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NOVEMBER 21, 1984
7:00 P.M.
Roll call: Cramer, Lovelace, Messinger,- Anderson, Grenz and Gramstad were
present. Park committee member Olmsted had called and could
not make it because of a work conflict. Park Director Steve
Michaud was also present.
The next order of business was the approval of the November 7, 1984
Park and Recreation Committee minutes.
The minutes should stand corrected indicating. that member Grenz had
informed the Park. Director that he would not be present-for the last meeting.
$4,57 It was then moved by Messinger to approve the minutes as corrected.
Motion was seconded by Gramstad.
Motion passed.
Mr. Erkkila was not present at exactly 7:00 PM and the committee skipped
to item number four, Park Director"s report.
Under maintenance, the committee was informed that the half-size mini
rink had Been:constructed at the-Junior High School to provide for additional
• ice time .for the mite. program.. The. LAA had been requesting a half-size rink
for the younger children to accommodate needs for additional ice time lost
from the- removal of the Lakeville High School rink. Mr. Bud Alich, Park
Maintenance Supt., was able to secure a rink from the City of Bloomington
that was not being used, for no cost. The rink has been completely erected,
painted and is ready for use.
Final electrical installations and hookups are being completed at
Bunker Hill Park and The Meadows Park. Hopefully all underground cable and
state inspections and final electrical hookups will be completed by the end
of next week.
The committee was informed that the final grading and landscaping of
Foxborough parking lot had been completed and was ready for class 5 fill.
Several neighbors had called the park office complaining about three-wheelers
driving about and through Independence Park. A request for signs was made
from different parents. Steve informed the committee that.Pdo Snowmobiling
and No Three-wheeling signs had been installed at all the public accesses to
that particular park.
Paul Baarson, Principal at the Parkview school, had called to inform
Steve that vandals had spray painted both the new Parkview Panda Park sign
and parts of the playground.
Steve informed. the committee that the final signs would be installed at
Ritter Farm Park, designating all the cross country ski trails, by the end
of the week, November 30th.
Park and Recreation .Committee minutes
November 21, 1984
• Page -2-
Steve informed the committee that the old fire truck liven to the
Park Department by the Fire Dept. had now been delivered to a fabrication
company for-the installation of a water tank. The truck is due back by the
second week of December. Having a second, smaller flooding truck will
increase the efficiency of the flooding program, thus increasing the qual-
ity of the skating program. The smaller truck will allow for better ice
building on the smaller locations.
Steve informed the committee that he will be at a State conference
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week.
The fund raising efforts for the Senior Citizen Center have been going
strong. Several small donations continue to come. in, plus an interest has.
been shown from the Menasha Corporation. to donate potential funds. The
committee-was informed that the Optimist Club had committed $700.00 for the
next 3 years, .totalling .$2,100..00, plus several smaller contributions had
been received from senior citizens and individuals, totalling close to
A meeting was held with the senior citizen building cammittee on Monday
to review the proposed policy manual draft. At this time Steve passed out
the draft copy of the manual and asked committee members to read, review,
• make comments, add or subtract to the document for: the next meeting. The
committee was informed that a program for the senior citizen center was pres-
ently being written and that the draft concept program was included in the
policy manual.
The recreation department is presently undergoing a complete evaluation
of the gymnastics program which should be completed in a couple of weeks, at
which. time a report .will be prepared..
At this time, Mr. Tim Erkkila was present and the committee moved back
to item number three, which was a presentation by Mr. Erkkila on Ritter Farm
Park and Antlers Park. Mr._ Erkkila started out by showing two concept plans
of Antlers Park. Both concept plans were in .relation to the proposed platting
of Mr. George Warweg's property surrounding Antlers Park. .Concept A was a
proposal that utilized all. existing. land owned by ehe City of Zakeville and
Concept B was a proposal utilizing additional acquired-property to the east.
There were. several questions and comments by various committee members. .Park
Director indicated that he thought it would be essential that additional
properties be acquired to accommodate additional parking areas for the future.
Steve did comment that he found it difficult providing the necessary amount
of parking spaces within the existing land owned by the City. Utilizing
Concept A would only take away from existing picnic. grounds-and other open
use areas within the park. Steve recommended to committee that when the
appropriate time comes available, through whatever means possible, an addi-
tional two acres-plus should be added to the park on its easterly boundary
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
November 21, 1984
Page -3-
Mr. Erkkila then presented a base map of Ritter Farm Park sand a blowup
area of the fourteen acre lsfe estate and other active areas around the
parking lot now being used.. There were several questions and answer s
relative to the site plan and much discussion relative to the .potential of
this area. Highlights of the concept plan included mults~purpose trail
system accommodating snowmobiles, skiing .and pedestrian traffic, a series.
of pending areas which would be for natural habitat development, a paved
trail system for wheelchairs during inclement weather, expanded parking
areas. to accommodate group picnic areas and private family picnic. areas,
restroom facilitses, potential ski rental area, potential youth hostsle or
group overnight accommodations area, staff housing for an in-house security/
naturalsstjmaintenance person, canoe drop off area. and channel waterway
through the lake, fsshing peers, the development of natural prairie areas
and a walk through archery range located in the southern 40 acres.
The committee was very. excited about the. plan and thanked Mr. Erkkila
for his work. Steve suggested that this plan be placed on the next agenda
and that the citizens involved in the original concept planning of this
plan be invited back to review the final master plan before recommendation
to city council. Park Director Steve Michaud will write letters to several
citizens who were involved in the initial planning of the concept stages.
.The review of the final master plan will take place December 5, 1.984.
• The next order of business was the presentation of the 1984 park budget.
Steve went through the budget as approved by city council and there were
several questions relative to budget strategies, spending philosophses and
various policies relative to the budget.
Item number six was an update on the Senior Citizen Center. The com-
mittee was informed that the progress on the building was moving along very
well. As of November 26th, the electrical, plumbing and telephone systems,
Metro Cable TV systems, insulating and drywall companies had all started
work on the interior of .the building. The committee was informed that the
parking lot paving project. had been rejected because it was a terrible job.
It was thought .that the company had to come back in and either strip out the
existing blacktop and adjust the base for installing a new liftof blacktop
or a second. new lift would be placed on top of the existing one, This
would all take place next year, when the weather was more conducive.
Items number .seven and eight were passed by because of_ the lateness. of
the hour.
Steve snformed the committee that the comprehensive bske trail, as
developed at the last meeting, and the narratives that had been written to
date would be sent to Tsm Erkkila for installation in the Park and Open
.Space System Plan.
• Park Committee members were reminded to review the recreation and
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
November 21, 1984.
• Page -4-
development policies in the Park and Open .Space System Plan for-discussion
at the December meeting.
Under old business, the committee was informed of the project of
lowering Lake Marion. As of Monday, November 26th, the city council had
authorized the .project as soon as permission could be received from the
property owners to proceed with the project.
Steve informed committee member Anderson that the program for setting
up the volleyball league each evening was delegated. to separate teams. as
should be shown on the schedule.
Under new business, Steve passed out to the committee copies of the
new Star City brochure.
Steve presented to the committee a recommendation based on a request
by the City of Apple Valley to have Lakeville assist them with grooming of
trails at Valley View Golf Course.. Steve informed the committee that Park
Director from Apple Valley, Jon Gurban, had agreed upon a maximum reimburs-
able amount as set by the State D.N.R., which would be 90% of $27.00 or
$24.30 per hour, which was 25~ a mile .for travelling. Steve stated that
Apple Valley would need approximately four :to five hours of grooming per
week. Steve is determined that this will be no problem in the scheduling
• and the completion of the priority trails in Lakeville. Zt was also pointed
out that the Bombi had been purchased with the understanding that revenues
derived from this machine would go to pay for this machine.
84.58 .Following additional discussion, it was moved by Grenz, seconded by
Messinger, to recommend to city council that the Park and Rec Director be
authorized to groom cross country ski trails for the city of Apple Valley
at the rate of $24.30 per. hour plus 25~ per mile of travel, not to exceed
ten hours a week and that all of Lakeville trails remain a priority for
Motion passed.
Under other business, committee member Messinger requested that more
emphasis be placed on selection of warming house attendants for Valley Park
area, She suggested that if possible, the wages be increased so that adult
people could be hired. Steve informed her that every effort would be made
to secure responsible, mature people.
.84.59 There being no further business, it was moved by Anderson, seconded by
Messinger, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
The .meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald S. Michaud, Director
Parks and Recreation.