HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
JUNE 5, 1985
Ro11 call: Messinger, Anderson, Grenz, Gramstad and Lovelace were present.
L.A.A. representative Larry Lulf and Park Director Steve Michaud were also
Item number two was the approval of the Park and Recreation Committee
minutes of May 15, 1985.
85-30 It was moved by Grenz, seconded by Messinger to approve the minutes as
Motion passed.
The next order of business was to elect a new chairperson for the committee.
85-31 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to nominate Debbie Anderson
as Chairperson for the Park and Recreation Committee.
Motion passed.
85-32 There being no further nominations, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by
• Grenz, to close nominations for Chairperson.
Motion passed.
There being no further nominations for Chairperson, Debbie Anderson was
automatically appointed Chair.
85-33 It was then moved by Messinger, seconded by Gramstad, to nominate Gerry
Grenz as Vice-Chairperson.
Motion passed.
85-34 It was then moved by Messinger, seconded by Lovelace, to close nominations
for Vice Chair.
Motion passed.
Gerry Grenz was appointed Vice Chairperson for the committee.
The .next order of business was the Park Director's report., The Park Director
informed the committee that several projects were continuing in maintenance,
the cutting of all park properties still remained a top priority. Several
smaller projects such as installation of the beach front, keeping up with
various vandalism and landscaping project at the Senior Center have kept the
crews very busy. As of May 13, 198.5, the park maintenance department has
received two additional workers from the Scott County J.T.P, program and
will not receive any Dakota County J.T.P. workers until June 17th. The
Legislature is causing some problems with respect to receiving some funds
to assist various counties with summer youth projects and summer youth
• employment.
Park and Recreation Committee Minutes
• June 5, 1985
Page -2-
Committee member Grenz asked about addition of new sand at Valley Lake Beach.
Steve informed the committee that new sand .was planned on being trucked in
before the beaches openned.
Member Anderson .asked about the bouys being reinstalled at Lake Marion. The
committee was informed that this project will take place as soon as crews
have time or the private citizens living on .the lake can be persuaded into
installing the project as was done in 1984. It was also brought up that
there has been a permanent ski course installed down by the second lake at
Lake Marion. .Steve was under the impression that there was a moratorium on
any permanent ski courses on Lake Marion until such time the lake was lowered
to an acceptable level. Steve will look into this and report back to the
committee at a later date.
Item number five, the. committee was updated on council actions of May
Item number six was a review of ongoing projects.
a) Valley Lake Beach purchase. The committee was informed that Claire Pope
of Pope Realty had not returned any calls to the office. Steve will make
another attempt to see what the landowners' thoughts are and potentially set
• up a meeting between the city and the landowners.
b) Community Playfield search, As stated once before, contact had been made
to the school in. an attempt to set up a meeting to discuss the potential
purchase of property next to existing school property located north of Ipava
Avenue and next to Ionia. Steve will keep the committee informed as to any
progress or any meetings established with .the-school district.
c) Park development projects. Some of the major projects planned for the
summer have started. They are Antlers Park, Foxborough Park and Oak Shores
Park. The park maintenance dept. has completed seeded all of"the west side
of Oak Shores Park. A landscaping contractor has been .hired and has begun
work in Foxborough Park. A11 the major grading and landscaping is now being
done. A meeting was also held with the developers of the Foxborough addition
and the major land contractor to determine what work had been completed on
the north side of the creek in the Foxborough Parka It was determined that
half of the project as outlined in the grading plans had not been completed,
.and several drainage ditches .had been cut through the property with a back-
hoe and left as is. Suburban Engineers will continue to investigate this
and see that the project is brought to 100% completion as outlined in the
development .contract. The seeding of Foxborough Park has .been pushed back
to the fall due to wet conditions and the lateness of the year. The Park
dept. will continue to construct fences, the parking lot, the ballfield and
playground and other amenities, landscaping and plantings as possible dur~.ng
the summer.
• There was no report on the Senior Center rec room, item d.
Park and Recreation Committee Minutes
• June 5, 1985
Page -3-
Under item e, Pan-O-Prog, the Park Director reported that all systems were
"go'°. Fan-O-Prog had gone well in-the planning process and should be
another successful year.
Continuing on under on--going projects, several concept plans were .presented
to the committee that had been received from Erkkila and Associates. The
first set of concept plans were Antlers Park. Several new ideas have surfaced
with the potential development of the Warweg property. The committee is
aware of the reconstruction project along the entire beachfront and the
potential of building a new through street between Highway 50 and Co. Rd. 64
just west of the Cenex station. With the construction of a new through
street between 50 and 64, the existing street running through Antlers Park
could b.e eliminated. Several concepts were exhibited for the committee
showing. potential uses of the area, new parking lot layouts, the possibility
of additional purchases to expand the parking and park usage. Committee
member Lovelace concurred with the idea of pushing the ballfield further to
the east, which in turn would push the parking lot areas further east into
George Warweg's property. This would open up more area in the heart of the
park for picnicing and open recreational .usage, remove the ballfield away
.from existing homes and push the parking lot areas further to the east,
also away from existing homes in the area. Committee member Messinger
• suggested. that the city should consider the purchasing of as much land as
possibly needed for future use at this time, considering that once the land
is platted,. we will never have another chance to purchase property around
Antlers Park. as it exists today.
Committee member Anderson was also in favor or reorienting the ballfield to
the northeast corner of the park, thus pushing the parking lots further into
the proposed Warweg property. Committee member Gramstad suggested that the
boat launch area be opened as soon as the water receeds enough to allow boats
to turn around in what was the original turnaround of the boat launching area.
He went on to say that the Ramberg Fit area is overcroweded, difficult to
launch and not very well maintained. It was the general consensus of the
committee that council should consider acquiring additional property from
[~Tarweg's plat than originally proposed.
85-35 It was then moved by Messinger, seconded by Anderson, to recommend to city
council that a report be prepared by city staff recommending the purchase
of .additional land east of Antlers Fark to accommodate additional parking
and park expansion that would meet the needs of Lakeville long into the.
Motion passed unanimously.
The next concept plan that was reviewed is the Woodbury/Foxborough Park usage
concept area. It has been suggested that development in the Woodbury Park
area be limited to an aesthetic playground with adequate walkways leading to
the Foxborough Park, which should provide adequate playground and park amen-
. ities to satisfy most of the citizens in Foxborough, Woodbury and the new
Cherry Hill plat. Most of the Woodbury Park area is swampland and bog, with
a running creek going through the center. The concept plan showed the only
high area in the Woodbury Park area which would accommodate a very nice play
Park and Recreation Committee. Minutes
June 5, 1985
Page -4-
ground area. It is estimated that a paved bikeway trail to the Foxborough
community park will provide adequate access by foot or bicycle and it should
only take about five minutes to reach that park. The concept plan was
generally agreed upon by the committee.
The next area the committee reviewed was the Bunker Hill Park concept plan.
There were three major concept plans developed for Bunker Hill Park. The
concept plans included most of the existing facilities which include the
parking lots, pleasure skating areas, hockey rinks, basketball courts and
tennis courts. The concept plans also included the redevelopment of the
westerly side of Bunker Hill Park, which included three proposals utilizing
ballfields, soccer fields and picnic areas.. After much discussion amongst
the committee, it was agreed upon that concept number two, with a minor change
in the playground area, be recommended for a re-draw of the concept plan by
Erkkila for review at the next meeting.
The committee .also reviewed a concept plan of the easterly twenty acres of
Aronson,. which is now in farm land. Steve explained to the committee that
any uses .for the twenty acres would require much grading and some preliminary
estimates on how much grading would be required under the existing concept
• plan is.now being determined. The existing plan as shown did have a few
flaws, which can be corrected easily and the general committee agreed vn
the basic concept. Steve will keep the committee informed as to the progress
and will report back to the committee by the next meeting on grading estimates.
Both members of the park committee from Valley Park expressed concern over
the vandalism on the bike trail and the painting of Valley Lake Park park
signs. Committee member Messinger also asked when the additional playground
equipment and backstops would be changed around in Parkview School. Steve
explained once again that the project has been scheduled and it is only a
matter of time when the maintenance crews get caught up and can begin these
smaller development projects.
Committee members also asked i_f the city had planned to install Star City
signs at the entrances to the city. Committee members had seen-the standard
star city signs attached to their welcome signs in other cities.
Item number seven was a summer employment update. Steve informed the commit-
tee that all employees for the beaches and rec programs had been hired and
the programs are all ready to be started.
Under old business, the committee was informed that the tour schedule for
June 19th is still on. The mini-bus from the school"has been secured. The
tour will involve a visit to most of the major park development projects.
scheduled for this summer.
• Item eight was a comp plan update. The committee was informed that Erkkila
has final documentation to prepare a draft concept plan which should be
available for review by the July meeting.
• Park and Recreation Committee Minutes
June 5, 1985
Page -5-
The committee did. review a prepared job description and. decided it was
a good. guide for committee members to use and that we would put it into
our work books and use it for reference.
85-36 There being no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by
Anderson, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald S. Michaud, Director
Parks and Recreation
SPECIAL NOTE: The meeting scheduled for June 19th will start.
promptly at 6:00 P.M. at the Public. Works Building
for our tour.