HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 2, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Anderson. The first order of business was roll call. Anderson, Lovelace, Grenz, Gramstad, Messinger and Olmsted were all present. Park Director Steve Michaud was also present. The next order of business was the. approval of the March 20, 1985 Park and Recreation Committee minutes. 85.18 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to approve the minutes as read. Motion passed. Item two. was the Park Director's report. The committee was informed that the maintenance department is busy working on several projects. The maint- enan~e department is also preparing to build a retaining wall of sand bags in front of the Antlers Park shelter building which is now. being threatened by water. The lake level seems to be as high or higher than any time in the past and in order to prevent potential wave action against the building, the park department will be building a sand bag dyke to protect the building. • Member Gramstad reported that the lake is higher than it has ever been in the past and that neighbors next to Antlers Park are working frantically to build up their retaining walls to keep the water out of their homes. The committee was informed that the. city will have legal access to the properties involved with the drainage of the lake as of April 20th. It is anticipated that on April 22nd the ditching project will begin. There are several estimates as to how long it .will take the lake to be lowered ranging from three weeks to two months. At present, several plans are being formulated in preparation for the redevel- opment of flooded areas in Antlers Park. This includes receiving some 7,000 potential yards of dirt from the 206th St. ditching project,-plus. an additional 1,500 yards from the Lake Marion ditching project. The committee was informed that the .grading plans are now being prepared so that when the time comes, the upgrading of the low areas in Antlers Park can commence immediately. Steve informed the committee that the plan is to build anew retaining wall the entire length of the southern shoreline of Antlers Park, running to the corner of the shelter building and then commencing the retaining wall northward from the. northwest corner of the building towards the lake and then north again to the boat launch area. In a sense,. there would be a retaining wall the entire length of the park, north and south., connecting at the building in the middle. All the property behind the retaining wall would be .elevated, relandscaped and hopefully brought back to normal condi- tions. Park and Recreation Committee minutes April 2, 1985 .-2~ Thee-committee was informed that contacts with Pope Realty relative to the land around Valley .Lake Park had been made and a meeting had been scheduled but was cancelled once again, Steve has rescheduled the meeting for Thursday, April 4th at 1:00 P.M. The committee will be informed of the progress made at this meeting, Presently the recreation division is actively planning for summer programs and the process of hiring and screening summer applicants. The Easter vac~- tion programs all are planned and are scheduled at various locations and schools. Item number three was a review of the park dedication fee recommendation. A report was submitted by Park Director Steve Michaud outlining a survey that was conducted using park dedication data from seven different cities around the Metropolitan area of similar size and structure to Lakeville. Steve explained that cities of comparable growth patterns and size such as Eagan, Eden:. Prairie, Plymouth and Prior Lake all had park dedication fees much higher than Lakeville's present system. In the category of single family development, most cities were higher than Lakeville. In the multiple housing category,. the majority of all cities were higher than the City of Lakeville, And. in the commercial area,_Lakeville was three to four times lower than all the cities in the survey. • A second major issue with. the park dedication fund. is that the majority of the cities surveyed required the developers to pay all fees'at the time of final platting, There are a coup3~e of the cities that allow some. flexibility in payment at the the discretion of the city coancl, There was much discus sion concerning the Lakeville rates relative to the increase in construction costs and the cost of park facilities and equipment over the past five years. It was also brought out that Lakevlle's park dedication fee has nat been increased in five years, The committee was very curious as to why the commercial rate was s,o low and why the payment plan was: so flexible and long term. Steve explained to the commit-tee that basically when the ordinance was written, much consideration was given to the economic conditions at the time, which were not very good, to accommodate the very few development plats that. were being planned, All committee members agreed that the economy is going very well now and that development in the next five to ten years, whether it be commercial. or residen~ tia1, should be strong in Lakeville and that the fees should be increased and that the means by which fees are collected .should be changed to be no later than .one year. The park director explained the different options that are available to developers now and agreed with the committee that the existing system of payment spreads out receiving the"money as far as three years, which makes it somewhat difficult to provide facilities and development in those neighbor- hoods that develop quicker than we receive. the money to develop the facilities. • Park and Recreation Committee minutes April 2 , 1985: ~-3- • 85.19 At this time it was moved by Messinger, seconded by Anderson, to recommend to city council that the park dedication fee ordinance be increased at the following rates: Single family dwelling units $375.00 per dwelling unit Two-family dwelling lots, apartments, townhouses, condominiums and all other dwelling units - $300.00 per dwelling unit. Commercial/industrial - $1,500,00 per acre In addition to the above, the committee strongly recommends that park fees be paid on a 12-month schedule payment plan as follows: At least l/3 be paid. when the final plat is approved by city council, that one-half of the remaining balance be paid no later than six months from the date of final plat approval, with the final balance due no later than twelve months from the date of final plat approval.. No interest will be charged on the payments during the twelve month period. Payments on a per lot dwelling unit or acreage basis will be required when the building permits are applied for that exceeds the amount paid on the payment schedule for the units or acreage involved. Credit will be applied on future scheduled payments when park fees-are paid in advance at the time the building permit is applied-for. • Motion passed unanimously. Item. number five .was a discussion of the open space system plan. Steve informed the committee that his working copy had been misplaced and he was not able to complete some of the updating as planned. The committee then' had a lengthy discussion on planning district maps. Committee member Grenz had strong feelings about separating planning districts by highspeed road- ways. Two areas in particular', the Oak Shores Park area, district 2, and the. southern area, district 3, being divided by 162nd Street and district 1 and district 8 being separated by Co. Rd. 5, which is a fast travelled road. Park Director Steve Michaud explained that he would be using these areas not only for future park planning,. but also as future park maintenance. sched- uling. It was the general consensus of the committee that where possible, especially in these two particular locations, that the districts would be separated and that high speed roads would not split planning district areas. Steve will redraw the districts and have them mailed to committee members immediately for input and preparation of approval at the next meeting. Item number six was. a review of the park user. fees ordinance.: The committee was informed that the revised draft had not been typed in time for the meeting and that a copy would be sent to them immediately for review and approval at the next meeting. The next order of business was a review of the chairperson s jdb description. Steve gave the chairperson, Debbie Anderson, a copy of other cities job • descriptions and responsibilities and asked her to review these and to pre- pare a draft that would be usable for the Lakeville Park and Recreation Committee. .Park and Recreation Committee minutes April 2, 1985 -4 - Item number eight was old business. Committee member Olmsted brought up several concerns relative. to the Dodd Park access of Dodd Park development. He had discussions with several citizens concerning their access to Dodd. Park. At present, in order to get to Dodd Park, citizens have to come out of the Dodd Park development either from their easterly exit on Flagstaff and then go to the park along the gravel road or out onto Dodd Blvd. along Dodd Blvd. or along-the ditch. Presently both accesses to the park along Flagstaff and D~,dd Blvd. are very dangerous. and inadequate. Zt has been suggested that a bridge of some sort be constructed alongside. Dodd Rlvd., spanning the existing water ditch to provide a safe access to Dodd Blvd. It was further noted that_a bridge would be mare desirable along Dodd Blvd, as opposed to Flagstaff.. It was further stated that if Flagstaff is to be upgraded, .that a walkway of some sort be constructed along Flagstaff to provide a second access to Dodd Blvd. for the Dodd Park development. Steve informed the committee that he would inspect the situation and report back by the .next committee meeting. Continuing under old business, the committee reviewed the proposed park dedication fund expenditure list. This particular fund is generally consid-- eyed as the park capital improvement program. The first project is Antlers Park. The committee was informed that the complete renovation of Antlers.. Park would be started as soon as possible this spring or summer, $10,000.00 has been allocated for major grading and upgrading of the park. At this time it is a bit difficult to determine the cost in bringing Antlers Park • back to a usable facility. The second project is Aronson Park. Steve explained that a master plan for the park should be developed, including the planning and proposed usage of the existing twenty acres in farmland. Steve .also explained that the pro- posed ditch. project along the eastern boundary and along the southern boundary to drain water around the park instead of through the park should be delsyed until the planning process is complete. Other projects planned at Aronson Park in 1985 include the upgrading of field four, the fencing of field four, the purchase of additional playground equipment and once again the planning of the twenty acres to the east. Project three was Bunker Hi11 Park. The committee was informed that the hockey rink and warming .house had been moved to a new location. in 1984 in compliance with a preliminary master plan. The hockey rink was completely rebuilt and some of the old. playground equipment had been removed. This particular park had been planned and developed by the residents of the area some twelve years ago, The proposal is to replan the park and begin to implement. some of the plans, making the park more functional and useable by the residents. Project number four was Cedar Highlands Park. The master plan had been completed on this park in the fall of 1984. On the proposed list was a completed grading plan,-begin the grading of the project and try to het some landscaping completed with seed in the ground this fall. • Park a d Recreation Committee minutes • April 1985 -5- Item number five was Dakota Heights Park. The committee was informed that this park was developed some four or five years ago as a direct result of facility needs by the LAA. A master plan had never been completed on this park and the existing facilities were developed quickly to accommodate the LAA. In 1984 a master plan was finally completed. The new master plan is a total revision of the existing layout of the land. In 1985 proposed projects at the beginning of the new master. plan were approved by council. The project would include completing a grading plan, beginning the grading of the land, relocating some of the existing facilities in time for the winter programs and getting everything into seed and finishing. off. some of the landscaping and .tree planting and fencing. This project is proposed to cover a two-year span. Project number six was Dodd Trail Park, Dodd Trail Park was completely graded and put into seed in-1984. The parking lots were roughed out and .surfaced. For 1985 we plan to complete the parking lots, install playground equipment, plant some trees, install a boundary fence and install a ball- field. Item number seven was Fairfield Park, It is proposed to do a master plan on this park to see what the existing needs of the. neighborhood are and to proceed accordingly in T986. • Number eight was Foxborough Park. At present, the park land .south of the creek has been completely plowed and. disked and was left in that condition in the fall of 1984. Hopefully this property will be ready to be final graded and landscaped for planting this spring. Along with the final planting of grass we plan to complete the roadways and parking lots, fencing, installation of playground equipment, and, depending nn how. funds are allo- cated, we are`: proposing a shelter building, hockey rink and additional landscaping and tree planting. Project number nine is Hershey Park. Abridge has been proposed to be instal- led, crossing the. existing creek to provide access to the play areas by the residents..: Project number ten is Independence Park. Development started on Independence Park in 1984,. At present we have the area in grass and a playground installed. In 1985 we propose to install a backstop, complete landscaping around the playground area and plant some trees and shrubs. Project number eleven is Jaycee Park. At present Jaycee Park has a few pieces of very old equipment which should be removed. We propose to install new playground equipment. and maintain existing facilities. Project number ll-A is Lakeridge Park. We have nothing scheduled for Bevel- opment in this park. Before any additional work can be completed in this • area, there is a massive fill program necessary to build the proposed park area upward above existing flood areas. We have notice out to various con- tractors and our engineering department for fill. At this point, we have received no inquiries. Park and Recreation Committee minutes April 2, 185 -6- • Project number twelve was Oak Shores Park.. This park was graded and seeded last year. In 1985 we propose to continue seeding an area that has to be reseeded, installation of playground equipment, installation. of a ballfield and the completion of the parking lots and fencing. Project thirteen is Orchard Lake Beach. As part of the LAWCON grant we received to develop this beach two years ago, we have to complete the instal- lation of sidewalks and handicapped ramp access to the restroombuilding. Quotations have been received and this project will start as soon. as .the frost is out of the ground. Project fourteen is Orchard Lake Park. Because we have had continuing prob- lems with our septic system at the restroom, we are proposing to hook up to sanitary sewer and water which was stubbed into the park when the project went around Orchard Lake. Project number fifteen is Parkview Park. We propose to do a master plan of this park, which has never been completed. We also propose to upgrade the parking Lots, fence off the property-and begin some landscaping with some trees and shrubs. Project number sixteen is Ritter Farm Park. We plan to continue the upgrading of our trails, the development of additional trails, some preliminary work on some of the camp sites, the installation of some primitive restrooms and • the upgrading of our signage on our trail system. Project number seventeen is Sleepy Hollow Park. We propose to do a master plan on the park and hopefully will have the time to .install new playground equipment. Project number eighteen is Valley Lake Park. At present we cannot. expand development in this area until tae have acquired Phase II and Phase III of the master plan. This involves purchasing of land around the entire perimeter of the lake. We are working with the realtor and owner in question and will be reporting the progress of the project. Project nineteen is Wayside Park in the Orchard Lake area. We propose to do some bulldozer work to provide off-street parking, to fence the area to .prevent traffic from crossing the corner. of the park and to install a retain- ing taall around the parking lot with a walk-up into a picnic area. Project number twenty is Woodbury Park. The Woodbury development on Highview Avenue north of town has continued development and we have had calls from citizens concerning the park property. In 1985 we are proposing to .complete a master plan on the project and to begin plowing and disking the area to see how much land we do have that would be useable. Project number twenty-two is the search/location of a community playfield in the northwest area of Lakeville. We are proposing at least. twenty to twenty- • five acre piece of property that would house ballfields and soccer fields which will be needed for our future expansion and program development. Park and RecreationCommittee minutes • April 2, 1985 -7- Continuing. under old business, it was requested by member Messinger to have picnic tables at Valley Lake Beach. Steve informed the committee .that it would be no problem to have picnic tables delivered to that particular park.. Under new business, Park Director Steve Michaud presented the Southfork. development as presented by Pope Realty, which. consisted of several eight- plex units. The committee discussed the layout of the plat and its relation- ship to the proposed bikeway along Highway 50 going to 35W. It was also noted ;that the recreational facilities provided within the plat should be provided. 85.20 After ',additional discussion, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by Anderson to recommend to city council that a-cash contribution be recommended for the Southfork Addition-as proposed by Pope Realty Development. In addition to the cash contribution, the committee recommended the developer provide a time line for installation of the tennis court, the pool and the jogging course. It was further recommended that the proposed bikeway along Highway 50 in conjunction with the 35W/Highway 50 redevelopment area be extended to the southerly boundary of the proposed plat. In addition to the above recommen- datioris, it is also recommended that if the proposed sidewalk along Highway 50 is '';not part of the 35/50 project, that the developer of Southfork be required to install the pedestrian.bikeway/walkway along Highway 50 as part of this. recommendation. Motion passed unanimously. Steve then presented a preliminary plat of Studer's Woods and an explanation was given as to the location and how the plat related to the Foxborough Plat and the Woodbury Plat and the associated park needs. No recommendation was made by the committee. It was pointed out by Park Director Steve Michaud that with reference to the park and open. space system plan and the planning district areas, that this plat would most likely be a cash. contribution as opposed to a land dedication. It wa also noted by a general consensus of the committee that. the Park and Reco endation committee meetings should now be held at the Lakeville Senior Citiz n Center. 85.21 There being no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by Ander on to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. z ,t Respects 'l sub itta d, 3 f x£ y § r ~ 9 Gerald S. Michaud; Director Parks and Recreation GSM : j r