HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES • JANUARY 15, 1986 Roll call: Messinger, Anderson, Grenz, Lovelace and Briscoe were present. Park Director Steve Michaud was present as well as Lakeville Athletic Association liaison Larry Lulf and citizen Rase Harrison. Member Gramstad was absent. The next order of business was the approval of the December 18, 19$5 and December 23, 1985 Park and Recreation Committee minutes. $6-1 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by Briscoe, to approve the minutes as read. Motion passed. Item three was the park director's report. Staff informed the committee that the skating program was going along well. Thanks to the very cold weather early in the season the maintenance department was able to build a good ice base. This alone has carried the fourteen sheets of ice through the recent warm weather. The ski trails at Ritter Farm Park are being maintained on a regular basis. Usage of the ski trails has been limited. Staff has begun to advertise for the new park maintenance position. • To date, there are same fifteen applications on file. A time line for the position is as follows: receive applications through January 24, 1986; review of applications will begin in the last week of January and the first week of February; interviews of applicants would begin February 10. After interviews if there is a successful candidate the position could then be open any time thereafter. Presently staff is involved in annual evaluations of all. employees. This process continues through January and ends in February. The next order of business was to discuss the band referendum packets. The first item was a discussion. of the bike trail from downtown Lakeville to the Lakeville High School. Staff updated the committee with respects to the easement negotiations. At last word this week, our attorneys contacted us and informed us that a tentative agreement had been reached with the final property owner. It looks like everything will be ready to go as soon as the weather breaks this spring. Staff reported on two or three other issues. First, the county had approved the trail crossing at Dodd Blvd. and refused to issue a permit for a crossing on County Road 64 due to sight distance problems. Several alternatives are being developed. to correct the sight distance problem, which include the removal of some brush and small trees that are located in the county road easement, additional signage in .the area for the crossing, potential speed controls and • possibly a stop sign in that area. Park and Recreation Committee minutes • January 15, 1986 Page -2- Staff reported that the exact location of where the trail will enter the high school has not been determined at this point but will be somewhere in the area where Possum Construction will be building homes. Staff also reported some concern about the crossing from Italy Way to 199th Street across the existing bay. At this time no contacts had been made with the DNR. Staff will pursue that and keep the committee informed as to the results. The next area of discussion surrounded the remaining items on the proposed bond referendum. Staff and committee went through all projects, reviewing the different totals. Most committee members were somewhat disturbed at the amount of money and the amount of trails that are being proposed in the present program. Staff informed the committee that he had relayed these concerns to Pat McGarvey and it was decided that the committee should go beyond the million dollar mark in their planning to include a trail that would go from Valley Park to the Lakeville High School. In discussing the various alternatives, paving the shoulders of Cedar Avenue was the first alternative, developing a trail along Highview Avenue south to Holyoke Avenue all the way into downtown Lakeville was the second alternative and the third alternative - being recommended • by everyone involved - was to use existing park properties, drainways and public roads following the fringe of our existing urban service area which goes from Cedar Avenue at F'oxborough Park heading west into Woodbury Park to Highview Avenue, continuing west along the existing drainway or a short distance south following 162nd Street over to the Dakota Heights 8th Addition into the park property there onto the public roadways coming out on Ipava Avenue, turning southerly down to 185th Street. At this point it was somewhat difficult in choosing a route cross country to end up at the high school. Staff did some research and found out there is an existing snowmobile trail easement that heads south starting at a paint just west of Ipava Avenue which goes all the way down to an existing drainway which in turn ends up on 195th Street. This area is being recommended as a potential bikeway. Once to 195th Street, the trail would head westerly to Highway 50 at which point we would cross into the. Lakeville High School property. By connecting Valley Park using the route we ,just explained to Lakeville High School, we would then have a trail that would connect to the Antlers Park to downtown Lakeville. This would give all of Valley Park .access to Antlers Park, Lake Marion, downtown Lakeville and Aronson Park. Vise versa, giving all of downtown Lakeville and all the neighborhoods along the trail access to Valley Park, Apple Valley trail. systems which also lead into the county trail systems which also lead into the state bikeway system. The one single link • which we have just described could be the main artery of our total Park and Recreation Committee minutes January 15 , 1986 Page -3- comprehensive trail system, Major points along the trail would be Foxborough Park, Woodbury Park, Dakota Heights Park, Christina Huddleston School, the Lakeville High School, Antlers Park, downtown Lakeville and Aronson Park. It also connects major public offices and locations such as the school district offices, Lakeville Gity Hall, major churches in town and major places of employment. The committee was unanimous with choosing the aforementioned alternative and has directed staff to prepare a cost estimate for this trail segment. Other concerns with the bond issue as the committee went through all the projects included adding additional money to the North Park development project, developing a detailed listing and cost estimate of all proposed developments at Aronson Park to be used in setting priorities, adding additional funds to the downtown Lakeville to the Lakeville High School bike trail, completing the cost estimates for the main trail proposed, the adding of the Lakeridge Park to the bond issue that would include development for that area. Staff reported that Lakeridge has been fully developed for almost six to seven years with very few funds being spent in that area. There is a large population of young children and this is one of the areas within the city which has not been served.' To reinstate the installation of various playground equipment at various parks throughout the city and adding a contingency fund to the total bond referendum estimated costa Staff informed the committee that estimates for all the projects would be prepared and hopefully ready for review at a planned meeting on January 22, 1986. The Park and Recreation Advisory Committee will be meeting with Pat McGarvey to discuss the total concept of the bond referendum. There also has been a meeting planned for January 29, with the Lakeville City Council. The Park and Recreation Committee and the council will discuss the total concept to decide what actions should be taken from this point. If the council looks upon the total issue favorably, it is assumed the issue would be placed upon the February 3 agenda for authorization by the Lakeville City Council. There was no old business. Under new business, Park Director Steve Michaud presented a resolution supporting the President's Commission on American Outdoors and the Commission on Minnesota Outdoors. The resolution basically recommends the city council support the efforts of the President's Commission and the Commission on Minnesota Outdoors and their efforts to review the national and state picture as it relates to recreation and parks. 86-2 It was moved by Anderson, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to city council adoption of the resolution supporting the President's Commission on Outdoors and the Commission on Minnesota Outdoors and the revitalization of Minnesota's local and regional recreation grant 1 programs. Motion passed. Park and Recreation Committee minutes Tanuary 15 , 1986 Gommittee members asked about the combined meeting of Eagan, Apple Valley and Burnsville Park and Recreation Committees at Fort Snelling State Park. It has been confirmed that the meeting will be held on January 28, 1986 at 7:00 PM at the Fort Snelling State Park nature center. Details will be worked out at the January 22, 1986 Park and Recreation Committee meeting concerning transportation, etc. 86--3 There being no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by Anderson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. espect~ 11y subm tte ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ - - ~ rald S. Michaud, Director Parks and Recreation Department GSM:jr _ ~ a