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OCTOBER 2, 1985
7:00 PM
Roll call: Messinger, Grenz, Anderson and Gramstad were present. Both
Howie Lovelace and Chuck Briscoe called and were not able to make the
meeting. Park Director, Steve Michaud, was also present.
The next order of business was the approval of the September 18, 1985,
Park and Recreation Committee minutes.
85-57 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to approve the minutes as
Motion passed.
The next item was the Park Director's report. Staff reported that the
park maintenance department was very busy installing the playground
equipment. To date, Dodd Trail Park, Oak Shores Park and Bunker Hill Park
were completed. The crews were waiting to go into Foxborough due to
extremely rainy weather and wet conditions in the newly planted areas of
• The park maintenance department is also continuing mowing of all the
parks, where the grass continues to grow. Maintenance continues also at
the Senior Center, Liquor Stores, Police Station and Fire Stations. In
addition to the regular grass cutting, we are still maintaining all the
soccer fields at Aronson Park and the football fields. We expect
maintenance on the fields and the regular turf mowing to continue at least
through the next three to four weeks. There have also been several minor
occurrences of vandalism which we are repairing and attempting to keep up
Under development statuses as previously mentioned the playground sites
are being installed. There is a slight possibility that Foxborough may be
delayed due to wet weather and conditions. The street department is about
90X complete hauling parking lot surfaces to four or five of our new
parking lots.
As of this writing, council approved the change order to commence with the
acquisition of Antlers Park and the scraping, grading and development of
the Antlers Park parking lot. This work is also scheduled to begin about
a week from today. Since council has approved the parking lot development
at Antlers Park, the park maintenance department has begun to remove the
entire fence line around Antlers Park, the existing softball backstop and
we are attempting to arrange a tree spade for the removal of two or three
trees that are in the way of the proposed roadway going down to the boat
• As of these minutes, the installation or hook up of sewer and water to
Orchard Lake Park rest room has begun.
• Park and Recreation Committee minutes
October 2, 1985
Page -2-
Minor repairs and painting of warming houses and hockey rinks will begin
Item four was an update of Antlers Park development status, which has
already been mentioned. It is planned to go ahead as soon as possible to
complete the remaining parking lots and park development.
Item five was an update of the Casperson property. Staff informed the
committee that scheduling was being completed to arrange for borings on
the property to make an assessment of the quality and quantity of
sand/gravel on the property. As of these minutes, staff met with CED's
geologist to walk the site. At present a proposal will be prepared for
the city to review and hopefully approve to allow the borings and the
reports that will follow. It is estimated that the borings and reporting
will cost anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000. Steve suggested that a letter
be written to the Lang's to update them as to the City's position and
progress. This letter will be sent out as soon as possible.
Item six was a review of the 1986 budget. Staff reported to the committee
that council had had a final budget hearing and proposed some final cuts.
• Steve informed the committee that major portions of the budget were all
intact. Steve also informed the committee that dollars had been removed
from the department heads, schools and conferences. Staff reported that
he felt the area of schools and conferences to be very important in order
to keep professional staff updated on current events at the local, state
and national levels. Steve reported he feels very strongly about
continuing education to keep staff very sharp intellectually and would be
requesting council reconsider the cuts as proposed.
Item number seven was a review of the park system plan. Steve went
through certain areas of the park system plan with the committee. There
are still several minor changes that have to be completed. Hopefully
these will be completed by the next park and recreation committee
meeting. Steve will send a copy to Erkkila for the update and hopefully
have a copy back for the committee.
Under old business,. the committee had a lengthy discussion concerning the
proposed development around Valley Lake Park. Member Grenz felt that the
area to the east of the lake should be utilized with the development of
the rest of the property and not to take as much land as proposed for the
park property. There were several dissenting comments concerning the
amount of land that would be necessary to accomplish the goals of Valley
Lake Park development.
As of these minutes, Steve had had a discussion with David Licht, city
planner. Apparently the developer is interested in some type of housing
• between the existing lake and the existing residential area. The
developer and the planner are aware of our needs for a corridor around
. Park and Recreation Committee minutes
October 2, 1985
Page -3-
that body of water to complete the park's circumference around the water
and provide adequate areas for proposed facilities. It was staff's
opinion to the planner that they should draw alternative plans that would
include development in the area and outside the area.
Continuing under old business, committee members requested copies of the
new park dedication ordinance, which will be sent to them immediately.
There was discussion on the bikeway. Staff did not have a final decision
on the easements of the drainway but would try to gather information by
the next meeting.
It had been reported by staff at the last meeting that a presentation
would be made to the Lake Marion Homeowners Association on Thursday,
September 26th at the VFW. There were very few people in attendance,
although many good questions and answers were exchanged.
Following the Homeowners Association meeting, Steve gave a presentation to
the Lakeville Jaycees on the status of the bikeway planning and the new
twist concerning putting the bike trail in the drainway area. The
• Lakeville Jaycees still remain interested in co-sponsoring or sponsoring
the development of the trail.
Staff went on to explain bike paths in Antlers Park. It was suggested
that a pathway be built across the pond area between Italy Avenue and
199th Street, which would then allow the bikeway to cross that back bay,
head down 199th Street, take a right on Jaguar Avenue and head to Highway
50, using Highway 50 once that corner has been redeveloped or heading up
into what is now Fossum Construction's property, exiting onto the school
Chairperson Debbie Anderson expressed a concern over all the school age
persons using our roadway systems for jogging, track practice or even
cross country dry land training. Chairperson Anderson expressed a strong
concern relative to the importance of completing some of these trail
segments. A discussion was then held concerning the liability of our
school, encouraging cross country running on some of our more dangerous
roadways in town.
There was a short discussion on the grading of Foxborough on the north
side of the creek. As of these minutes, staff made contact with the
developers and land owners. A farmer has been contracted to plow under
the entire north side to assess the property at which time the bulldozers
would move in and complete the fill and grading of that north side of the
park. The main problem at this time is excessive rain, causing very muddy
. conditions, which in turn prohibits the machinery from doing the work.
• Park and Recreation Committee minutes
October 2, 1985
Page -4-
There was a short discussion on the potential bond issue in the spring.
Staff reported that he will be searching out and identifying properties
for the second Aronson Park area, preparing some other issues and dollar
figures for the next meeting.
Committee member Messinger once again requested the cutting of grass along
the bike trail which follows Cedar Avenue. Staff would check with the
street department to see if there were any available mowers that could do
Member Grenz informed staff that the gate at Valley Lake Beach had been
driven into by a vehicle and was bent.
There was a discussion with L.A.A. representative Larry Lulf concerning
any needs of the association. Everything seems to be in order. Steve
offered to provide some information concerning insurance from the National
Recreation and Park Association. There is an L.A.A. board meeting on
Wednesday, October 9th, which .staff will try to attend.
85-5$ There being no further business, it was moved by Anderson, seco d by
• Messinger, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
~Respect~ iy s bmi ted, ks
~ ~ ~ '
~G@tald S. Michaud, irector
Parks and Recreation