DATE: MARCH 30, 19$7
After our meeting on March 18, 1987, some committee members felt that
additional discussion should take place with regards to the Lynwood grading
proposal change. A special meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, March 25,
1987, 7:00 PM, to discuss this issue. Members McDonald, Messinger, Lovelace
and Lulf were present. Park Director Steve Michaud was also present.
Prior to the meeting, committee member Lulf and Park Director Steve Michaud
.toured the site of the Lynwood property to get an updated view of the
proposed grading plan as envisioned from various locations on the property.
Committee member Lulf and staff explained to the committee the various views
and haw they felt the grading would affect the property. It seemed very
evident that regardless of what care was to be taken, there were many trees
existing that would be bulldozed. At the top and the sides of the main ridge
there were many dead standing trees and many trees that were deadfalls.
There were live trees, but they were more scrub trees and less desirable
• When viewed from the peninsula the affect of taking twenty feet off the
ridges seemed to be more significant. It was very evident that if 20' was
removed from those ridges, that it would alter the terrain drastically.
Considering the short report from committee member Lulf and staff, the
committee then discussed the options available.
First of all, the committee wishes not to have the area table cut and left
flat as aboard. By doing this, the aesthetics of the area would be greatly
reduced. It was suggested that a series of berms providing visual breaks,
would be an attempt to restore the aesthetics that exist now.
It was further suggested that the area be replanted with a variety of species
of trees, fast growing shrubs and other ground covers. It was further
discussed that in the regrading plan, it is shown that na trees will be taken
within a corridor starting from the edge of the water, up the hill 30 feet.
It was suggested by the committee that trees right at the 30 foot mark or
further into the hill that are of substantial size and quality be marked and
saved. These trees would be identified by park staff.
Overall, it is the committee's intent to work with the developer in
accomplishing an end result which is perceived to be a beautiful
neighborhood, blending into a park area to be designated as a natural area.
With the addition of the berms, additional plantings and the saving of as
many trees as possible, the committee feels that the land would retain some
of its character, not simply be flat cut and seeded.
Park and Recreation Special meeting
March 25, 1987
87-34 It was then moved by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to recommend to city
council approval of the revised grading plan of Lynwood plat with the
following requirements:
1. That a survey be taken, identifying the 30' line from the water's
edge, so that the park director can follow that line, identifying
trees that would be worthy of saving just outside the 30' limitation.
2. That a series of berms be constructed that would be aesthetically
conducive to the topography after the grading has been completed.
3. That on top of certain berms and throughout the area to be
excavated, that a variety of trees, specifically conifers, be planted
throughout the area to replace the vegetation and trees which are
being bulldozed.
4. That the entire area be seeded and mulched.
Motion passed.
• GSM:jr
cc: Mayor, City Council
Pat McGarvey
Jim Robinette
Brian Christensen
Park and Natural Resources Committee
Planning Commission
Scott Johnson, Arcon Construction