency access by the sheriff's patrol. Staff felt this could be arranged. Staff reports the Boy Scout he has been working with will be installing his wood duck houses to complete his Eagle Scout project. The acoustical project is complete at Senior Citizen Center. Windows and heating are in; seniors will do the painting before carpet is installed. Staff updated the committee on Mills Fleet Farm progress and some other possible developments coming into Lakeville. Staff attended an LAA meeting last week concerning maintenance of school baseball fields. The school district does not have the funds or manpower in the summer to maintain the fields to an acceptable level, making them dangerous as well as unsightly. The Park Dept. will allow them use of equipment and CFTA labor after working hours to help them with keeping their fields presentable and playable. This agreement includes two softball fields at McGuire Junior High and three baseball fields at the High School. • The Community Education Advisory Committee has become reactivated. Staff has attended meetings and they will be working together on trips and programs Under old business, staff reports that grass is still being cut constantly. The majority of the parks have been aerated, the weed spray is finished and fertilizer will be applied in October. Staff was advised over a week ago that Antlers decision would be made. very soon but to date no word has been received. Ken Nichols, High School Principal, had some suggestions for the trail through school property after Steve Michaud and Dan Mehleis from ISD #194 completed their walk of the area. The bike trail should be done up to Ipava this year and over swamp on Italy and 199th Street after the freeze. Member Olmsted asked about trail connections from The Meadows to County Road 64 at the time of more platting in that area. Steve stated this is in the plans. Under new business a report from the park ranger was distributed evaluating the position for the summer of 1986 and making suggestions for 1987. Staff mostly agreed with the report except for area of being beach director and a few other small items. He asked the committee to comment on this report so that he could report committee's responses to council. Staff discussed with the committee the fact that, since the bond referendum, many companies have contacted him who are interested in drawing plans for Lakeville parks. The committee may interview same of these companies to get • bids on professional park layouts. • September 17, 1986 -5- Grenz suggested one parking spot at Casperson's new park be designated for sheriff parking only. This would give him priority access and also be a warning to lake users that he may be in the vicinity at any time. 86-65 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Anderson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, at Messinger, S retary ATTEST: Deb Anderson, Chairperson • ~r