HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07 CITY OF LAKEVILLfi
MAY 7, 1986
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Anderson at 7:00 PM. Members
present were Anderson, Messinger, Lovelace, Gramstad, Grenz and Olmsted.
Committee member McDonald had a death in the family and could not be
present. Also present was Larry Lulf representing the Lakeville Athletic
The next order of business was the approval of the April 16, 1986 committee
86-34 It was moved by Gramstad, seconded by Grenz, to approve the minutes of the
April 16, 1986 Park and Recreation Committee meeting as read.
Motion passed.
The next item was the Park Director's report. Staff reported that the
maintenance crews had been installing retaining walls at the various
playground installations from last fall. At present they would be
finishing up Foxborough Park and then moving to Bunker Hill. Additions to
Bunker Hill tire swing had been changed. As of these minutes, the tires at
the end of the rail slide had yet to be installed. Maintenance department
would be so informed.
• Staff reported that the level of Lake Marion was very high and water was
now lapping against the new retaining wall. The maintenance department has
now installed fence post stakes along the wall to stabilize the entire
wall. Also, the maintenance department has filled in some wash out areas
and installed new sod along the entire retaining wall to stabilize even
Maintenance crews are very busy trying to keep up with the grass which
seems to be the biggest problem most years. The months of April and May
are very difficult because of the lack of summertime help which will not
start until school is out.
All leagues are in full play and the maintenance department is busy doing
ballfield maintenance, dragging ballfields, etc.
The sign making project is still in progress. Committee members asked if
the Panda Park sign had been returned and as of the meeting date had not
been installed. Maintenance department will be so informed.
In the recreation division, the summer brochure was sent out with all the
upcoming summer events. It was noted that the cost for Kamp Kermit and the
time for summer playgrounds were omitted. Additional notices to the
schools and the local newspapers will be printed informing the general
public of this information. All sports programs, both the youth and adult
programs are now in full swing.
• The Senior Citizen Center programs are going very well. The seniors have
had two monthly dances which went aver very successfully.
Park and Recreation Committee Minutes
• May 7, 1986
Page -2-
Under administration, staff reported that the Antlers Park condemnation is
still in progress. Staff was informed that the commissioners will be
having a meeting within the next week or two. Hopefully the condemnation
proceedings can be concluded in a short period of time.
Staff reported that the LAWCON/LCMR Federal grant has been completed and
sent to the state. Steve will keep the committee informed as to the
progress of this state grant/federal grant.
Staff informed the committee that a grant submitted to the Metropolitan
Council on Aging has been awarded to Lakeville in the amount of $12,000.00.
$7,000.00 will go toward administration and wages for an outreach program.
The outreach program will be targeting senior citizens who are home bound
or not presently aware of the programs and opportunities available to
seniors in the Lakeville area. The remaining $5,000.00 will go towards the
correction of the acoustical problem in the senior citizen center and/or
the remodeling of the three season porch.
Staff reported that the time from the passage of the park bond referendum
until the city is authorized to spend money is about 60 days. Between this
date and authorization, staff will be busy putting the entire management
and budgeting process on a computer. Along with the computerization of the
• management program for the bond referendum, staff will be working on
specifications of different projects, project management time lines and
requests for proposals being submitted to the various companies that will
be doing business with the city.
Under development, the Antlers Park playground has been delivered and will
be installed within the next month. The final hurdle to cross, County Road
64 at Antlers Park, has been accomplished. Staff received a permit to
cross County Road 64 entering Antlers Park on May 4th. The county approved
the second alternative, which is crossing approximately two to three
hundred feet west of the old Indra Way.
Item number four was the bond referendum review. Staff reported that the
bond referendum had successfully passed. It was noted that all three
Lakeville precincts had voted the bond referendum down and both Valley Park
precincts voted the bond referendum successfully. Although there were
three precincts in Lakeville that voted negatively, there was a substantial
number of people voting favorably, also. The committee was very happy on
this victory, as were many council people and citizens throughout the
Item number five was a review of planners reports. The committee received
several reports from the planners. There were na questions.
Under old business, committee members asked about the installation of the
buoys an Lake Marion. As of these minutes, the buoys will be installed on
• Lake Marion on the weekend of May 10th, weather permitting.
Park and Recreation Committee Minutes
May 7, 1986
• Page -3-
Under new business, committee members reported that there was much debris
on the bike trail in Valley Park along Cedar Avenue and that the grass
along the bike trail should be scheduled for cutting on a regular basis.
Continuing under new business, it was mentioned by members from Valley Park
that there have been several requests for a BMX course for bicycles in the
area. It was suggested that there was an area by the hockey rink at the
Parkview park for such an area. Steve will visit and talk to other park
directors of the three different cities that have BMX courses to see about
the feasibility and construction of such a course.
New member Larry Olmsted mentioned that he did not receive a packet for
this meeting. Park Director Steve Michaud informed harry that he and Mary
McDonald will receive packets containing information from the first of the
year. Also the packet which was not delivered will be replaced.
Continuing under new business, committee member Duane Gramstad had several
requests as follows: Several requests have been received for a satellite
at the Ramburg Pit. Staff will check into the need. There have been
several questions from people concerning a screen somewhere along the Lake
Marion outlet to prevent rough fish from entering the lake. Steve will
check into this.
• The next item was a question concerning a snowmobile cross race being
proposed by Jerry Tongen. Staff informed the committee that a thorough
report had been prepared and for many reasons this particular event had
been turned down. Staff will send copies of this report to everyone.
Duane went on to inform the committee that the Pole Benders will be
sponsoring a fishing tournament for Pan-O-Prog this year and they are
requesting use of the point at the Casperson Property. Staff will make a
phone call to Florida to see if this is possible.
Item five by committee member Gramstad included statements that he has
received from several people concerning the controversy of the size of the
parking lot at the Casperson Property. Several people have expressed
interest that the 40 car parking lot will be too small and many problems
will arise from it. Staff informed the committee that we should at least
go on a one year trial basis to determine the pros and cons of either
expanding the parking lot or leaving it as it is.
There was also discussion on the contract with the concessions at Antlers
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
May 7, 1986
• Page -4
86-35 There being no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by
Olmsted by to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald S. Michaud, Director
Parks and Recreation