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DECEMBER 18, 1985
Roll call: Anderson, Briscoe, Grenz, Gramstad, Lovelace and Messinger were
present. Park and Recreation Director Steve Michaud was also present.
Item number two was the approval of the December 4, 1985 minutes.
85-66 It was moved by Grenz, seconded by Lovelace to approve the minutes as read.
Motion passed.
Item number three was the Park Director's report. Staff reported that the
development of ice for the hockey program and public skating program was
going very well. The early cold weather allowed the maintenance department
to build several inches of ice. There were several miscellaneous repairs to
warming houses and facilities still ongoing. Ski trail maintenance and
snowmobile trail maintenance is going very well. Ritter Farm Park and
Lakeville High School are both in excellent skiing condition. The
maintenance department also groomed a trail in Independence Park as
requested by the residents.
Permission has been secured from the Parkview School to drop a trail on the
Parkview property around the Valley Lake. Park area. Staff informed the
committee that they would attempt to groom a trail in lieu of the fact that
. many snowmobilers are illegally running through that area, which is not
conducive to maintaining a good skiing trail.
The committee was informed that the ski trail grooming grant for 1986 had
been received in the amount of $1,F00.00. Final figures on the snowmobile
trail system are about $24,000.00. Of the $24,000.00, $9,000.00 is used for
grooming, $3 - 4,000 is used for trail reconstruction and redevelopment and
the remaining $10 - 12,000.00 will be for the purchase of bridges to be
installed in key locations on the trail.
The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to discussing various
alternatives, acquisition and development projects for a proposed bond
referendum for 1986.
The first project discussion was on the Casperson property on Lake Marion.
The committee was informed that council will be considering a resolution at
the next council meeting to authorize securing an option on the land in
order to hold it until a bond issue can be held. As of these writings,
council had authorized the option on the land. All papers have been sent to
the Lange's in Florida for signatures. Discussions surrounded the amount of
money necessary to relocate the roadway to the Casperson property and
further development. The committee felt very positively about the
acquisition of the property, but there were several comments as to available
funding for immediate development. It was suggested that a special fund be
established whereby revenues from the sale of on site sand and gravel could
• be deposited into the fund which in turn would pay for development. It was
also suggested-that park dedication funds could be used if in fact the
commercial development booms in Lakeville.
• Park and Recreation Committee minutes
December 18, 1985
Page -2-
Staff explained the proposed acquisition for Valley Lake Park. It is being
recommended that an additional nine acres be purchased to be consistent with
the approved master plan. Along with the acquisition to complete ownership
of the property along the entire boundary of Valley Lake, development would
include construction of a pedestrian walkway around the entire length of the
lake, grading and landscaping of the entire area, the installation of
roadways and parking lots, boundary fencing and the upgrading and purchasing
of playground equipment.
The next project was Antlers Park. Staff informed the committee of existing
contracts and condemnations now underway. At present the Warweg property
and an additional 2.9 acres is being condemned by the City of Lakeville.
Along with this proposed acquisition development would include the
redevelopment of roadways and parking lots in the park which have already
been ordered through a change order in the construction of Inds Way; the
purchase of three picnic shelters for the beach front; the installation of
walkways and trails in the interior of the park; the purchase of playground
equipment; reinstallation and purchase of boundary fencing; and
miscellaneous landscaping and plantings.
There were several comments relative to the inclusion of certain projects in
• Antlers Park and to the bond issue that had already been ordered through
change orders of existing projects. Staff informed the committee that the
funds to pay for those change orders were being taken from the park
dedication fund, which is becoming very light. It is being recommended that
these issues be tied to the bond issue and only if the issue does not pass,
will the projects be paid for by the park dedication fund.
The next project was the acquisition of North Park as per the comprehensive
plan for the city park system. It has been proposed to purchase 35 to 40
acres in the northwest section of Lakeville to accommodate the existing and
future needs for athletic fields. Staff has located at least three 35-40
acre parcels all located at .the north end of Ipava between 165th Street and
162nd Street. Negotiations on potential options on one of those parcels
will take place after the holidays. Along with the acquisition it was
recommended by staff that minimal development take place in order to utilize
the facility, which will be needed in 1986. It is planned that additional
softball fields and soccer fields would be the main use of North Park.
The next project discussed was the pedestrian bikeway trail from downtown.
Lakeville to the High School. Utilizing city of Lakeville labor and
equipment, it has been estimated that materials to construct the trail from
207th Street out to Antlers Park would cost approximately $25,000.00.
Acquisition of additional easements along the Lake Marion ditch outlet would
be in the area of $6,000.00. Total project cost would be in the
neighborhood of $40,000.00. The committee places this at a high priority
along with the other projects and recommends the total project he included
in the bond issue.
• Park and Recreation .Committee minutes
December 18, 1985
Page -3-
There were several comments relative to the potential of a combined bond
referendum including the construction of a fire station. All committee
members felt very strongly that a combined bond issue at the same time would
be detrimental to both the fire station and the park bond issue. Because of
the six month option on the Caspersen property, it has been recommended that
the park bond referendum occurs sometime late in April and that the fire
station issue take place in the fall of the same year.
Two other projects that were presented by staff included the upgrading of
Aronson .Park and a bike trail from Valley Park to downtown Lakeville. Staff
presented a proposed plan for Aronson Park that included the complete
grading and development of ballfields, raadways and parking lots on the
existing twenty acres that is not developed. The remaining upgrading of
Aronson Park included the paving of all roadways and parking lots; the
installation of a drainage ditch along Aronson Park's east and southern
boundaries plus the upgrading of field 4. It also included fencing field 3,
additional landscaping and plantings, the upgrading of the playground
equipment and an expansion of the existing building.
There was much discussion amongst committee members relative to the cost to
grade the undeveloped twenty acres. It has been estimated it will cost at
• least $100,000.00 plus. Committee members compared the purchasing of 40
acres at North Park for approximately the same price, whereby they would be
receiving 35 to 40 usable acres as opposed to 20 of limited use at Aronson
Park. It was the general consensus of the committee that the grading
project to develop the 20 acres at Aronson Park was not feasible. It was
further suggested by some committee members that selling of the 20 acres and
utilizing those funds to develop Aronson Park may be more feasible.
The second project discussed. was that of providing a trail from Valley Park
to downtown Lakeville and Aronson Park. Much discussion surrounded the
county trail proposals, the priorities existing in Lakeville now and the
different potential routes of getting to downtown Lakeville. The original
plan was to come from Cedar Avenue across through the Foxborough Park
Addition over to Woodbury Addition to Highview Avenue heading south
following Highview all the way to downtown Lakeville. When considering the
cost to construct a trail from Woodbury all the way south on Highview and
,Holyoke down to downtown Lakeville, it seemed not feasible. Some committee
members thought it could be a combined project with the county but staff
informed the committee that the county would be very much opposed to this.
The intent of this trail is to provide the citizens of Valley Park access to
Aronson Park, downtown Lakeville and Antlers Park and visa versa.
Downtown Lakeville citizens could access to the Apple Valley trail system
and further even to the county system, giving a majority of our citizens
access to the state trail system.
• Under old business, staff passed out some letters received from Eagan
concerning the county bike trail system. Staff informed the committee that
a second public hearing with county commissioners is being scheduled and
staff will inform the committee as soon as possible when dates, times and
• Parks and Recreation Committee minutes
December 18, 1985
Page -4-
locations have been set.
Under new business it was felt that a second meeting would be needed to tie
up several loose ends concerning the proposed park referendum. Committee
members agreed to meet Monday, December 23.
85-67 It was then moved by Messinger, seconded by Gramstad to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald S. Michaud,. Director.
Parks and Recreation