HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 1, 1987 Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson McDonald at 7:00 PM. Present were Messinger, Olmsted, Lulf and McDonald. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud, Alan Brixius from Northwest Associated Consultants and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. Lovelace, Anderson and Grenz arrived later. 87-35 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting of March 1$, 1987 and the special meeting of March 25, 1987. Motion passed. Lia Bedeaux of Leo's Kawasaki was in attendance to discuss with the committee the possibility of conducting a jet ski race on Lake Marion on July 26, 1987 and the use of Antlers Park for this event. She reminded the committee that when a similar event took place in 1982, it was not necessary to close the public beach. The race sponsors will provide the proper required permits, insurance, patrol boats and equipment, ambulance and medical personnel and clean up after the event. Normal parking fees will be in effect and the sponsors will pay the residential rental fee, per the rules and regulation ordinance. The Park Director agreed that this event did not cause problems in the past. The city will run the concessions on this date. Olmsted stated the Jaycees would possibly be interested in beer sales and will contact the Park Director. ~7-36 Motion was made by Olmsted, seconded by Lulf, to recommend to city council approval of the jet ski race to be held at Antlers Park and Lake Marion on July 26, 19$7. Motion passed. Alan Brixius from Northwest Associated Consultants was present to update the committee on the trail system plan. He stated the trail inventory was almost complete. Committee suggested that 210th Street and 165th Street also be looked at by his staff. The committed discussed the connection for the Meadows 6th Addition. The Park Director informed the committee that the trail could connect to the sidewalk an Lower 208th Street near the VFW Club. The attorneys are in the negotiating process with the Hammer family who are the owners of approximately 1/2 acre which has been identified as overland trail easements. It is expected that $4-5,000 will be needed to secure these easements. Alan Brixius stated that highline easements are also good tracts of land for trains since they are very wide and may be useful for off street cross country trails. Trails are also being studied which would be suitable for equestrian, snowmobile and all terrain vehicle use. A preliminary map and inventory should be ready by the first mailing in May. Committee suggested that winter maintenance be tied into the trails, especially within a one mile radius of schools taking into consideration the safety of those children who walk to school. Alan Brixius will attend May 6th meeting to further discuss committee concerns. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes April 1, 1987 -2- • Next item was the Park Director's report. Staff reported that the contractor had moved into Valley Lake Park and grading was being accomplished. North Park grading is also being done. The committee had received the schedule for construction in Antlers Park. A preconstruction meeting had been held on Aronson Park with construction scheduled to being the end of this week. Paving of the roadway to fields 7 and 8 had to be eliminated from the plans due to errors in the engineer's estimates. Hopefully all fields will be usable, depending on how construction is done. For field #4, staff is looking at possibly stripping the turf, grading and relaying the turf rather than seeding. This would be eliminate long delays in waiting for new grass to spring up. Staff explained that he had received an Explore Minnesota map of bike trails, however, it shows only 1/3 to 1/2 of the City of Lakeville. Staff discussed this problem with the state and was not satisfied with their explanation of funding problems. He will pursue the matter. Industry and Commerce Day in Lakeville has been set for May 28, 1987 at Brackett's Crossing. This is cosponsored by the Lakeville Chamber of Commerce and the City in an effort to familiarize developers with the Lakeville area and what it has to offer. It has been decided that the Antlers Park concessions will be operated by . the park department this summer and run by the beach staff. Staff discussed the plan for an octagon shaped building at Bunker Hill and the future possibilities for some type of a building at Valley Lake Beach. Staff is looking far some way to save the buildings at Lynwood to be relocated in other parks, such as Ritter Farm Park. The developer of Lynwood has stated the trail will be bench cut around the lake. The $135.00 per lot MPTW fee will also be paid. Staff contacted the developer to be certain he was aware of this fact. Staff is meeting with the developers tomorrow morning to finalize the plat showing the trail and which trees will be saved. There has been a problem with all terrain vehicles around this lake, destroying the area quite badly. Staff will discuss this with the developers to decide who's responsibility it is to restore the area. Staff reported that two bridges were delivered to Ritter Farm Park and one to Foxborough Park to be place across creeks in all three instances. These bridges were purchased as part of the DNR Snowmobile Trail Maintenance Grants grogram in conjunction with the Lakeville Snowmobile Club. Cement contractors are being solicited for bids an installation. Staff updated the committee on the progress of the Community Center Task force. A report is being prepared which will overview the work of the task force throughout the past few months. Staff showed the committee the plans for the building as conceived by the architect. Phase I will include an ice • arena and teen center/gym with locker rooms and basic necessities. The building, complete as shown, including architectural fees is $2,050,000.00. Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes April 1, 19f37 -3- Other blueprints of the community center were of cross sections and plans for other future phases. The building was specifically designed far the topography of the land and would be very functional if it in fact becomes a reality. Staff updated the committee an several other areas which are in the process of being developed. The Broberg Bumper Boat Pool proposed for downtown Lakeville has been denied. The Goff. property proposed in Valley Park will be high density with a total of 252 units in 42 buildings. Staff will check on the park land dedicated for this development. Committee member Grenz questioned the validity of the stakes for the trail around Valley Lake. He is concerned about how close they seem to be to the houses which abut the lake property. Staff stated Crystal View Estates had been passed. Dodd Pointe 4th is a commercial development, strip shopping center. Messinger questioned whether that intersection would be squared up for safety purposes. Easements are still available for trails to this area. Staff will look into the sight problems and accesses to this development. Committee feels this is a potential hazard. • The Cottages of Lakeville plat is moving along, as is the Southfork Village II, which is an extension of the Southfork development. .Under new business., Messinger asked about the indoor soccer facility being proposed in Apple Valley and the high density residential area being developed in conjunction with the facility. Staff informed the committee that the complex is being planned along Cedar Avenue, north of 160th Street. Committee feels the area is too high density, too close to Valley Park, and would not be good for property values in that area. Staff urged citizens to contact the council members of Apple Valley if they would like their opinions heard. Staff reminded the committee that there is a joint council/committee work session on Saturday, April 4th-with discussions being centered around planning, zoning and land densities. Under old business, committee members asked abut upcoming road improvements. Staff stated Ipava and 165th Streets will both be four lane collectors; 160th Street will be a four lane divided. Committee members were also concerned about getting trails to Valley Lake before the beach opens for the summer. • Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes April 1, 1987 -4- Staff updated the committee on what he's doing with the LAWCONfLCMR Grants. Staff is making some decisions on what will be included in the grants. If the application are for priority parks, the chances are better for obtaining the available grants. Committee discussed areas of possible grant ideas for Valley Lake Park such as paving, picnic shelter, landscaping and fencing. 87-37 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Olmsted, seconded by Grenz to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Gerald Grenz, Chairman ATTEST: • Larr lmsted, Secreta y jr •